Justice Department recommends 40-year sentence for man convicted of attacking Paul Pelosi

Why is DOJ even involved here? Let SanFran police take care of it: ROR and 6 months suspended sentence like all the similar crimes they handle
If you don't realize the difference, you are in serious need of a lobotomy. The Speaker of the House is second in line to succeed the President, after the Vice President. Which is why the sentence is so harsh.
Paul Pelosi was just having an argument with a male whore
dePape should've run for Prez as a Dem.

Likely would've won!!!
DePape definitely needs to serve time, maybe a year or two. How does this event justify a 40 year sentence? Because it's Nancy Pelosi's husband? There are rapists, killers, and pedophiles who don't get that much time.

though the guy should serve time 40 yrs is extreme ... further proof the left controls the justice dept .. 2 teared system it definitely is ..
DePape definitely needs to serve time, maybe a year or two. How does this event justify a 40 year sentence? Because it's Nancy Pelosi's husband? There are rapists, killers, and pedophiles who don't get that much time.

The Ugly Truth is that is was a brutal Attack that caused severe head and brain injury and although I am only an independent I have compassion for elders so severely abused by maniacs

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