JUST IN: US Supreme Court Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson Just Defended The US Government Violating the 1st Amendment

'My biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government‘

That’s the whole purpose of the bill of rights. Yes, Justice Brown, the whole point of the First Amendment is a constraint AGAINST so called government approved speech. This is a dangerous justice. Articles of Impeachment should be filed against her. Always remember, the woman is the poster child for the expression “elections have consequences”.


JUST IN: US Supreme Court Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson Just Defended The US Government Violating the 1st Amendment During Arguments in Case Sen Rand Paul Calls “the most consequential free speech case in U.S. history”​

Shocking that someone that clueless is on SCOTUS. She knows less about the law than Obama
Not even a Leftists can come here and defend her

Very telling.

I will just sit back and wait for the moron justice Brown to say that our natural rights come from government and not from God, like her minions in the media have already stated.

These people are wacked, but it just goes to show how Left wing extremism has taken over the country.
From a Left wing perspective, the government is good (aside from Trump and his MAGA followers) and people are bad. Therefore, the government, (That is those who are not MAGA), require power and rights over the average citizen.

As insane as this view is, this is where the Left is today even though they dare not come here to defend it.
People focus on free speech being violated during Covid, which it was, but also violated was the right to assemble and the right to practice a religion during Covid. No one is even mentioning these.

And across the country, is anyone concerned with how their First Amendment rights were trampled during Covid? No. Instead, states across the country are passing state constitutional amendments for things like abortion rights and the right to smoke weed.

Sounds about right.

The Supreme Court also hear oral arguments yesterday in another First Amendment case, NRA v. Vullo.

This is the case where the New York Dept. of Financial Services was strong-arming banks and insurers to stop doing business with the NRA.

By all accounts, New York didn't have a very good day, lol.
I wanted to take some time and read on this case. After careful reading, it's going to go the way of the Biden administration.

This was an issue of the administration stating an opinion. There was no coercion noted in the case. Neither side argued the administration ever took any actions against anyone.

The administration is indeed permitted to state an opinion. Their opinion was that sites hosting news/opinion should take a stronger stance against positions they found wrong. They can indeed do that. Now if they had taken any actual action against a site that did not, things would be different.

There was no evidence presented that they took any actions against anyone.
She was a poor addition to SCOTUS.

And if biden wins in November, or whoever they replace him with......the democrats might be able to replace Thomas and Alito with two more Browns......and if they badger Sotomayer to quit, that would be 3 new democrat party idiots on the court....
I wanted to take some time and read on this case. After careful reading, it's going to go the way of the Biden administration.

This was an issue of the administration stating an opinion. There was no coercion noted in the case. Neither side argued the administration ever took any actions against anyone.

The administration is indeed permitted to state an opinion. Their opinion was that sites hosting news/opinion should take a stronger stance against positions they found wrong. They can indeed do that. Now if they had taken any actual action against a site that did not, things would be different.

There was no evidence presented that they took any actions against anyone.

Yeah.....the government which can pass laws to regulate those social media companies just "suggests," that they play ball.......no threat there......
Yeah.....the government which can pass laws to regulate those social media companies just "suggests," that they play ball.......no threat there......

Just l
I wanted to take some time and read on this case. After careful reading, it's going to go the way of the Biden administration.

This was an issue of the administration stating an opinion. There was no coercion noted in the case. Neither side argued the administration ever took any actions against anyone.

The administration is indeed permitted to state an opinion. Their opinion was that sites hosting news/opinion should take a stronger stance against positions they found wrong. They can indeed do that. Now if they had taken any actual action against a site that did not, things would be different.

There was no evidence presented that they took any actions against anyone.

Yeah....just like when the boss suggests the young female employee go out to dinner with him...you know, to just discuss work.......no coercion there either....

Yeah.....the government which can pass laws to regulate those social media companies just "suggests," that they play ball.......no threat there......

And if they pass a law all things are then different.
She made a statement. She has made NO ruling. If she rules for the government violating the 1st, then go after her.

As we often see though the G.P. fires and then worries about the facts afterwards.
That's true, but it is very interesting that none of her robed high priests could mention that the First Amendment, indeed the entire BOR and Constitution, was specifically designed to constrain government.
That's true, but it is very interesting that none of her robed high priests could mention that the First Amendment, indeed the entire BOR and Constitution, was specifically designed to constrain government.

It wasn't designed for the government to have no position on anything.
It wasn't designed for the government to have no position on anything.
Of course the government can take a position on any given subject. I never said otherwise.

The utterly ignorant and ideologic Ketanji is too damn stupid to understand that the government's position regarding the Scamdemic and the shots was wrong in every single way. The phantom virus was no more dangerous than the flu, and the shots were NOT safe and effective. The shots are bioweapons under 18USC175

She is too damn brainwashed to know what she's talking about.

The government is certainly entitled to take positions in controversy, but it has no legal authority to present falsehoods, and it has no legal authority to suppress legitimate conversations between citizens.
Of course the government can take a position on any given subject. I never said otherwise.

Which is what they did here which is why the court is going to side with the government.

The utterly ignorant and ideologic Ketanji is too damn stupid to understand that the government's position regarding the Scamdemic and the shots was wrong in every single way. The phantom virus was no more dangerous than the flu, and the shots were NOT safe and effective. The shots are bioweapons under 18USC175

She is too damn brainwashed to know what she's talking about.

She isn't there to rule on that.

The government is certainly entitled to take positions in controversy, but it has no legal authority to present falsehoods, and it has no legal authority to suppress legitimate conversations between citizens.

Which wasn't done.

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