Julian Assange could barely speak in court.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
The western media is silent of course.

We speak to legendary journalist and filmmaker John Pilger on Julian Assange’s latest extradition hearing this Monday, which he attended. He discusses how Julian appeared at the trial, the bias of the judge against Julian Assange, the lack of mainstream media coverage of Julian’s persecution, his health and conditions in Belmarsh prison, CIA spying on Julian Assange and more!

I am not sure I agree with his prosecution UNLESS there is evidence he has induced the theft of of the government information. If there is such evidence, tow his ass to the US from the stern of Saint Greta's Eco-Yacht for all I care.
I am not sure I agree with his prosecution UNLESS there is evidence he has induced the theft of of the government information. If there is such evidence, tow his ass to the US from the stern of Saint Greta's Eco-Yacht for all I care.
There's no if here.
This is an attack on the free press and a warning to
anyone who crosses the US empire.

It's also about breaking the star witness who could
destroy the Russiagate narrative and probably help solve some murders like Seth Rich's and Michael Hastings'.
I am not sure I agree with his prosecution UNLESS there is evidence he has induced the theft of of the government information. If there is such evidence, tow his ass to the US from the stern of Saint Greta's Eco-Yacht for all I care.
There's no if here.
This is an attack on the free press and a warning to
anyone who crosses the US empire.

It's also about breaking the star witness who could
destroy the Russiagate narrative and probably help solve some murders like Seth Rich and Michael Hastings.

If he induced its theft, he is a criminal co-conspirator and doesn't get shielded by the first amendment. If not, then he should win quite easily.
If he induced its theft, he is a criminal co-conspirator and doesn't get shielded by the first amendment. If not, then he should win quite easily.
I doubt he'll survive another year inside, much less ever have a chance
to 'win' this case in a Northeastern district of Virginia court with a CIA judge like Sullivan or whoever they steer it to .

But on the bright side, if Hillary were president he'd already be dead.
If he induced its theft, he is a criminal co-conspirator and doesn't get shielded by the first amendment. If not, then he should win quite easily.
I doubt he'll survive another year inside, much less ever have a chance
to 'win' this case in a Northeastern district of Virginia court with a CIA judge like Sullivan or whoever they steer it to .

But on the bright side, if Hillary were president he'd already be dead.

Perhaps he would have gotten better healthcare if he had hid out in the US embassy
If he induced its theft, he is a criminal co-conspirator and doesn't get shielded by the first amendment. If not, then he should win quite easily.
I doubt he'll survive another year inside, much less ever have a chance
to 'win' this case in a Northeastern district of Virginia court with a CIA judge like Sullivan or whoever they steer it to .

But on the bright side, if Hillary were president he'd already be dead.

Perhaps he would have gotten better healthcare if he had hid out in the US embassy
He would have had diplomatic immunity if he'd just stayed in Australia to begin with. He had to have known the US was coming after him eventually.
If he induced its theft, he is a criminal co-conspirator and doesn't get shielded by the first amendment. If not, then he should win quite easily.
I doubt he'll survive another year inside, much less ever have a chance
to 'win' this case in a Northeastern district of Virginia court with a CIA judge like Sullivan or whoever they steer it to .

But on the bright side, if Hillary were president he'd already be dead.

Perhaps he would have gotten better healthcare if he had hid out in the US embassy
He would have had diplomatic immunity if he'd just stayed in Australia to begin with. He had to have known the US was coming after him eventually.

so why do you suppose he did not stay if he had known that?
so why do you suppose he did not stay if he had known that?
A lot of questions .
Like the woman he supposedly raped in Sweden - was that some kind of a set up ? Most likely.
We now know thanks to Christopher Steele that M I 6 was working with the CIA and Australian intel to spy on Trump, so who knows what else they're doing? The president of Equador was bought off we know.
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I am not sure I agree with his prosecution UNLESS there is evidence he has induced the theft of of the government information. If there is such evidence, tow his ass to the US from the stern of Saint Greta's Eco-Yacht for all I care.
There's no if here.
This is an attack on the free press and a warning to
anyone who crosses the US empire.

It's also about breaking the star witness who could
destroy the Russiagate narrative and probably help solve some murders like Seth Rich's and Michael Hastings'.
but hey - we need to protect the TRUMP whistleblower or fear of the long term repercussions of going after these guys.
I am not sure I agree with his prosecution UNLESS there is evidence he has induced the theft of of the government information. If there is such evidence, tow his ass to the US from the stern of Saint Greta's Eco-Yacht for all I care.
There's no if here.
This is an attack on the free press and a warning to
anyone who crosses the US empire.

It's also about breaking the star witness who could
destroy the Russiagate narrative and probably help solve some murders like Seth Rich's and Michael Hastings'.
but hey - we need to protect the TRUMP whistleblower or fear of the long term repercussions of going after these guys.
Or because of his direct ties to ex CIA Director under Obama- John O Brennan.
Of course Julian Assange is crackers, you’d have to be to publish American secret documents online, he has everything and more coming to him...and more. When he is extradited to America and sentenced he won’t ever be released, it’s called payback.
Of course Julian Assange is crackers, you’d have to be to publish American secret documents online, he has everything and more coming to him...and more. When he is extradited to America and sentenced he won’t ever be released, it’s called payback.
Of course the stupid Democrats :icon_rolleyes:
loved Julian Assange a few years ago when he made Bush look bad,
but then he exposed the truth about Hillary's criminal activities and
they throw him under the bus. Pussies.
Of course Julian Assange is crackers, you’d have to be to publish American secret documents online, he has everything and more coming to him...and more. When he is extradited to America and sentenced he won’t ever be released, it’s called payback.
Of course the stupid Democrats :icon_rolleyes:
loved Julian Assange a few years ago when he made Bush look bad,
but then he exposed the truth about Hillary's criminal activities and
they throw him under the bus. Pussies.

No you have that all wrong, Assange has an agenda, he wants to bring down big governments. It would have been of no interest what party the US President was affiliated.
Assange was in a position to make these secrets public that’s all, America has the power to imprison him, just like he thought he had the power to bring down governments, but the difference is America is a power.

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