Joe Biden now doing what he does best — weaseling out of the blame for US border crisis

Biden didn't need the Republicans to help him pay-off $billions$ in student debt, did he.
Biden's "immigration deal" is a total farce.
He wants to spend $billions$ on processing illegal alien Democrat Voters faster.
These millions of illegal aliens will give the Crazy Democrat Cult a dozen or more new Democrat congressional districts.
Any Republican congressman who votes for it should be voted out in the next election.
`You are correct. The bill is not about stopping any illegal activity. It is about facilitating illegal activity with American taxpayer's money from an administration that wants the Illegals here. .
If Schumer is involved, rest assured that the Bill won't stop the flow of illegals and will also include amnesty and possibly citizenship.

Joe Biden now doing what he does best

weaseling out of the blame for US border crisis

29 Jan 2024 ~~ By Miranda Devine

For three years, Joe Biden and his repulsive Homeland Security chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, have encouraged the Third World to enter America illegally.
At least 8 million have answered their siren song.
Only now that the sheer numbers of illegal aliens causing mayhem and busting budgets in Democratic cities like New York have become an electoral liability has Biden had an epiphany.
So he is doing what he does best: telling lies to weasel out of blame.
Now he claims he needs Republicans in Congress to give him the “authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed … I would use it the day I sign the bill into law.”
But he already has the authority. He could shut down the border today. He has spent three years lying that the border is “secure” and now he’s lying that he needs new laws to secure it.
He could stop suing Texas to prevent Gov. Greg Abbott from sealing his border with Mexico, for starters.
He signed 94 executive actions in his first 100 days to dismantle Donald Trump-era border protections. He could reinstate them with the stroke of a pen.
Electoral poison
Maybe sadder still is that McConnell and friends are trying to blame Trump for scuttling their fabulous “bipartisan solution” because they claim he wants the border to remain a festering sore until the election.
Trump just told the truth, which is that the deal is a non-starter. McConnell probably won’t even get a majority of Republicans to agree to it.
It’s up to Abbott and the two dozen Republican states that are backing him to defy the Biden administration and secure the border. They should all go to the border for a show of solidarity with Abbott this week. They are on the side of the rule of law and the will of the people.
Every time Biden and Mayorkas order their federal agents to cut the razor wire and reopen the border, it’s another nail in the coffin for Democrats’ electoral prospects, whoever is on the Democratic ticket in November.
But he’s handed Biden the one fake talking point he needs for the election: If “MAGA Republicans” had only passed this bill, he would have stopped the border crisis.
Everyone knows what Biden has done. We see it in overwhelmed hospitals and schools, shattered budgets, crime and disorder and the sheer unfairness of illegal aliens living high on the hog in flashy Manhattan hotels while American veterans sleep on the street.
Voters won’t forget.

Joe Biden now doing what DNCCP Democrats do best — weaseling out of the blame for everything they screw up by blaming Republicans. There, fixed it.
Uninformed people need to understand why our gas prices are lowering, and there’s now talk of securing our border. Election time is drawing near and Biden is temporarily trying undo the intentional problems that he has made. Fortunately, most Americans have finally seen this Administration’s planned attacks on our former way of life. So please remember on Election Day what has been happening to our country these last four years and how your vote can change that.
Meanwhile, Schumer's secret border bill the Senate won’t disclose it's contents is to keep the border open, giving immediate citizenship to the unvetted criminal freeloaders similar to the extremely destructive Obamacare bill no politician read beforehand that passed in a rush on a Saturday night that quadrupled deductibles and premiums. Trump can’t come fast enough.

You of course ignore the legislation regard the border, P01135809 wants it dead. Your shifting blame is pure bullshit.
"For three years, Joe Biden and his repulsive Homeland Security chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, have encouraged the Third World to enter America illegally.

At least 8 million have answered their siren song.

Only now that the sheer numbers of illegal aliens causing mayhem and busting budgets in Democratic cities like New York have become an electoral liability has Biden had an epiphany.

So he is doing what he does best: telling lies to weasel out of blame."
What has he done to deal with the border crisis in the last three or ten or twenty years as a career politician? Now he blames congress for the mess? You can almost understand the administration's desperate CYA attempt if it wasn't sanctioned by the mainstream media.

White House escalates attacks on House Republicans for border deal impasse​

The White House is ratcheting up its attacks on House Republicans over migration at the border, aiming to turn their opposition to a deal to address the crisis into a political anvil for them.

In a memo expected to be released Wednesday, White House officials took aim at House Speaker Mike Johnson for holding up the administration’s border funding requests in the past as well as undermining the Senate effort now.

Joe is directing attention for blocking a potential deal on legislation where it belongs. The guy sucking Trump's ball sack, Mike Johnson.
With a dismal 38% approval rating and the border crisis being the main issue his campaign of "mababydindunuffin" isn't working out too well for him.

Of course his despicable plan all along was to let as many of the little fuckers get in before everybody said enough is enough and then blame Trump for them being here.

Anybody that voted for this shithead is an idiot.
Joe's always talking about how his mom told him this and his dad told him that. With all that wisdom being imparted, you would think one of them could have taught him not to lie like a rug.
Reagan/Bush wanted immigrants into the USA to Bust Unions, GW Bush and the Wall = mammoth pork barrel spending. Yes the Bush Wall has been compromised many times and so many wealthy GOP donor hacienda owners do not a wall anywhere near their properties and Trump did not do one damn thing except blow tax dollars.

Politico › story › 2019/04/05 › bord...

Apr 5, 2019 — This article tagged under: Immigration · Customs & Border Protection · Border Crisis · Law And Order · POLITICO Magazine · Border Wall. Show ...
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Let the immigrants in to come work, generate tax dollars and pay for themselves. They are running from violent fascist dictators who kill and rape. There are plenty of USA employers still looking for hard workers so I say bring em on!!!!!!!
Your head must be exploding knowing that the decline of the Chinese economy will only accelerate Asians replacing Latinos as the biggest ethnic group illegally entering the US. Now you've got to figure out which one to hate more.
Asians dont come here with their hand out.

Joe Biden now doing what he does best

weaseling out of the blame for US border crisis

29 Jan 2024 ~~ By Miranda Devine

For three years, Joe Biden and his repulsive Homeland Security chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, have encouraged the Third World to enter America illegally.
At least 8 million have answered their siren song.
Only now that the sheer numbers of illegal aliens causing mayhem and busting budgets in Democratic cities like New York have become an electoral liability has Biden had an epiphany.
So he is doing what he does best: telling lies to weasel out of blame.
Now he claims he needs Republicans in Congress to give him the “authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed … I would use it the day I sign the bill into law.”
But he already has the authority. He could shut down the border today. He has spent three years lying that the border is “secure” and now he’s lying that he needs new laws to secure it.
He could stop suing Texas to prevent Gov. Greg Abbott from sealing his border with Mexico, for starters.
He signed 94 executive actions in his first 100 days to dismantle Donald Trump-era border protections. He could reinstate them with the stroke of a pen.
Electoral poison
Maybe sadder still is that McConnell and friends are trying to blame Trump for scuttling their fabulous “bipartisan solution” because they claim he wants the border to remain a festering sore until the election.
Trump just told the truth, which is that the deal is a non-starter. McConnell probably won’t even get a majority of Republicans to agree to it.
It’s up to Abbott and the two dozen Republican states that are backing him to defy the Biden administration and secure the border. They should all go to the border for a show of solidarity with Abbott this week. They are on the side of the rule of law and the will of the people.
Every time Biden and Mayorkas order their federal agents to cut the razor wire and reopen the border, it’s another nail in the coffin for Democrats’ electoral prospects, whoever is on the Democratic ticket in November.
But he’s handed Biden the one fake talking point he needs for the election: If “MAGA Republicans” had only passed this bill, he would have stopped the border crisis.
Everyone knows what Biden has done. We see it in overwhelmed hospitals and schools, shattered budgets, crime and disorder and the sheer unfairness of illegal aliens living high on the hog in flashy Manhattan hotels while American veterans sleep on the street.
Voters won’t forget.

Joe Biden now doing what DNCCP Democrats do best — weaseling out of the blame for everything they screw up by blaming Republicans. There, fixed it.
Uninformed people need to understand why our gas prices are lowering, and there’s now talk of securing our border. Election time is drawing near and Biden is temporarily trying undo the intentional problems that he has made. Fortunately, most Americans have finally seen this Administration’s planned attacks on our former way of life. So please remember on Election Day what has been happening to our country these last four years and how your vote can change that.
Meanwhile, Schumer's secret border bill the Senate won’t disclose it's contents is to keep the border open, giving immediate citizenship to the unvetted criminal freeloaders similar to the extremely destructive Obamacare bill no politician read beforehand that passed in a rush on a Saturday night that quadrupled deductibles and premiums. Trump can’t come fast enough.
It's all on Sleepy Old Uncle Joe and his buddy Alejandro... and now the reckoning comes due... November 5, 2024...
Reagan/Bush wanted immigrants into the USA to Bust Unions
Did you forget Bill Clinton's expansion of the H-1B visa program?
We now see that the ReNaziKlans never wanted to pass a border security bill. The current bill gives them most of what they want, but because their GroppenFurher told them to kill it, they fall in lock step march to obey him.

The Democrats are NOT to blame. Biden is NOT to blame. ReNaziKlans will try and fail at blaming the Dems AND Mr. Biden for border when they refuse to a damn thing.

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