Jewish Teacher in Brooklyn Gets Email from Student: “All Jews Must be Exterminated”

By claiming to indiscriminately butcher innocent people in the name of all Jewish people on the planet, Israel is working really hard to endanger even the Jewish people that are opposing its violence.
The butchering was done by the Jew-haters on October 7.
Oh no. This is going to get worse and worse. Not only do we have history as a guide. We have current events in Europe to show us our very dark Islamic future.
Are you Jewish? I’m thinking if this moves closer to Naziism, American Jews should flee to Israel. But we shouldn’t wait too long.

Israel will quickly build facilities for the incoming Jews, and welcome us with open arms.
If Biden succeeds in bringing in the antisemitic Palestinians and fast-tracking them to citizenship, the decline to Naziism will be even faster. Just imagine how it will be for American Jews if Muslims become a large part of Congress.
Islam is not only a religion it is a political process and a judicial process as well. Enough Muslims will do what they are doing in England. Demand the creation of a political party for Muslims only.

Israel isn't going to stop its war against the terrorists until terrorists leave them alone.

From the desert to the sea, Israel will be free and safe.
Are you Jewish? I’m thinking if this moves closer to Naziism, American Jews should flee to Israel. But we shouldn’t wait too long.

Israel will quickly build facilities for the incoming Jews, and welcome us with open arms.
My mother was Jewish. I am a Christian by religion. To Islam I am an infidel.
No, I’m saying that Democrats divide people into oppressed and oppressors, and they decide that based on who is successful and who is a failure. Because Jews are successful, we are viewed as oppressors and thus despised. If we were failures, they’d love us.
Sounds like bullshit. I have never seen a Jewish person attacked because they are successful, I have never seen a Jewish person called an oppressor in America. I have seen some Jewish folks called out for bad deeds, but in your book NO Jews do anything wrong based on the fact that are Jewish and if called on the wrongdoing you want to the label the person calling out the wrongdoing as anti-semitic.
Sounds like bullshit. I have never seen a Jewish person attacked because they are successful, I have never seen a Jewish person called an oppressor in America. I have seen some Jewish folks called out for bad deeds, but in your book NO Jews do anything wrong based on the fact that are Jewish and if called on the wrongdoing you want to the label the person calling out the wrongdoing as anti-semitic.

Nobody believes that
The real enemies of Judaism and support for Israel were in ( Our Families ) ( our Buildings as neighbors in Flushing Queens / Chicago / ...) ( Our faculty Lounges at Schools & Campuses ) ( Our Studios ) ( Our Hospitals ) ...
The real enemies of Judaism and support for Israel were in ( Our Families ) ( our Buildings as neighbors in Flushing Queens / Chicago / ...) ( Our faculty Lounges at Schools & Campuses ) ( Our Studios ) ( Our Hospitals ) ...
Yup. They’ve really crawled out of the woodwork, haven’t they, enabled by Democrats who are unwilling to call out the worst antisemitism since 1939 Germany - and right here in America.
So the fact that you and the other nutters believe that Israel is committing genocide gives you the right to stop Jewish people in this country from going to class and to stereotype them all by calling them out by name? It would be one thing if you nutters hate your normal temper tantrums and just hated on Republicans or those that disagree with you, but it is another when it spills over into calling out a specific non-political group.

I am pretty sure you wouldn’t be ok with Republicans having protests that called out an entire group of people.

Um, by the definition the ICC charged Genocide in the Balkans, the Israelis are guilty of genocide.

No one is stopping Jews from going to class.
1. Even the Post is afraid to report certain aspects of this case: (1) What is the race of those anti-Semitic students? (2) Are they even American citizens?

2. I had a bitter laugh when the Post article mentioned that the school authorities had used restorative justice techniques to deal with the anti-Semites.

a. During the Obama Administration, schools wanting federal funds were ordered to stop suspension for "defiance." Advocates for two certain races (no need to be specific) alleged that their dear sweet children were being singled out for suspension. Yeah, right!!!

b. So schools were ordered to use "restorative justice." The teacher and the student have a private meeting presided over by a moderator. Each party pours out his/her heart. Then they shake hands and are best buddies forever. (I kid you not!!!)

c. No wonder our public schools are (in the words of Senator Biden) a "jungle."
The antisemites are out of control at the high school level too. The bastards have been terrorizing a Jewish teacher with swastikas, Hitler salutes, words of praise to Hitler, and even an email calling for the murder of all Jews.

How do we stop this? It seems that the Left just goes on the attack against any Jew who speaks up against it. The latest tactic seems to be to call Jews who object to antisemitism “racist!!” to silence them.

Welcome to Joey XIDENS America…where Jewish bigots have been empowered

The demafacist know how to bring out the bigots
This is also why they're fighting tooth and nail to keep blacks on the plantation. Race hustlers like Superbadbrutha think the DemocRAT party is their savior.
No dumbass, neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant. I do know though in the last 60yrs which party has helped black folks more. They must be the party of Jewish folks as well since that is who the majority of Jewish folks vote for.
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everybody hates soros.

he's a douche who installs District attorneys who refuse to prosecute actual crime.

If District Attorneys prosecuted "actual crime". Donald Trump would have been in jail in the 1990's for his Atlantic City bankruptcy swindles, or for the Trump University Fraud, or for bank fraud.

The court appointed oversight officer advised the court that the corporation was run in slipshod and chaotic manner:

"Jones submitted a report to the court on Friday, writing that while the defendants in the case “have been cooperative” with her oversight, she’s identified “deficiencies” in materials she’s reviewed, “including disclosures that are either incomplete, present results inconsistently, and/or contain errors,” and which reflect “reflect a lack of effective governance” at the company."

"Soros backed [you fill in the blank]" is an anti-semetic trope. "Soros backed Caravans" was a dog whistle term for "Jews are paying migrants to come here". Lisa was asking where anti-semitism came from all of a sudden, being Jewish and all, yet last week she was making racist comments the Prosecutors in Trump's cases, and called them "Soros backed prosecutors", and this week she's wonders where the anti-semitism comes from.

While I do agree it's awful, you've been spreading it Lisa!

Prosecutors cannot continue to lock people up. You haven't any more room in your prisons or your jails. You have nowhere to oput them. You have nearly 2 million people in jail now.

You have more people locked up than either China or Russia and both of those countries are card carrying police states. Your police kill 1500 people per year while they are being apprehended, or while they are in police custody.

None of it is working. Time to try something else - decent schools in the inner cities so they have some chance of qualifying for college. Community centers and recreational facilities, free to the neighbourhood. Mentoring programs for young men.

Prosecuting more and more people, isn't working.
If District Attorneys prosecuted "actual crime". Donald Trump would have been in jail in the 1990's for his Atlantic City bankruptcy swindles, or for the Trump University Fraud, or for bank fraud.

The court appointed oversight officer advised the court that the corporation was run in slipshod and chaotic manner:

"Jones submitted a report to the court on Friday, writing that while the defendants in the case “have been cooperative” with her oversight, she’s identified “deficiencies” in materials she’s reviewed, “including disclosures that are either incomplete, present results inconsistently, and/or contain errors,” and which reflect “reflect a lack of effective governance” at the company."

"Soros backed [you fill in the blank]" is an anti-semetic trope. "Soros backed Caravans" was a dog whistle term for "Jews are paying migrants to come here". Lisa was asking where anti-semitism came from all of a sudden, being Jewish and all, yet last week she was making racist comments the Prosecutors in Trump's cases, and called them "Soros backed prosecutors", and this week she's wonders where the anti-semitism comes from.

While I do agree it's awful, you've been spreading it Lisa!

Prosecutors cannot continue to lock people up. You haven't any more room in your prisons or your jails. You have nowhere to oput them. You have nearly 2 million people in jail now.

You have more people locked up than either China or Russia and both of those countries are card carrying police states. Your police kill 1500 people per year while they are being apprehended, or while they are in police custody.

None of it is working. Time to try something else - decent schools in the inner cities so they have some chance of qualifying for college. Community centers and recreational facilities, free to the neighbourhood. Mentoring programs for young men.

Prosecuting more and more people, isn't working.
Since when do we prosecute people for bankruptcy? Geez you animals want to bring back debtor prisons now?? Geez
So the fact that you and the other nutters believe that Israel is committing genocide gives you the right to stop Jewish people in this country from going to class and to stereotype them all by calling them out by name? It would be one thing if you nutters hate your normal temper tantrums and just hated on Republicans or those that disagree with you, but it is another when it spills over into calling out a specific non-political group.

I am pretty sure you wouldn’t be ok with Republicans having protests that called out an entire group of people.
sunni disagrees----??? he must like the idea of nazism----well ?? just islamo nazism
If District Attorneys prosecuted "actual crime". Donald Trump would have been in jail in the 1990's for his Atlantic City bankruptcy swindles, or for the Trump University Fraud, or for bank fraud.

The court appointed oversight officer advised the court that the corporation was run in slipshod and chaotic manner:

"Jones submitted a report to the court on Friday, writing that while the defendants in the case “have been cooperative” with her oversight, she’s identified “deficiencies” in materials she’s reviewed, “including disclosures that are either incomplete, present results inconsistently, and/or contain errors,” and which reflect “reflect a lack of effective governance” at the company."

"Soros backed [you fill in the blank]" is an anti-semetic trope. "Soros backed Caravans" was a dog whistle term for "Jews are paying migrants to come here". Lisa was asking where anti-semitism came from all of a sudden, being Jewish and all, yet last week she was making racist comments the Prosecutors in Trump's cases, and called them "Soros backed prosecutors", and this week she's wonders where the anti-semitism comes from.

While I do agree it's awful, you've been spreading it Lisa!

Prosecutors cannot continue to lock people up. You haven't any more room in your prisons or your jails. You have nowhere to oput them. You have nearly 2 million people in jail now.

You have more people locked up than either China or Russia and both of those countries are card carrying police states. Your police kill 1500 people per year while they are being apprehended, or while they are in police custody.

None of it is working. Time to try something else - decent schools in the inner cities so they have some chance of qualifying for college. Community centers and recreational facilities, free to the neighbourhood. Mentoring programs for young men.

Prosecuting more and more people, isn't working.
Soros does not self ID as jew
sunni disagrees----??? he must like the idea of nazism----well ?? just islamo nazism

Soros does not self ID as jew

The Anti-Defamation League most definitely disagrees with you"

A person who promotes a Soros conspiracy theory may not intend to promulgate antisemitism. But Soros’ Jewish identity is so well-known that in many cases it is hard not to infer that meaning. This is especially true when Soros-related conspiracy theories include other well-worn antisemitic tropes such as control of the media or banks; references to undermining societies or destabilizing countries; or language that hearkens back to the medieval blood libels and the characterization of Jews as evil, demonic, or agents of the antichrist.

When Lisa used racial epiphets to attack Bragg, James and Willis, and she invoke the anti-semetic trope "Soros backed prosecutors", and then complains that anti-semitism has "come out of nowhere".
The Anti-Defamation League most definitely disagrees with you"

When Lisa used racial epiphets to attack Bragg, James and Willis, and she invoke the anti-semetic trope "Soros backed prosecutors", and then complains that anti-semitism has "come out of nowhere".
your ADL cut and paste in no way disputes the FACT that Soros does
not self ID as a jew. It correctly describes the incorrect inferences people like you make regarding that which soros does----Lisa, also addressed
the incorrect inferences. I missed the "epiphets" employed by Lisa

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