Jewish girl beaten unconscious by “peaceful protestors” at UCLA

No problem at all.

Here's the thing about most of your Churches, including the one I grew up in. They "Disney" the bible. The bible is actually a pretty horrible book. So your churches won't tell you about how Jephthah butchered his only daughter to appease God for a foolish oath, or how Elisha ordered two bears to maul 42 children to death.

That's it? Pretty pathetic standards you have there, but again, you seem to love Mao and Xi
Don't stick your hand into a hornet's nest and then whine about getting stung.
You are taking a complicated situation spanning decades, and dumbing it down.

What Hamas did is inexcusable, they are a terrorist organization whose aims go beyond Palestine. I don’t disagree that Israeli policies over the years influenced Hamas’ hold on Gaza, but the Palestinians themselves have not exactly been blameless in their adherence to violent resistance targeting civilians.
No contortion at all. I find the term "anti-Semitism" to be silly, because the Palestinians are a legitimate Semitic people while the Squatters from Europe are just posers.
Are there any illegitimate Semitic people? Just curious...

You surely eat everything that comes in a pot, then. A pot is a pot, and we cook food in a pot, so no flower is safe around you as long as it's in a pot. Right? Or do you smoke them all?

Semantic contortionism is fun. Let's do it again sometime.

Is this someone who hurt your feelings? Nope, I'm an American. I'm also an atheist who doesn't like seeing shitty stuff done because someone thinks an imaginary sky pixie endorsed it.
Good for you. I'm an atheist too. what circumstances do you like seeing shitty stuff done?

Okay, let's play.

Netanyahu - His father came from Poland
Shimon Perez - Born in Poland
Yitzak Shamir - Born in Poland
Ehud Barak - Grandparents came from Lithuania and Poland
Yitzak Rabin - Parents came from the Ukraine
Golda Meir - Came from the Ukraine
Menachem Begin - Born in Belarus

The Zionists are European Squatters... Deal with it.
Ehud Barak is a top Zionist leader? Who knew?

Please enlighten me: when you write "European Squatters", do you think that Europeans shouldn't be allowed to leave Europe for another continent, or do you think that nobody should leave their birth continent for another continent, or do you perhaps think that only Jews shouldn't be allowed to leave Europe for another continent? All this is very confusing.

So confusing...almost like you think that God made the continents, put people in Europe, and told them not to leave under any circumstances or else...

Your argument about "European squatters" is utterly absurd. Did you know that all Arabs in all Arab countries in MENA outside the Arabian Peninsula are squatters, not indigenous to the lands they occupy?

Aren't Arabs in Morocco ethnic Arabs anymore because they've been living in North Africa for more than a millennium, instead of their original home turf in the Asian Arabian Peninsula?
Good for you. I'm an atheist too. what circumstances do you like seeing shitty stuff done?

Well, never, but doing it to please an imaginary fairy in the sky is kind of stupid.

Ehud Barak is a top Zionist leader? Who knew?
He was prime minister.
Please enlighten me: when you write "European Squatters", do you think that Europeans shouldn't be allowed to leave Europe for another continent, or do you think that nobody should leave their birth continent for another continent, or do you perhaps think that only Jews shouldn't be allowed to leave Europe for another continent? All this is very confusing.

Not confusing at all. The Jews of Europe were in no particular hurry to get to Palestine until their fellow Europeans turned on them during WWII. Then the fringe movement of Zionism became really popular, without anyone thinking out the implications of displacing an indigenous people.

If the Jews of Europe wanted to resettle in America, I'd have no problem with that, as long as the obeyed our laws. That's not what the European Squatters did, though. They didn't come in as guests but as conquerors, and that's the problem.

Are there any illegitimate Semitic people? Just curious...

You surely eat everything that comes in a pot, then. A pot is a pot, and we cook food in a pot, so no flower is safe around you as long as it's in a pot. Right? Or do you smoke them all?

Semantic contortionism is fun. Let's do it again sometime.

Not sure what it has to do with the point. Screaming "Anti-Semitism" to justify the abuse of a Semitic people is beyond silly.
and you are to much of a hamas supporter to have a debate about them...
Not at all, I've brought up a bunch of points you are avoiding.

You are taking a complicated situation spanning decades, and dumbing it down.

What Hamas did is inexcusable, they are a terrorist organization whose aims go beyond Palestine. I don’t disagree that Israeli policies over the years influenced Hamas’ hold on Gaza, but the Palestinians themselves have not exactly been blameless in their adherence to violent resistance targeting civilians.

War is war... We bombed the hell out of Japanese and German civilians during World War II, was that "inexcusable." It seems we only thin,

My only complaint with 10-7 is not that it was horrible in the loss of life, but that it was counterproductive. It gave Bibi an excuse to murder Palestinians. It doesn't bring us any closer to the only logical resolution, which is a two-state one.

I suspect the goal was to inflame the Islamic world against Israel, and that they've accomplished. No more talk of Saudi Arabia recognizing Israel now. But not worth the loss of life on all sides.
The Zionists benefited from the Green Revolution, just like most of the rest of the world did, which is why you rarely hear about famines anymore.
They also contributed to the science and application of agriculture
I get to ask whatever questions I want. It's okay if you don't have any answer for them, this isn't a quiz. It's just a matter of whether your argument can withstand criticism.
Yep, you even get to ask the wrong and the fallacious questions. Your question in the post I replied to contains a false equivalence. Feel free to ask more fallacious questions though. It's your constitutional right.

Okay but at some point it wasnt. It had to first become one, so whats the difference between a sovereign nation and a bunch of people living on a piece of land in terms of legitimacy?
This is a matter of international law. Non-state actors are treated differently than state actors in international law.

Legitimacy greatly depends on the short and long-term interests of various players involved in geopolitics and trade on a large scale. A bunch of people in the Arabian Peninsula - the Saudi tribe - conquered Nejd and Hejaz in a bloody war a century ago, and then slaughtered their former allies (the Ikhwan in the Arabian Peninsula). Now the Saudis rule over a perfectly legitimate sovereign country, a respected member of the international community. Everybody needs oil, right?

The Houthis in Yemen, another group trying to conquer land belonging to a sovereign state in the Arabian Peninsula, are seen as an illegitimate non-state actor.

Go figure.

The people living there before the creation of Israel were under Colonial rule. Does that mean legitimacy can be obtained when a colonizer gives you land other people are living on?
The British Mandate was not a colonial rule.

I suppose you think that the British gave Palestine to Jews. Wrong. The British did everything they could to prevent Jews from having a national home in mandate Palestine, including sabotaging the Faisal-Weizmann agreement and arming, training, and leading the Jordanian army against baby Israel during the war of independence.
Which isn't the same as having your own sovereign country. I would ask you other questions to encourage debate but I already know you're too stupid for any of those. At least you know what a map looks like. Good job. :th_thgoodpost:
Whatever connection there is between the US and the tribal nations, it is small, but the more connection there is, the better it is for those INDIAN tribes.

Think about this >
Colonizing the world has been perhaps the biggest BENEFIT that the colonized people ever had. Generally colonized people were of extremely low technology levels, and had their living standards raised immensely from European expansion to their lands.

No question that living standards for humans went up dramatically when white Europeans arrived here. The American Indians were so low technogically, they didn't even have the wheel, or even buildings. They lived in tents and mud huts. In Europe and the middle east, people were living in buildings (some of them palaces), for thousands of years already, when Europeans first arrived here in North America.

People crab about what Europeans did to American Indians, but how many Indians living today would want to go back to living in tents right now, with snakes joining them during the night while they're asleep ? How many would give up their cars, TV sets, indoor heat, AC, indoor plumbing. Give up the computers, cellphones, stereos, and all the advances of modern medicine ?

European expansion is one of the best things that ever happened to those folks.


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Whatever connection there is between the US and the tribal nations, it is small, but the more connection there is, the better it is for those INDIAN tribes.

Think about this >
Colonizing the world has been perhaps the biggest BENEFIT that the colonized people ever had. Generally colonized people were of extremely low technology levels, and had their living standards raised immensely from European expansion to their lands.

No question that living standards for humans went up dramatically when white Europeans arrived here. The American Indians were so low technogically, they didn't even have the wheel, or even buildings. They lived in tents and mud huts. In Europe and the middle east, people were living in buildings (some of them palaces), for thousands of years already, when Europeans first arrived here in North America.

People crab about what Europeans did to American Indians, but how many Indians living today would want to go back to living in tents right now, with snakes joining them during the night while they're asleep ? How many would give up their cars, TV sets, indoor heat, AC, indoor plumbing. Give up the computers, cellphones, stereos, and all the advances of modern medicine ?

European expansion is one of the best things that ever happened to those folks.


They could have introduced the technology without the genocide, that's the thing.
And plunged the region into 70 years of war.

Doesn't seem like a good trade to me, even if it weren't true.

Oh, by the way, it isn't.

Since the establishment of Israel, Zionists have most frequently used the contention that they have "made the desert bloom" to justify the establishment of the State of Israel in Palestine in 1947-48. On the one hand, the extent of the catastrophe suffered by the Palestinians is belittled by repetition of the old assertion that the country had been an almost unpopulated desert before the Zionists' arrival. On the other, Zionists have taken their argument about the superiority of their own, to Palestinian, agriculture one step further and contend that they have a stronger claim to sovereignty over the country because they have exploited its agricultural potential more efficiently than the Palestinians could have done. Whether or not Israel's agriculture is more advanced than the Palestinians' might have been had they not been dispossessed, it is an astonishing assertion that sovereignty over a territory should belong to the people best able to develop its resources. One wonders what the state of the world might be today if this principle were adopted by the superpowers as a basis for their foreign policies.

Really? Who do you think was living there between 200 AD (after the Romans threw the Jews out) and 1948 (When the European squatters who adopted their religion came back).
Tell us when the region HASN'T been at war?

So, the Jews come in and turn worthless desert into an oasis, and lazy pricks, like you, want to steal it from them.

Surprise Surprise they aren't willing to let swine steal it from them.
Tell us when the region HASN'T been at war?

So, the Jews come in and turn worthless desert into an oasis, and lazy pricks, like you, want to steal it from them.

Surprise Surprise they aren't willing to let swine steal it from them.

Uh, it wasn't theirs to turn into an "Oasis", and that's a myth anyway.

So by your logic, if I take your house and make better use of it than you did, does that make it okay that I took it from you?
Uh, it wasn't theirs to turn into an "Oasis", and that's a myth anyway.

So by your logic, if I take your house and make better use of it than you did, does that make it okay that I took it from you?
Sure it was. The UN that you so adore, said so.

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