Jew Hatred cannot be tolerated in America

America warns their ally that they do not support their hate plan against Rafah .
Even the planet's greatest bunch of terrorists find Nazi Israel disgusting .

Israel seems to actively push others into their position of having to condemn its own Jewish Nazis .
What is wrong with these insane people led by the Hitler impersonator? ?

Yet for thousands of years millions of Jews have been viciously persecuted for the actions of a minority of Jews. Henry Kissinger apparently had similar thoughts:

"Henry Kissinger at Museum of Jewish Heritage on May 13, 2015 in New York City. Kissinger, who has died at the age of 100, was quoted as saying he'd be antisemitic if he had not..."

Fact Check: Did Kissinger say he'd be antisemitic if he wasn't Jewish?

"A post on X, formerly Twitter, by user @hannahgais, viewed 905,000 times, stated 'Kissinger: 'If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic.... Any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.'"
Hitler Youth say the funniest things.

I'm sure you must blame women for being raped as well. It provides you the opportunity to kill them for "honor'.
This is just a question but has anyone ever noticed the worst, most hated planet are all jews? Is that coincidence? Or does that show why Jews have been the most persecuted people for the last 3k years?
After the diaspora, Jews lived as small minorities within larger cultures. They lived in closed off communities for the most part, were not encouraged to fully assimilate and prevented from holding certain jobs.

They were different, they proved to be very successful, and were treated with suspicion.

It is mostly just basic social dynamics at work here.
You have no problem with "people"(i use the term loosely) calling for the "Death of America"?
why do you make that statement? I have never called for the "death of america" even while a student in one of the most idiotic "progressive" schools during the era---1960s - 70s
Sorry, history shows it isn't me or anyone that looks like me that is guilty of spreading it. You need to look at the man in the mirror on that one.
You spread hatred against white people while using the color of your skin as if the color, alone, exempts you from any responsibility for your hatred.
Ezekiel SAW THE WHEEL----very mystical guy----the WHEEL is symbolic of
RECAPITULATION-----like KOHELET. Do you know what GALIL means?
Most scholars believe what Ezekiel saw was God's travelling throne.
These misguided yutes demonstrating and committing violence in our most elite universities is must be stopped....they should be arrested and sent to special camps to be educated regarding the history of jew hatred and most especially the history of islam and these so called palestinians.

Palestinian groups that have been involved in politically motivated violence include the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Fatah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Abu Nidal Organization, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas. Several of these groups are considered terrorist organizations by the governments of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan,New Zealand and the European Union.

Palestinian political violence has targeted Israelis, Palestinians, Lebanese, Jordanians, Egyptians, Americans and citizens of other countries. Attacks have taken place both within Israel and the palestinian well as internationally and have been directed at both military and civilian targets. Tactics have included hostage taking, plane hijacking, boat hijacking, stone and improvised weapon throwing, improvised explosive device (IED), knife attacks, shooting sprees, vehicle-ramming attacks, car bombs, suicide attacks, and assassinations.

Israeli statistics state that 3,500 Israelis have been killed as a result of Palestinian political violence since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. Suicide bombings constituted 0.5% of Palestinian attacks against Israelis in the first two years of the Al Aqsa Intifada; though this percentage accounted for half of the Israelis killed in that period. As of 2024, a majority of Palestinians, 59%, believe in armed attacks against Israelis inside Israel are good'.
Fuck you and fuck Israel! Israel has deliberately murdered over 30,000 Palestinians, yet you say nothing about that! You are nothing but a fucking scumbag!

Furthermore, you are lying about the violence on campuses across the country. They are protesting the mistreatment of Palestinians under the fascist, apartheid Israeli's.

The only thing you are right about is the antisemitism part of this issue. Jews are not the problem. There is nothing wrong with Judaism. There is everything wrong with Israeli foreign policy.
Most scholars believe what Ezekiel saw was God's travelling throne.
oh----"scholars" ----the words have specific meanings in hebrew and the mysticism thereof. GALIL means something like wheel---a rotating thing. The land which is the northern part of Israel is called THE GALIL ---but don't make a big deal out of that. A GILGUL is an ever lasting soul that goes and comes----the CIRCLE OF LIFE (don't quote me ----I am no expert in the field)
why do you make that statement? I have never called for the "death of america" even while a student in one of the most idiotic "progressive" schools during the era---1960s - 70s
Because the idiots today at the schools are yelling that, just want to know how you feel about the HAMAS sympathizers?
Because the idiots today at the schools are yelling that, just want to know how you feel about the HAMAS sympathizers?
IMVO (in my vaunted opinion) there are two kinds of Hamas sympathizers---A) people brought up that way---just about all muslims. B) silly kids and their
elders who are superannuated hippies who are doing the IN thing

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