Jew Hatred cannot be tolerated in America

That pretty much describes nearly everybody on the planet at points throughout history.
Can you point to any other ethnicity/religion/culture that has been victimized as often as Jews over the last 3000 years?

A significant percentage of Jews have historically seen themselves as "chosen." That belief is on full display on the West Bank today with racist Jews chanting "deaths to Arabs" as they steal even more Arab land.

This notion of Jewish supremacy has been the root of violence in Palestine over the last 75 years, and peace will never come to that land until Jew recognize they are not entitled to all the land of Greater Israel.
"This map representing biblical King David's Kingdom at the time of his death is probably close to a halachic Greater Israel."

Greater Israel - Wikipedia
Can you point to any other ethnicity/religion/culture that has been victimized as often as Jews over the last 3000 years?

Yes, I can, and so can anybody else who has read a history book. Jews in fact have done far better than the many who have disappeared entirely. If you can't, then you shouldn't be babbling commie nonsense in any thread on it. Their belief in their own superiority isn't some exotic rarity either. And, their resistance to extermination isn't a black mark against them just because some dumbass who is still parroting old Cold War bullshit propaganda says so.

As for what they're ' entitled to', whenever you get the Arab Islamists to give back what they've claimed 'entitlement' to since Mo's bandit raids and conquests, we might take you seriously. Until then, Muslims can't snivel and whine over their neighbors taking whatever they can from the vermin.
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Any Group believing and behaving as though they really are Chosen Ones deserve every piece of rubbish thrown at them.
Tragically from the original Phoenicians onwards they have behaved as though they were hell bent on wanting to be hated .

Then, picking up Khazarian Faux Jews about 1200 years ago really sealed their fate .

Now of course the Deep State is entirely run by Jewish people within the International Financial circles .

They begin to receive what they have given throughout their history .
Almost the history of the Damned .
These misguided yutes demonstrating and committing violence in our most elite universities is must be stopped....they should be arrested and sent to special camps to be educated regarding the history of jew hatred and most especially the history of islam and these so called palestinians.

Palestinian groups that have been involved in politically motivated violence include the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Fatah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Abu Nidal Organization, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas. Several of these groups are considered terrorist organizations by the governments of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan,New Zealand and the European Union.

Palestinian political violence has targeted Israelis, Palestinians, Lebanese, Jordanians, Egyptians, Americans and citizens of other countries. Attacks have taken place both within Israel and the palestinian well as internationally and have been directed at both military and civilian targets. Tactics have included hostage taking, plane hijacking, boat hijacking, stone and improvised weapon throwing, improvised explosive device (IED), knife attacks, shooting sprees, vehicle-ramming attacks, car bombs, suicide attacks, and assassinations.

Israeli statistics state that 3,500 Israelis have been killed as a result of Palestinian political violence since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. Suicide bombings constituted 0.5% of Palestinian attacks against Israelis in the first two years of the Al Aqsa Intifada; though this percentage accounted for half of the Israelis killed in that period. As of 2024, a majority of Palestinians, 59%, believe in armed attacks against Israelis inside Israel are good'.

The First Amendment says you can feel anyway you wish. You can hate if you so desire. So hatred doesn’t bother me. I think it is catastrophically stupid to hate. But it is the right of every citizen.

The right to hate does not give you the right to act. After the Matthew Sheppard case, when Hate Crimes became the cause celeb, I was opposed. I fully supported the people who committed that crime being prosecuted for Murder and convicted. However I did not believe Hate Crimes was a wise way to go.

They made it a sort of Special Circumstance to add to the punishment later. The laws are on the books, and have not been found Unconstitutional. So we are stuck with them.

Humans are predictable. One of the things we tend to do is project our own motivations onto others. Those who hate, see hate as the motivation for a vast majority. Those who hate, in this case Jews, see hatred as the motivation of the Jews. For whatever insane conspiracy theory we may be discussing.

There are many old warnings from history that I have found to be true. More than a few are about Hate. The funny thing about those who hate is they refuse to consider those warnings while proving them right.
Yes, I can, and so can anybody else who has read a history book. Jews in fact have done far better than the many who have disappeared entirely. If you can't, then you shouldn't be babbling commie nonsense in any thread on it. Their belief in their own superiority isn't some exotic rarity either. And, their resistance to extermination isn't a black mark against them just because some dumbass who is still parroting old Cold War bullshit propaganda says so.
So name another religious or ethnic group that has been systematically victimized to the extent as Jews since 740 BCE:

Timeline of antisemitism - Wikipedia


"740 BCEDuring the Assyrian captivity (or the Assyrian exile), several thousand Israelites of ancient Samaria are resettled as captives by Assyria. The Northern Kingdom of Israel is then conquered by the Neo-Assyrian Empire."
The right to hate does not give you the right to act. After the Matthew Sheppard case, when Hate Crimes became the cause celeb, I was opposed. I fully supported the people who committed that crime being prosecuted for Murder and convicted. However I did not believe Hate Crimes was a wise way to go.
Fake 'hate crime'; he was murdered by his fellow faggots over a drug deal. No surprise you still parrot whatever fake news is popular with your peer group of racists and deviants.
So name another religious or ethnic group that has been systematically victimized to the extent as Jews since 740 BCE:

Timeline of antisemitism - Wikipedia


"740 BCEDuring the Assyrian captivity (or the Assyrian exile), several thousand Israelites of ancient Samaria are resettled as captives by Assyria. The Northern Kingdom of Israel is then conquered by the Neo-Assyrian Empire."

Why, you too ignorant to find any yourself? You think Assyrians only captured Jews? lol idiot.
Why do you think Jews have been persecuted regularly over the past two thousand years?

History of antisemitism - Wikipedia

"The history of antisemitism, defined as hostile actions or discrimination against Jews as a religious or ethnic group, goes back many centuries, with antisemitism being called 'the longest hatred'.[1]

"Jerome Chanes identifies six stages in the historical development of antisemitism:[2]

  1. "Pre-Christian anti-Judaism in Ancient Greece and Rome that was primarily ethnic in nature
  2. Christian antisemitism in antiquity and the Middle Ages that was religious in nature and has extended into modern times
  3. Muslim antisemitism that was—at least in its classical form—nuanced, in that Jews were a protected class
  4. Political, social, and economic antisemitism during the Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment Europe that laid the groundwork for racial antisemitism
  5. Racial antisemitism that arose in the 19th century and culminated in Nazism
  6. Contemporary antisemitism, which has been labeled by some as the new antisemitism
"Chanes suggests that these six stages could be merged into three categories: 'ancient antisemitism, which was primarily ethnic in nature; Christian antisemitism, which was religious; and the racial antisemitism of the 19th and 20th centuries'.[2]"

Because they are successful and douchebags, like you, are lazy, jealous sleazebags who steal instead of earn.

That's why.
Why do you think Jews have been persecuted regularly over the past two thousand years?

History of antisemitism - Wikipedia

"The history of antisemitism, defined as hostile actions or discrimination against Jews as a religious or ethnic group, goes back many centuries, with antisemitism being called 'the longest hatred'.[1]

"Jerome Chanes identifies six stages in the historical development of antisemitism:[2]

  1. "Pre-Christian anti-Judaism in Ancient Greece and Rome that was primarily ethnic in nature
  2. Christian antisemitism in antiquity and the Middle Ages that was religious in nature and has extended into modern times
  3. Muslim antisemitism that was—at least in its classical form—nuanced, in that Jews were a protected class
  4. Political, social, and economic antisemitism during the Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment Europe that laid the groundwork for racial antisemitism
  5. Racial antisemitism that arose in the 19th century and culminated in Nazism
  6. Contemporary antisemitism, which has been labeled by some as the new antisemitism
"Chanes suggests that these six stages could be merged into three categories: 'ancient antisemitism, which was primarily ethnic in nature; Christian antisemitism, which was religious; and the racial antisemitism of the 19th and 20th centuries'.[2]"

Antisemitism is simply God's curse on the Jewish people, going back as far as the Babylonian captivity. See Ezekiel 5.

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