Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

Ever been to a union meeting?
Where at best one can expect half ass coffee and overly
greasy wet donuts which require napkins.
Yet that is how it worked in the old days.
Yet ... Seldom a complaint was heard.
Like the way The Salvation Army handles Thanksgiving
at their downtown bldgs.With real Turkey and the all
the necessary fixins.
The good old days.
Slowly but surely them Days are about to end.
With this New style Democracy.Where Right is not
allowed and leftism is King.
Where the new Karl Haushofer had been named.
Haushofer influencing those like Rudolf Hess { Hitlers
right hand brain } with movements like Geopolitik and
Lebensraum { Living space }.
Where before long you will be eating bugs and like it.
According to the New World Order replacement
Klaus Schwab the New and expediated version of a
german Weltpolitischer or person arguing for
panacea that don't make sense.Nor could.
I still don't understand your point? For one thing, I am not a Democrat. For another, Trump as the chief executive, tried to launch a coup against the legislative branch.
So then don't act any more the donkeys' ass and prove it.
Pizza and beer these days.
I doubt Union meetings ever served any Liquor.
That was the exact opposite of what Georgetown
cocktail parties where mostly Politicans or want to
be politicians hobnobbed.Drinking the once popular
Martini and of course smoking.
Where it was fashionable for Female big mouths of
the political bent like Martha Mitchell hold court with
the latest juicy gossip.
Nowadays no need.Trump does a far better job while
effectively mixing truth with gossip while making a
key distinction.
Biden and his team have little use for anything but dopey
rank accusations and scuttlebutt that even hookers
would find childishly simpleminded.
WTF are you talking about, asshole? We all saw the videos of Jan 6th. From Trump's speech to the insurrection at the Capitol.
Say personified Simpleton of the first order.
I guess that explains it taking months or about a year +
to get even a few Videos of the actual Riots of January 6th.
Gee I wonder why.Because Pelosi and her silly Insurrection
Investigation was a plan.No need to probe with some Videos !?
Where originally there was about 14,ooo hrs. of J 6th
footage collected.Tucker Carlson was man enough to get
permission to show as proof Capitol Policer officer Brian
Sicknick actually performing duties on January 6 th.
To prove he was healthy and dismiss the notion that Trump
supporters were the cause of Sickniks death.
Sicknick died a day and half later after suffering two strokes.
Plus Tucker presents actual video showcasing how inside
the Capitol Bldg. were innocent as lambs " sighseers " just
strolling inside some carrying little U.S. flags admiring the place.
Not when you get into legal definitions and the structure of government. The police have a job to do, protect, police, do the best they can. But who is responsible, legally, as defined by law. By appointments, the elected officials that oversee the police.

The Capitol Police, are responsible for one thing, to police and protect. Legally that is different then being responsible for the security of congress which entails much more than policing.

The Capitol Police are not responsible to write the laws, that provide the security of the Capitol bld and grounds.

A subtle difference? We witnessed the Capitol Police being unable to protect the entire Capitol. It is obvious to me, someone else failed in there responsibility.

Congress is responsible to write laws that provides security, creates a force, that polices. Security of the Legislative branch of our government is so much more than just the Capitol Police Chief.

If the police are responsible, then the board they report to are responsible, and the committees the board report to are responsible, and if the board is responsible, then who they report to is responsible, that makes the president of the United States responsible, the Speaker of the House responsible, the Senate president responsible.

Congress is responsible, they write the laws, they appropriate the money. Money, who writes the check is responsible. The laws that authorize alarms that secure the capitol building. Laws that create intelligence committees that warn of danger.

Legally, in lawyer speak, police are responsible to police.

How come people here don't point out that the Capitol Police Board reports to the President of the USA?

They didn't report to Nancy Pelosi. For appropriations, they report to subcommittees in both houses.
There are four people on the Capitol Police Board. One is the Capitol Police Chief, who is subordinate to the other three members, I think the chief is chosen by the board.

How are the other three members chosen for the board.

Where did you read the police chief is subordinate to the other 3 members? Link...
Spraying Bear spray, they should go to jail.

I say, despite the incidents of a few bad apples, this was not a riot, it was a mob.

You are truly out of your mind. :cuckoo:

Screenshot_20240504_132124_Samsung Internet.jpg

Sorry, but you don't get to make up your own definitions for words.
A speaker gets police reports and other evidence? But Pelosi get no Police report when 300,000 people are knocking on the door? The National Guard could do nothing. Not after the crowd already arrived at the Capitol Grounds.

The authority to have the galleries cleared has been exercised but
rarely (II, 1352; Speaker Albert, Jan. 18, 1972, p. 9). On one occasion,
acting on the basis of police reports and other evidence, the Speaker
ordered the galleries cleared before the House convened (May 10, 1972,
p. 16576) and then informed the House of his decision. In an early
instance the Speaker ordered the arrest of a person in the gallery; but
this exercise of power was questioned (II, 1605).

Control? Control phone calls to National Guard?
Duties are imposed on the Sergeant-at-Arms by law (I, 258): Control of
Capitol police

Whoever is presiding can ask the Sergeant-at-Arms to take action accordingly. More often then not in the House, it's the Speaker. That would be like you calling the police. You're still not in charge of them.
A distinction with little difference.
That contingent of Trump Supporters who broke through police lines, tore down barriers, assaulted uniformed officers, was a mob engaged in a riotous insurrection. They believed....leaders within that group believed....that if they could stop the counting of the EC ballots Don Trump would retain the Oval Office, and Joe Biden would be denied his rightful accomplishment. Thus they had a motive for their actions.

But there was a whole array of crimes ....felonies, and misdemeanors ...perpetrated by the Trump Supporters that day. Many of them have been are still being held to account.

Here is reportage as of January of 2024:

"And while the roiling events of Jan. 6 are often lumped together as the attack on the Capitol, the truth is that more than one thing happened that day. Some of the defendants planned their roles in the assault for weeks, communicating with compatriots and showing up with weapons and protective gear. Others erupted in the moment, assaulting officers with their bare fists. Still others were swept up in the flow of the crowd and did little more than walk into — and then out of — the Capitol.

One of the most common charges used against rioters has been entering or remaining in a restricted federal building or grounds. More than 1,100 have faced that count.

About 450 people have been charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement officers at the Capitol, and about 330 have been accused of obstruction of the certification of the election that was taking place inside the building on Jan. 6.

As for punishment, more than 450 people have been sent to jail or prison, with the longest term so far being the 22-year sentence imposed on Enrique Tarrio, the former leader of the Proud Boys. Several people who were not associated with extremist groups but who assaulted the police in what officers have described as a “medieval” battle outside the Capitol have been sentenced to a decade or more behind bars.
Would be nice if your interpretation of events were truthful and accurate, but we all know the deal. Stop trying to contort and bull shite for your nemesis.
"Kicks it to the can." "You do realize DOJ stopped short of claiming the spray attributed to his death."
We believe....but will stand corrected....that poster Delldude wishes to suggest that the prosecutors did not charge murder on those two Trump supporters who sprayed Sickinick...they instead 'kicked the can down the road.'
If that is what the poster is suggesting, well, I'd offer this perspective:
With the autopsy report there could be 'reasonable doubt' by at least one juror in a decision that require unanimity. So why risk the time, effort, expense of a murder trial when they can get a slam-dunk (based on several videos recording what they did), a slam dunk on assault and battery. And a big multi-year prison sentence. And that was the result.

Now, let's see how it plays out in a tort lawsuit for battery. Where the jury decision can be the majority....not unanimity. Let's see if the perps home equity, vehicle equity, savings, other assets will survive that private lawsuit for battery.
Now, I ain't a lawyer, but.....but I think I could make an argument that that bear spray was contributory to the distress Sicknick experienced.....and that contributed to his death. Yeah, I think a decent tort lawyer could make that case.


How easy for Drat Democrats to make use of the word
- Insurrection -.
Well, know nuthin' 'bout "Drat Dems", but......am willing, for sake of argument, to put aside "insurrectionists" and go with the oft-determined ----"seditionists".

After all, sedition bears a heavier penalty than insurrection. (Look it up.)
I'm cool with that. "Seditious attempt to keep Trump in place and deny the legitimate winner---Joe Biden."

Yeah, I be cool with that description.


Would be nice if your interpretation of events were truthful and accurate, but we all know the deal.
What was substantively inaccurate in that post? (#1,055)
Spraying someone with chemical spray is assault. And yes, with intent. Two men were charged with that plus other crimes. Pled guilty and sentenced to 6 years and 8 months.
Does not even remotely explain the Nazi-like roundup of
any human even close to the entrance of the Capitol
bldg.on said J-6th day.
Where way over 1,ooo have been arrested and more are
being investigated.Their trial dates have been purposedly
stalled and they have been held in one of the United States filthest
jails with no visitation or Due Process.
Where during the Summer of Love { very few if any Rioting
were Conservatives or Republicans } most those caught
got released as quick as possible due to a snarky agreement
where Bail is automatic.An agreement helped along by
V.P. Harris where donations for easy bail release were public.
Ironically these frothing Campus Protests { anti-semitic }
are very similar in approach.Dark Money is used to
also make bail efforts very quick and easy.
Dark Money is what Democrats used to win in 2020.
Does not even remotely explain the Nazi-like roundup of
any human even close to the entrance of the Capitol
bldg.on said J-6th day.
Where way over 1,ooo have been arrested and more are
being investigated.Their trial dates have been purposedly
stalled and they have been held in one of the United States filthest
jails with no visitation or Due Process.
Where during the Summer of Love { very few if any Rioting
were Conservatives or Republicans } most those caught
got released as quick as possible due to a snarky agreement
where Bail is automatic.An agreement helped along by
V.P. Harris where donations for easy bail release were public.
Ironically these frothing Campus Protests { anti-semitic }
are very similar in approach.Dark Money is used to
also make bail efforts very quick and easy.
Dark Money is what Democrats used to win in 2020.


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