Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

The Capitol Police, are responsible for one thing, to police and protect. Legally that is different then being responsible for the security of congress which entails much more than policing.
Give it a break.................they enforce the law without any input from congress, on a daily basis.
Recall the comment that this was a silly thread that my avatar was done with contributing alternative perspectives.
Well, that was then, this is now. And my avatar re-considered.
We be cool with that.

And this thread --- blaming the victim (Pelosi). --is still silly.

Nonetheless, we have fun stuff here to react to.

Such as:

"We finally agree, Officer sicknick was not assaulted on Jan 6th
Well, actually prolific poster 'elektra' he was assaulted
Here is jus one report:


"Two Are Charged With Assault on Officer Who Died After Capitol Riot

The suspects used a chemical spray to attack a group of officers, law enforcement officials said, but the authorities stopped short of filing charges in the death of Officer Brian Sicknick.

WASHINGTON — Two men were charged with assaulting Officer Brian D. Sicknick of the Capitol Police and other officers with a chemical spray during the Jan. 6 riot, the Justice Department said on Monday, but prosecutors stopped short of linking the attack to Officer Sicknick’s death the next day.

The F.B.I. arrested George Pierre Tanios, 39, of Morgantown, W.Va., and Julian Elie Khater, 32, of State College, Pa., on Sunday. Mr. Tanios was arrested at home and Mr. Khater as he stepped off a plane in Newark, the department said.


So good poster Elektra, let's ask a rhetorical question: Woodja wanna be the tort attorney defending attackers Tanios and Khater?

Would you wanna be their families who may lose their home due to a court judgement? Their Dad's savings? Do you think there is a case for a civil battery? After all, they intentionally and purposely sprayed the poor policeman directly in the face with bear spray.

Was that spray contributory to his death? To his stroke?
Would the plaintiff's attorney's (Officer Sicknick's family)....suggest such in a civil tort case?

Bet they do.

Betcha they will.
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Recall the comment that this was a silly thread that my avatar was done with contributing alternative perspectives.
Well, that was then, this is now. And my avatar re-considered.
We be cool with that.

And....this thread, blaming the victim (Pelosi)...is still silly.

Nonetheless, we have fun stuff here to react to.

Such as:

Well, actually prolific poster 'elektra' he was assaulted
Here is jus one report:


"Two Are Charged With Assault on Officer Who Died After Capitol Riot

The suspects used a chemical spray to attack a group of officers, law enforcement officials said, but the authorities stopped short of filing charges in the death of Officer Brian Sicknick.

WASHINGTON — Two men were charged with assaulting Officer Brian D. Sicknick of the Capitol Police and other officers with a chemical spray during the Jan. 6 riot, the Justice Department said on Monday, but prosecutors stopped short of linking the attack to Officer Sicknick’s death the next day.

The F.B.I. arrested George Pierre Tanios, 39, of Morgantown, W.Va., and Julian Elie Khater, 32, of State College, Pa., on Sunday. Mr. Tanios was arrested at home and Mr. Khater as he stepped off a plane in Newark, the department said.


So good poster Elektra, let's ask a rhetorical question: Woodja wanna be the tort attorney defending attackers Tanios and Khater?

Would you wanna be their families who may lose their home due to a court judgement? Their Dad's savings? Do you think there is a case for a civil battery? After all, they intentionally and purposely sprayed the poor policeman directly in the face with bear spray?
Like WHO " Intentionally and purposely sprayed " the poor policeman
with bear spray.?
At this January 6th Insurrection.
All anyone with half a brain tied behind their back has to do is
ask .... During an entire Summer of Love { 2020 } Riots
how many cops and those rioting did things far worse than
spraying Bear spray.
Yet the knuckleheads message boarding hereabout seem not to
care a whit about those 574 confirmed Riots throughout the
Summer of love where Billions in property damage occured.
Government bldgs. and police stations fire bombed.
Cop cruisers thrashed or worse.Even During Donald Trumps
Inaguration { as he was being sworn-in } Riots broke
out and over 200 arrests made.Yet we're supposed to
believe a couple hrs. Protest/Riot on January 6th where no
firerarms were used or collected is as bad as it gets.
Comparable to the Civil war or The attack on Pearl Harbor.
The History books are gonna have a field day trying to
Iron-out all the pathetic lies and excuses made about J-6th
just to help Democrats seem important.
Not when you get into legal definitions and the structure of government. The police have a job to do, protect, police, do the best they can. But who is responsible, legally, as defined by law. By appointments, the elected officials that oversee the police.

The Capitol Police, are responsible for one thing, to police and protect. Legally that is different then being responsible for the security of congress which entails much more than policing.

The Capitol Police are not responsible to write the laws, that provide the security of the Capitol bld and grounds.

A subtle difference? We witnessed the Capitol Police being unable to protect the entire Capitol. It is obvious to me, someone else failed in there responsibility.

Congress is responsible to write laws that provides security, creates a force, that polices. Security of the Legislative branch of our government is so much more than just the Capitol Police Chief.

If the police are responsible, then the board they report to are responsible, and the committees the board report to are responsible, and if the board is responsible, then who they report to is responsible, that makes the president of the United States responsible, the Speaker of the House responsible, the Senate president responsible.

Congress is responsible, they write the laws, they appropriate the money. Money, who writes the check is responsible. The laws that authorize alarms that secure the capitol building. Laws that create intelligence committees that warn of danger.

Legally, in lawyer speak, police are responsible to police.

How come people here don't point out that the Capitol Police Board reports to the President of the USA?
Why dont people here point out that the Capitol Police Board reports to the President of the USA?

the reason is they dont report to the president. The police board has joint oversight by both a committee in the senate, and another committee in the house. The reason is that they are police for the legislative branch, not for the executive branch.
sure, responsibility starts at the top, not at the bottom, capitol police are at the bottom
they were the scapegoat
Plus did the two Capitol Police that Pelosi honored and
we have their interviews LIE when explaining their versions
of what they witnessed on January 6th.
I say they did Lie.In the least they highly exagerated
Why dont people here point out that the Capitol Police Board reports to the President of the USA?

the reason is they dont report to the president. The police board has joint oversight by both a committee in the senate, and another committee in the house. The reason is that they are police for the legislative branch, not for the executive branch.
I believe Madame Cruella de Pelosi as Speaker is the one
who commands the highest authority over the Peoples
House.That is precisely why Potus Trump wrote letters to\
Pelosi and Bowser asking for their need { requesting } of
between 10,ooo - 20,ooo guard.Trump did not have the
official Authority to call out the guard to oversee the Peoples
"Like WHO " Intentionally and purposely sprayed " the poor policeman with bear spray.?"

My avatar regrets if we weren't clear.
So, let's try again:

"Two Are Charged With Assault on Officer Who Died After Capitol Riot​

The suspects used a chemical spray to attack a group of officers, law enforcement officials said, but the authorities stopped short of filing charges in the death of Officer Brian Sicknick.

WASHINGTON — Two men were charged with assaulting Officer Brian D. Sicknick of the Capitol Police and other officers with a chemical spray during the Jan. 6 riot, the Justice Department said on Monday, but prosecutors stopped short of linking the attack to Officer Sicknick’s death the next day.

The F.B.I. arrested George Pierre Tanios, 39, of Morgantown, W.Va., and Julian Elie Khater, 32, of State College, Pa., on Sunday. Mr. Tanios was arrested at home and Mr. Khater as he stepped off a plane in Newark, the department said.
Why dont people here point out that the Capitol Police Board reports to the President of the USA?

the reason is they dont report to the president. The police board has joint oversight by both a committee in the senate, and another committee in the house. The reason is that they are police for the legislative branch, not for the executive branch.
There are four people on the Capitol Police Board. One is the Capitol Police Chief, who is subordinate to the other three members, I think the chief is chosen by the board.

How are the other three members chosen for the board.
Plus did the two Capitol Police that Pelosi honored and
we have their interviews LIE when explaining their versions
of what they witnessed on January 6th.
I say they did Lie.In the least they highly exagerated
It looks like a lot of people lied and failed. The Sergeant at Arms, they had to tell those they report to.
My avatar regrets if we weren't clear.
So, let's try again:

"Two Are Charged With Assault on Officer Who Died After Capitol Riot​

The suspects used a chemical spray to attack a group of officers, law enforcement officials said, but the authorities stopped short of filing charges in the death of Officer Brian Sicknick.

WASHINGTON — Two men were charged with assaulting Officer Brian D. Sicknick of the Capitol Police and other officers with a chemical spray during the Jan. 6 riot, the Justice Department said on Monday, but prosecutors stopped short of linking the attack to Officer Sicknick’s death the next day.

The F.B.I. arrested George Pierre Tanios, 39, of Morgantown, W.Va., and Julian Elie Khater, 32, of State College, Pa., on Sunday. Mr. Tanios was arrested at home and Mr. Khater as he stepped off a plane in Newark, the department said.
Spraying Bear spray, they should go to jail.

I say, despite the incidents of a few bad apples, this was not a riot, it was a mob.
Like WHO " Intentionally and purposely sprayed " the poor policeman
with bear spray.?
At this January 6th Insurrection.
All anyone with half a brain tied behind their back has to do is
ask .... During an entire Summer of Love { 2020 } Riots
how many cops and those rioting did things far worse than
spraying Bear spray.
Yet the knuckleheads message boarding hereabout seem not to
care a whit about those 574 confirmed Riots throughout the
Summer of love where Billions in property damage occured.
Government bldgs. and police stations fire bombed.
Cop cruisers thrashed or worse.Even During Donald Trumps
Inaguration { as he was being sworn-in } Riots broke
out and over 200 arrests made.Yet we're supposed to
believe a couple hrs. Protest/Riot on January 6th where no
firerarms were used or collected is as bad as it gets.
Comparable to the Civil war or The attack on Pearl Harbor.
The History books are gonna have a field day trying to
Iron-out all the pathetic lies and excuses made about J-6th
just to help Democrats seem important.
Absolutely great is the perspective found within this overview that you have now since given. My thoughts exactly.. Thanks
A speaker gets police reports and other evidence? But Pelosi get no Police report when 300,000 people are knocking on the door? The National Guard could do nothing. Not after the crowd already arrived at the Capitol Grounds.

The authority to have the galleries cleared has been exercised but
rarely (II, 1352; Speaker Albert, Jan. 18, 1972, p. 9). On one occasion,
acting on the basis of police reports and other evidence, the Speaker
ordered the galleries cleared before the House convened (May 10, 1972,
p. 16576) and then informed the House of his decision. In an early
instance the Speaker ordered the arrest of a person in the gallery; but
this exercise of power was questioned (II, 1605).

Control? Control phone calls to National Guard?
Duties are imposed on the Sergeant-at-Arms by law (I, 258): Control of
Capitol police
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Sergeant-at-Arms3. (a) The Sergeant-at-Arms shall attend the House during its sittings and maintain order under the direction of the Speaker or other presiding officer. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall execute the commands of the House, and all processes issued by authority thereof, directed to the Sergeant-at Arms by the Speaker

§ 656. Sergeant-at Arms enforces authority of House.
"I say, despite the incidents of a few bad apples, this was not a riot, it was a mob."
A distinction with little difference.
That contingent of Trump Supporters who broke through police lines, tore down barriers, assaulted uniformed officers, was a mob engaged in a riotous insurrection. They believed....leaders within that group believed....that if they could stop the counting of the EC ballots Don Trump would retain the Oval Office, and Joe Biden would be denied his rightful accomplishment. Thus they had a motive for their actions.

But there was a whole array of crimes ....felonies, and misdemeanors ...perpetrated by the Trump Supporters that day. Many of them have been are still being held to account.

Here is reportage as of January of 2024:

"And while the roiling events of Jan. 6 are often lumped together as the attack on the Capitol, the truth is that more than one thing happened that day. Some of the defendants planned their roles in the assault for weeks, communicating with compatriots and showing up with weapons and protective gear. Others erupted in the moment, assaulting officers with their bare fists. Still others were swept up in the flow of the crowd and did little more than walk into — and then out of — the Capitol.

One of the most common charges used against rioters has been entering or remaining in a restricted federal building or grounds. More than 1,100 have faced that count.

About 450 people have been charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement officers at the Capitol, and about 330 have been accused of obstruction of the certification of the election that was taking place inside the building on Jan. 6.

As for punishment, more than 450 people have been sent to jail or prison, with the longest term so far being the 22-year sentence imposed on Enrique Tarrio, the former leader of the Proud Boys. Several people who were not associated with extremist groups but who assaulted the police in what officers have described as a “medieval” battle outside the Capitol have been sentenced to a decade or more behind bars.
"...but Pelosi get no Police report when 300,000 people are knocking on the door?"

So now it is 300k?

That is the most amazing amorphous crowd of rioters we've ever seen, if we can believe the various numbers thrown about on this chatroom. We've read that it was a "a million" strong. We've read it was 100,000. And it was 200,000. Now earnest poster Elektra has come up with yet another number.....in his newest telling it is "300,000"..

it is sorta like going to a cattle auction....where the fast talking auctioneer keeps pressing for an ever higher number.
maybe it is better said, as responsibilities and who is responsible
responsibility starts at the top, not at the bottom, capitol police are at the bottom
they were the scapegoat
All the law you posted is basically policy and procedures to be followed.
A distinction with little difference.
That contingent of Trump Supporters who broke through police lines, tore down barriers, assaulted uniformed officers, was a mob engaged in a riotous insurrection. They believed....leaders within that group believed....that if they could stop the counting of the EC ballots Don Trump would retain the Oval Office, and Joe Biden would be denied his rightful accomplishment. Thus they had a motive for their actions.

But there was a whole array of crimes ....felonies, and misdemeanors ...perpetrated by the Trump Supporters that day. Many of them have been are still being held to account.

Here is reportage as of January of 2024:

"And while the roiling events of Jan. 6 are often lumped together as the attack on the Capitol, the truth is that more than one thing happened that day. Some of the defendants planned their roles in the assault for weeks, communicating with compatriots and showing up with weapons and protective gear. Others erupted in the moment, assaulting officers with their bare fists. Still others were swept up in the flow of the crowd and did little more than walk into — and then out of — the Capitol.

One of the most common charges used against rioters has been entering or remaining in a restricted federal building or grounds. More than 1,100 have faced that count.

About 450 people have been charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement officers at the Capitol, and about 330 have been accused of obstruction of the certification of the election that was taking place inside the building on Jan. 6.

As for punishment, more than 450 people have been sent to jail or prison, with the longest term so far being the 22-year sentence imposed on Enrique Tarrio, the former leader of the Proud Boys. Several people who were not associated with extremist groups but who assaulted the police in what officers have described as a “medieval” battle outside the Capitol have been sentenced to a decade or more behind bars.
Yer abject loony bin Speaker { Cruella de Pelosi } at the time
did everything in her power to glorify her role After the J 6th
Riot to guarantee it be treated as if an :
Do fellow message board dimwits like yerself actually
Believe that drool.That a couple hrs. in the early afternoon
of January 6th was what Literally constitutes an Insurrection.
Because No firearms were used or collected that afternoon.
Unlike in the Peoples house on March 1,1954 where Puerto
Rican nationalists did shoot.With real guns and bullets and
Wikipedia uses the header :
- 1954 United States Capitol shooting.-
Firing 30 rounds from semi-automatic pistols.
INTO the legislative floor from the Ladies Gallery.
5 House Representatives were wounded,one seriously.
The assailants were arrested and handed what amounted to
Lifelong sentences.Jimmy Carter later commuted their sentences.

How easy for Drat Democrats to make use of the word
- Insurrection -.The same way Biden loosely and proudly uses
the word Bidenomics.Or MAGA.
Don't get fooled.
How many Hours in the Summer of Love was there
far worse acts of Assailments.No wonder during the August
DNC Convention there not a word about that Summer of
Love active Violence.Whereas at the August RNC Convention
every major speaker addressed with passion those acts
of Uncivil VIOLENCE.
You do the math.
574 vs. 1

Sergeant-at-Arms3. (a) The Sergeant-at-Arms shall attend the House during its sittings and maintain order under the direction of the Speaker or other presiding officer. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall execute the commands of the House, and all processes issued by authority thereof, directed to the Sergeant-at Arms by the Speaker

§ 656. Sergeant-at Arms enforces authority of House.
Ever been to a union meeting?

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