Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

That's the opinion of a single Congressman. For it to be true, there would have to be a law or a rule stipulating such. And there is none.

That agrees with me that LBJ activated the Guard.
The same guy that said, "I'll have those n-words voting Democrats for the next 200 years!"?
Yeah, that guy.
That's the opinion of a single Congressman. For it to be true, there would have to be a law or a rule stipulating such. And there is none.
That agrees with me that LBJ activated the Guard.
Another contradiction? That did not get pulled off a, "right-wing" website. This comes from precedent's that Congress is required to know.

You comment shows your complete ignorance. An opinion is written in the Newspaper, on social media.

Precedents are important to the functioning of the House of Representative.
Cartoon clown, please.
Cartoon clown, please. :eusa_hand:
Another contradiction? That did not get pulled off a, "right-wing" website. This comes from precedent's that Congress is required to know.

You comment shows your complete ignorance. An opinion is written in the Newspaper, on social media.

Precedents are important to the functioning of the House of Representative.

House roles are guided by laws and rules. You have nothing. The Speaker is in charge of the House. The Senate Majority Leader is in charge of the Senate.
So? Activating the Guard is different than having the authority to deploy the Guard outside the President's jurisdiction.

Sounds like the Speaker and VP gave the president the authority to deploy the DCNG to the Capitol without needing specific authority from Congress.
exactly, the speaker and the senate president (vp) have that authority

That's the authority to let someone who has the authority to activate the DCNG, mobilize them to protect the Capitol. That would be the president, Army Secretary or Defense Secretary.
No, you didn't show any such thing. You showed LBJ activated the Guard.

There's nothing anywhere stating the Speaker is in charge of security of the Capitol. Th

No, you didn't show any such thing. You showed LBJ activated the Guard.

There's nothing anywhere stating the Speaker is in charge of security of the Capitol. There are two chambers.
Would that be the same Big Lug Texan who as
Senate Majority leader made sure President Eisenhowers
first Civil Rights bill { 1957 } never saw the light of day.
Even J.F.K. caved and voted " present ".
L.B.J. also delighted in using the " N " word when home.
Especially when addressing or using his Black servant/butler.
Also using the " N " word when privately bragging about
his late 60's Great Society Program.
" we'll them ' N's ' votin' Democrat for the next 200 years. "
The national guard was needed before the event.

Do you not read what you post?

Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, Transcribed Interview of Christopher Charles Miller (Jan. 14, 2022), pp. 100-01. On January 4, 2021, Max Miller and Katrina Pierson exchanged text messages discussing their planning activities for the 6th. In those messages, Max Miller stated: “Just glad we killed the national guard and a procession” and that “… chief [Mark Meadows] already had said no for days!

That all occurred before Sedition Day.

That many people should never been allowed onto the capitol grounds. It was not safe.

They weren't expected at the Capitol. They were expected at the Ellipse. How could they know Trump would spend an hour riling them up with lies about election fraud and then summon them to the Capitol to fight like hell if they wanted their country back?
Pelosi is the authority governing Capitol Security.
She has no command line authority over day to day operations, it's legislative (via hearings) and ceremonial administrative (via the Sergeant at Arms).
Through the election of personal, appointments, laws, rules, precedents. In every possible way, in every legal way, as written.

Pelosi at any time can pick up the phone and call Trump.

No, she isn't. Congress has oversight, just as they have oversight over a lot of things, but over those many things they have no command line authority, that means, once in a while, hearings with legislative purpose. Her relationship with the Sergeant at arms only pertains to some administrative and ceremonial tasks.

She's not even on the command line as reported on the CP's website.

You guys really need to deflect away from the crimes of Trump, but I'm sorry, your guy is the criminal, not Pelosi.
So let’s recap

No one refused NG troops on or before Jan 6

Trump did mention having 10,000 there to protect “his” people but was ignored by the only person who could make that happen. His Sec of Defense. There aren’t actually anywhere close to 10,000 DC NG troops but that just speaks to Trump’s stupidity.

Trump never followed up on that “request”

On Jan 6 Trump did not ask where those troops were. And never did call them up to quell that insurrection.

Pence and Miller had to go around him to make that happen
She has no command line authority over day to day operations, it's legislative (via hearings) and ceremonial administrative (via the Sergeant at Arms).
That is your opinion unsupported by law, precedent, practices, and rules.
Rumphole, makes that statement in complete ignorance.

command line authority? hahahahhaha, you have no idea what the hell you are talking about, try linking to, command line authority and see where it takes you. I would love to see rumphole do that
Congress writes the laws that governs, dictates, authorizes, and creates Capitol security.
Not just CP, but JUDICIARY and EXEC Branch.

Taht is OVERSIGHT. Oversight is not 'command authority'.


Congress has the same over all branches of government, but NO COMMAND LINE AUTHORITY.
Command line authority over the Exec branch? NO

Command line authority over the Judiciary? NO
Command line authority over anything? NO.

Congress has oversight over all branches of government, including the executive and judicial branches. This oversight includes reviewing executive actions, confirming presidential appointments, investigating matters of public concern, and conducting hearings on various issues.

  1. Executive Branch:
    • Departments: Departments like the Department of State, Department of Defense, Department of Treasury, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, etc.
    • Cabinets: The President's Cabinet includes heads of executive departments and other key officials chosen by the President.
    • Agencies: Numerous agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), etc.
  2. Legislative Branch:
    • Congress: Consists of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives.
    • Areas of Legislative Oversight: Congress has the authority to legislate on a wide range of issues including taxation, national defense, interstate commerce, immigration, healthcare, etc.
  3. Judicial Branch:
    • Supreme Court: The highest court in the United States, with lower federal courts beneath it.
    • Federal Courts: Including circuit courts of appeals, district courts, and specialized courts like the Tax Court and Court of Federal Claims.

Command line authority over the Exec branch? NO
Command line authority over the Judiciary? NO
Command line authority over anything? NO.

It is a legislative/investigative body for the purpose of lawmaking.

THAt's it. They are NO ONE"S BOSS in their day to day operations.

Do you got that? Did you fail poly sci or what?
So let’s recap

No one refused NG troops on or before Jan 6

Trump did mention having 10,000 there to protect “his” people but was ignored by the only person who could make that happen. His Sec of Defense. There aren’t actually anywhere close to 10,000 DC NG troops but that just speaks to Trump’s stupidity.

Trump never followed up on that “request”

On Jan 6 Trump did not ask where those troops were. And never did call them up to quell that insurrection.

Pence and Miller had to go around him to make that happen
Yes, a recap is nice.
National Guard troops, the Jan. 6th committee disagrees with you
Who can "make that happen", only the Speaker of the House,
How many DC National Guard? Trump is the Commander of all Armed Forces, The President of the United States of America could activate and station any National Guard member from anywhere in the world.

There was no insurrection or riot. There was a miracle, that being the largest crowd in the history of Washington DC assembled without killing anyone. Much much smaller crowds have in the past trampled dozens to death.

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