I've come to the conclusion that Trump is a moderate

Trump grew up in New York and was a democrat for the majority of his life, giving millions to people like Chuck U Schumer. He even invited Hillary and Bill to his wedding and they came. He was an ardent pro-choice kind of guy, that turned on a dime once he ran for President as a republican.

And as we have seen with Trump on the abortion issue, he is all over the place today. He just wants elected is all with no real convictions either way on the issue.

And with the massive spending during his term, maybe not as much as Joe Biden, Trump cannot be considered a real conservative. And yes, he allowed Fauci and company to lead him around by the ear telling him to spend all that money, but he listened to them. So, it's all on him. Trump even dated a black woman for years, yet he is accused of being a racist.

But if you were to talk to the typical Leftists, Trump is a clan member on acid.


Trump is not left, right, or center. He is for whatever it takes to better himself. He has been right wing because he knew that would be easier for him to build his base by pandering to them, but you see how quickly he switched from anti-abortion for any reason when he realized the country didn't support that.
You could clear it up for us.... do you love America and want America to be great or not?....
You've built an imaginary enemy that is a proud American in all other aspects but somehow just wants to destroy America. You know that's just nuts, don't you?
Trump grew up in New York and was a democrat for the majority of his life, giving millions to people like Chuck U Schumer. He even invited Hillary and Bill to his wedding and they came. He was an ardent pro-choice kind of guy, that turned on a dime once he ran for President as a republican.

And as we have seen with Trump on the abortion issue, he is all over the place today. He just wants elected is all with no real convictions either way on the issue.

And with the massive spending during his term, maybe not as much as Joe Biden, Trump cannot be considered a real conservative. And yes, he allowed Fauci and company to lead him around by the ear telling him to spend all that money, but he listened to them. So, it's all on him. Trump even dated a black woman for years, yet he is accused of being a racist.

But if you were to talk to the typical Leftists, Trump is a clan member on acid.


Trump won't be put into anybody's ideological box because he is not a politician and he is not an ideologue. I don't know why he is putting himself through the hell the left/Democrats/progressives are piling on him. He says it is because this country has given him so much he wants to give back. Maybe it's that or personal pride or just sheer stubbornness not to give in to hateful, malicious bullies. It doesn't matter as motive is far less important than results.

I didn't and don't agree with Trump on everything but I do share his MAGA vision for a strong, free, prosperous, secure America that offers choices, options, opportunity and prosperity to all willing to honorably take advantage of that. And he was delivering on that as no other President in my lifetime has done.

Yes the debt increased under Trump mostly because he was saddled with Democrats and RINOS in Congress who would pass no legislation that didn't include massive pork spending and the debt was less important to Trump than the MAGA vision of a strong, free, secure, prosperous America. Evenso his debt to GDP ratio was as good as anybody else's and the lion's share of the debt was in 2020 when the government by bipartisan consent spent massive amounts of money to keep people from starving and losing everything they had when the country was shut down due to COVID.

Also ALL the job losses attributed to Trump were in 2020 and were TEMPORARY lay offs while the economy was shut down. If Trump had been re-elected in 2020 he would have enjoyed the record job creation as all those people came back to jobs they already had and it would have been just as phony job creation as it was under Biden.
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Trump grew up in New York and was a democrat for the majority of his life, giving millions to people like Chuck U Schumer. He even invited Hillary and Bill to his wedding and they came. He was an ardent pro-choice kind of guy, that turned on a dime once he ran for President as a republican.

And as we have seen with Trump on the abortion issue, he is all over the place today. He just wants elected is all with no real convictions either way on the issue.

And with the massive spending during his term, maybe not as much as Joe Biden, Trump cannot be considered a real conservative. And yes, he allowed Fauci and company to lead him around by the ear telling him to spend all that money, but he listened to them. So, it's all on him. Trump even dated a black woman for years, yet he is accused of being a racist.

But if you were to talk to the typical Leftists, Trump is a clan member on acid.


Well, he did tell a hate group to “stand by” on a nationally televised debate.
He has no convictions. He is a true fence sitter. He doesnt mind spending us into oblivion if it gets him votes. He doesnt mind racist monetary policies if it would get him votes. He doesnt mind assaulting the 2nd. etc etc etc He is a typical leftist. Minus the pedophilia and support of it.
To be fair, he said he was attracted to his daughter, but did not shower with her like Joe.

Again, the Swamp showing us as bad as Trump is, the Swamp is far worse than he.

As for the massive spending, that is equated as being a moderate these days.

Extremism has been normalized within the system.

Now those that want fiscal sanity are the extremists.
He has no political ideology. His only ideology is his eternal, shameless, desperate search for the validation and approval he never got from his father. Nothing else matters.
And yet he has a better Presidency than Joe.

Why do you think that is?
I agree with this.^^^^

He will say anything.
Flip-Flop on any issue.

He just plays to the base.

I have a difficult time believing that trump believes in any issue/policy.

Has he called Hope Hicks a traitor yet?
Or someone he barely knew?
He is a politician after all.
Trump loves America and he loves people... you can see how genuine he is compared to Biden... or Obama... Obama did not like America or the American people... he feels like he is above us.... Biden doesn't know what he thinks or feels his brain is fried.... but he never liked people... even as a senator he was mean and nasty... and he hung out with racists....
Look at the nation spinning out of control and after two weeks Biden finally emerges with written words a three min speech and a tan....

Second that! ^^:clap2:
We have a choice of either that POS who let in 10 million illegals or one that pushed policies to stop it.


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