Its not inflation, its price-gouging

More evidence every day that corporations are making record profits.

Exxon Mobil: highest profit in 7 years
Chevron: highest profit in 7 years
Shell: highest profit in 7 years
BP: highest profit in 8 years
Gas prices: highest in 7 years
Why is that evidence when lowest profit in years is not sign of selling below market
You have had zero Economics, it shows

You need to spend this weekend on the word 'Disjunction'
We have thousands of employees in the BEA and other agencies that monitor all this.
It is first of all Government Failure.
Dept of Commerce used to have experts that monitored everything from eggs to car tires to lightbulbs.
I used to use their services. The world's expert on , say, the lobster market, would be a government man. Unlimited resources, money, connections, and experience.
No, I think you should try exercising some brain cells and answer the question you were asked.

Why shouldn't a corporation make more profit than it has in previous years?
Price gouging stimulates inflation = both increase our cost of living beyond reality = fuks with our comfortable lifestyle.

Price gouging should be treated with tax codes that don't protect profits and don't allow tax deductions
attached to cost of doing business.

Price gouging inflation should cost corporations big dollars. Enough that it impacts the bottom line with a negative. Aka gotta pay for being an asshole.
Yes, Joe Biden has been very good for Big Oil. What did you expect?

Let's go, Brandon!

Are you saying that Joe Biden should have imposed government controls on both inventories and pricing for gasoline and fuel oil????? I thought you right wingers were in favour of free market capitalism???? Now you're demanding that Biden take control of the both the supply and the price of fuel and gasoline.

When did you become a socialist?????

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