It's job complete, the circus moves on.

Those of us who recall the earnest way Sean Spicer came to the podium and lied about the size of Trump's inaugural crowd at Don's direction may be experiencing deja vu in watching the performative acts of those Repubs prostituting themselves at Trump's trial.
It's the multiple Benghazi hearings all over again.

Theater for the rubes.

Comer and Jordan know their lowbrow, low-IQ audience.
Gotta hand it to them. For being cynical, repulsive, shameless, opportunistic bureaucrats, they're good at the game.

Just toss out a few manipulated "bombshell reports", and watch Tucker and Hannity and Jones and Beck and the MAGA sites and the rubes immediately spread them from one end of the internet to the other. As "The Truth", and not questioned for even a moment.

Years later the stories are still being circulated, and these guys just fuckin' made 'em up.
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Good call! I see it from a slightly different perspective. The RNC/DNC aka the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) has the upper & lower chambers about evenly divided to create loggerheads come the vote(s). In case the Repub constituency is hard pressuring Capital Hill to pass a bill that the RCDP does not want passed, they stacked the Repub part of the Duopoly party with RINO's a PLENTY! I mean there are more freakin' RINO's in the Capital Hill gang than there is on a Rhino Preserve in Africa. Either way the Capital Hill gang always manages to land power & control legislation that benefits them directly. It's just corruption @ it's finest!

The question & answer most elected Representatives/senators only wish they could ask/answer for the American constituency; "Do you ever wake up with a sore bleeding bunger? Well if you don't you ought to be as we have both hands planted on the back of your shoulders and we're phucking you to death."
The Democrats and Republicans are great at wasting taxpayer money and racking up debt. The Duopoly does exist.
Seeing as I have donated absolutely nothing to anyone, that's a very vacuous accusation. But hey, carry on as it doesn't fit the hate narrative. I'm just surprised they didn't pull a full democrat move and impeach anyway. Guess there are still some statemen in the party after all. Good for them.
So, you were smart enough not to fall for your party's plea for donations off of the Biden impeachment lie? Good for you.

But, let me guess, you are still dumb enough to think that your party has enough dirt on Biden to impeach but still chooses not to? :laughing0301:

LOL, You retards are so cute. Of course, dumb as a bag of bricks but so cute as you try to project intelligence. :itsok:
Gotta hand it to them. For being cynical, repulsive, shameless, opportunistic bureaucrats, they're good at the game.

Just toss out a few manipulated "bombshell reports", and watch Tucker and Hannity and Jones and Beck and the MAGA sites and the rubes immediately spread them from one end of the internet to the other. As "The Truth".

Years later the stories are still being circulated, and these guys just fuckin' made 'em up.
The ferocity with which the simps cling to past lies is disturbing. Cuz they've all been factually debunked dozens of times, having no impact whatsoever on the belief in duplicitous right wing narrative.

Years from now, when the fabricated allegations against Joe are a thing of the past, they will still repeat them as if they were just made up yesterday.
So, you were smart enough not to fall for your party's plea for donations off of the Biden impeachment lie? Good for you.
I don't make political donations.
But, let me guess, you are still dumb enough to think that your party has enough dirt on Biden to impeach but still chooses not to? :laughing0301:

LOL, You retards are so cute. Of course, dumb as a bag of bricks but so cute as you try to project intelligence. :itsok:
They don't have enough ACTIONABLE dirt to warrant impeachment, or they would have pulled a democrat move and done it for the cameras, knowing the partisan Senate would never remove Quid Pro from office because even they could not stomach the thought of Cackles running the show. Cheese whiz, you guys are dense.
I don't make political donations.

They don't have enough ACTIONABLE dirt to warrant impeachment, or they would have pulled a democrat move and done it for the cameras, knowing the partisan Senate would never remove Quid Pro from office because even they could not stomach the thought of Cackles running the show. Cheese whiz, you guys are dense.
Yeah, we know. We knew back when it started that you retards had nothing and now you do too.

I guess, better late than never, eh, retard. :itsok:
Yeah, we know. We knew back when it started that you retards had nothing and now you do too.

I guess, better late than never, eh, retard. :itsok:
I don't recall seeing you in the last meeting. Were you hiding under the moron sign again? I thought security kept them out.
I can't help but feel, after all the recriminations made against Joe by MAGAist's, that your comment is a tacit admission it was all ginned up nonsense.

Think about that for a moment. All those hearings, the accusations by Gym Jordan and Comer, the vote to officially start an impeachment's all gone up in smoke.

But the base needs red meat to be infotained with. So now Garland is the target. Who will be next?
I would NOT say it's all been ginned up. The corruption level in American government is currently @ an all time high, in MY OPINION. I carefully watch events in American government ESPECIALLY fed government. I am heavy into sociology especially the sub field of Historical Sociology, with my studies going back as far as the Akkadian empire & even the preceding Sumer civilization but not in as much depth. Through my studies I have found deceit especially the DIVIDE & CONQUER TACTIC to be a contributing/primary factor for the collapse of the past great nations/empires, all of them with the lone exception of the Egyptian empire which collapsed from a freak natural disaster.

What I am noticing @ current is the DIVIDE between our American constituency. This DIVIDE is a sure indicator to me that there are forces working behind the scene to collapse our America. At current my indicator is pointing directly @ what I call the "RepubliCratic Duopoly Party"(RCDP) as the culprit for the current divide of our America. As one can easily see in the photo-op below there does not look to be much if any hostility/ DIVIDE between the "former enemies", does it? So we must ask ourselves a question, WHY is the American constituency DIVIDED but the elected officials are not?

I think even the most ardent haters of President Biden are now forced to acknowledge the impeachment inquiry in to his alleged crimes, brides, and whatever other sorted things he was accused of doing has been a bust.

Yes, Kudo's for the GOP for not embarrassing itself the way the democrats embarrassed themselves with the two phony impeachment trials.

Nancy Pelosi's only use for those pens is to sit on one and get whatever weird pleasure the old windbag can.
I think even the most ardent haters of President Biden are now forced to acknowledge the impeachment inquiry in to his alleged crimes, brides, and whatever other sorted things he was accused of doing has been a bust. Were that not the case it would be advancing to a vote on articles of impeachment in the House.

Swalwell pronounces ‘time of death’ for GOP’s Biden impeachment push

But from a Repub perspective all is not lost. The list of unproven allegations remain fertile in the minds of MAGAist's. Because once planted, the seeds of disinformation flourish inside the right wing echo chamber. They are sustained not by facts or evidence but rather by belief. And we can be sure the endless droning from RWM has had an affect on more casual observers as well. Those who only pay attention enough to know baseless assertions have been made, not that they are baseless. No matter. The investigation has achieved its end. Namely, to create the illusion of impropriety.

Now it is time to put the matter behind them for Repubs have moved on to the next sham. Holding AG Garland in contempt despite his compliance with a request by House Repubs to turn over the transcript of SC Hur's interview with Joe.

Johnson's latest conservative problem: How hard to hit the Justice Department
The House Judiciary Committee moved forward on holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt Thursday, but it won't be enough to satisfy hardliners.

This was part of Hur's investigation in to Joe's possession of classified docs. An issue Repubs would prefer to keep alive in the public's consciousness seeing as.......well.......perhaps one day......His Orangeness will go on trial for concealing possession of classified docs and refusing to comply with a subpoena for their return. Though one can fairly say Trump appointee Aileen Cannon is dutifully trying to delay the trial with all the duplicity she can muster.

Does it matter that this kind of contempt finding is unprecedented? No. It's an election year and the POT nominee for prez is a criminal defendant in 4 jurisdictions. Distractions must be created. False equivalences must be made. Voters must be made to feel "they all do it" even though the facts say otherwise. So...........

“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”
― Carl Sandburg

Don’t care.

The Senate would never have convicted anyway. Far too political.

Fuckin’ dishonorable Democraps.
Our warmongers would go to war against an enemy with a leader like Joe. All of those so called Republican neo cons are now Progs. They have killed many. They deserve the same.
You have a distorted of political parties in America. You can probably thank whatever wack job site you get your propaganda from.
Yes, Kudo's for the GOP for not embarrassing itself the way the democrats embarrassed themselves with the two phony impeachment trials.

Nancy Pelosi's only use for those pens is to sit on one and get whatever weird pleasure the old windbag can.
No the GOP embarrassed themselves. But now your spin is well, at least they didnt accomplish what they set out to do, so that's a win for us. Damn you're stupid.
Seeing as I have donated absolutely nothing to anyone, that's a very vacuous accusation. But hey, carry on as it doesn't fit the hate narrative. I'm just surprised they didn't pull a full democrat move and impeach anyway. Guess there are still some statemen in the party after all. Good for them.
You lost yet again. Hillary----not in jail. Biden---not impeached. I can't wait to see how you dumb fucks spin a conviction of Trump as a win.

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