It's A Trap!!

I guess when you don't have to worry about banks taking you down, you have the privilege of not knowing the term and mocking it.
Nope. No oops. You know that's what happened.
We know you won’t admit that you libturds are wrong.

Face it. You accept shit on SNL as factual
”news.” Youre as dumb as you come across. And that’s fucking tragic. For you.
We know you won’t admit that you libturds are wrong.

Face it. You accept shit on SNL as factual
”news.” Youre as dumb as you come across. And that’s fucking tragic. For you.
Lol, no. tRump made it up. It doesn't mean what he's claiming it does.
Canadian nazis?

For real?

Excuse me but Heil Hitler if you don't mind too much, eh?
One of the greatest cultural myths is that Canadian culture is nice & polite.

It's actually one of the most hostile/aggressive cultures on the planet.

As to the OP, congratulations on the successful liberal/DeepSwamp effort to erode/destroy free speech - you must be very proud. :)
There are a small percentage of people who warn of government overreach. In Canada they have a weak person who is a dictator as leader. He shut down the lives of striking truckers. Shut down their lives. Do you understand that? And with it their national federales and other departments to enforce it. Destroying people does not end on one demarcation of a particular group which were truckers. Perhaps if you look at history, it will tell you in the end how it ends.

Digital currency & digital passports are what the DeepSwamp want.

Things like privacy and (at least relative) freedom are despised by Big Brother & the liberals who really love him.
The nazis left the left?

As far as I know they were never part of the political left. Nazis are RWNJ authoritarians, this is a well known and accepted fact.
Bullshit. You retarded libs think you're lies are facts. Everything you say is a lie. Idiots.

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