Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Talked to a few Arab friends who are like me, loud on Arab introspection. All said that they were hanging out with like-minded Arabs, but that none of these voiced their opinions in public for fear of shame or harm. These Arabs end up saying one thing in private, and something else in public.

Until liberty strikes roots in Arab societies and dissenters feel safe to express their opinions, the gauge will remain off.

You want another gauge? Hamas are now shopping for a replacement home to Doha and possibly Gaza. No Arab or Muslim country is willing to take them. In 1982, Lebanon ejected Arafat. Only Tunisia agreed to take him, and with lotsa conditions. Now perhaps crazy Algeria regime would take Hamas. But that should tell you how unpopular the “Palestinian Cause” is. Again, gauging accurate percentage remains impossible.

“My son is a hero, he made me proud” - She said during an interview shortly after her son carried out the terrorist attack as part of Jihad (Islam's Holy War) for the sake of Allah.

On 30 June 2016, the Palestinian terrorist Muhammad Taraireh broke into a Jewish home and targeted 13-year-old Israeli-American citizen, Hallel Yaffa Ariel. After he stabbed her dozens of times, he went outside to find another Jewish victim.

Eventually, he got himself killed when he tried to stab Israeli security guards who in response shot and neutralized him.

The Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’ party posted the terrorist’s picture on its official Facebook page, declaring him a martyr/hero (Shahid) for killing Jews in the name of Islam.

To this very day the Palestinian Authority continues to pay salaries to terrorists or family members of suicide bombers for killing Jews as part of Jihad for Allah's sake. The more they kill, the more money they receive, at the expense of the taxpayers in the West, whose governments send billions of dollars as "foreign aid" to the Palestinian Authority.

The US, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Australia and other western countries must cut off all their foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority!

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