Israeli strike on Iran’s consulate in Syria killed 2 generals and 5 other officers, Iran says

The distance is around 842 miles to Tehran. They do not have fly-over permission for Iraqi airspace. Their F35 attack planes (operational range a little over 1300 miles) do not even have the operational range for a 1684 mile round trip mission (and that is a direct flight at altitude, not coming in low where they evade radar before popping up and using even more fuel. Last time I checked, they didn't have sufficient air refuel capability to support a wing of their air force for a mission requiring that many planes for that duration. These considerations could still be affecting the decision. Just a guess, based on their aircraft, locations of the bases, the distances, flight times and how I would plan it.
From many of the source I have read over the past two decades, the Mossad is one of the best intel agencies on the planet.

Their ability to infiltrate just about any nation in the middle East, second to none.

In fact, the term, "Deep State," is a transplant to the U.S. from Turkey, because of the Israelis. . it originated there, among Turkish oligarchs and foreign infiltration of Turkey's institutions.

My point here, of course, is that if Israel wanted to plant a small nuclear device, it would not need to use any of those delivery methods. This is not 1960. It is the 21st century.

Let's be real. We both know, Israel does not want to go to war with either Iran or Turkey, w/o the US firmly on its side.

It has nothing to do with tactical concerns, and everything to do with strategic concerns.
I suspect it was Israel's way of sending a very clear message to both the mullahs and DC. Israel may be engaged in battles with Hamas in Gaza and Hizballah in Lebanon but they are AT WAR with Iran and the message they just sent was a wake-up call for Tehran to call off their proxy dogs or prepare to get a LOT of their stuff in Iran broke down, busted...
If Bibi doesn't want to turn the entire Middle East into a killing fields, he had best open up some negotiations soon.

He seems more concerned with his own power at this point, than with the future of the Jewish people, or anyone else in the region.
Iran lost my sympathy when they attacked the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and kept our people as hostages.
If you hit the ones wearing suicide vests it solves some of the problems.

You folks clearly did not watch the video report included in the OP.

In that report, was this news clip from Australia. . . commenting on an Israeli killing of aid workers. Claiming something like that as an accident, over and over? Is starting to ring hollow.

Israeli airstrike that killed Zomi Frankcom in Gaza revealed to be deliberate | 7 News Australia​

Bodies of 6 foreign aid workers slain in Israeli strikes are transported out of Gaza​

Bodies of foreign aid workers killed in Israeli strike leave Gaza​

If Bibi doesn't want to turn the entire Middle East into a killing fields, he had best open up some negotiations soon.
Bibi doesn't need to , as long as he's got a superpower 'big stick' blindly following him....
Claiming something like that as an accident, over and over? Is starting to ring hollow.
Israel's true colors are not going un noted.......


Bibi doesn't need to , as long as he's got a superpower 'big stick' blindly following him....

Israel's true colors are not going un noted.......

View attachment 927048

It baffles me, that they pre-approved that aid mission, and then killed them. Or maybe not?

It speaks to multiple bureaucratic offices and multiple Israeli strategic objectives. Some clearly obvious, and others, denied, but known to observers watching with horror their actions and statements from their politicians.

On the one hands, they want to maintain good relations with the world humanitarian community, so they approve missions like this, just as they allow, the so called "free press," to report from the area. . .

. . . on the other, since their clandestine goal, is information suppression, creating an area of malnutrition, disease, mass starvation, and a general nightmare, they continue to purposely make the delivery of aid, and reporting from the area, as risky as possible. They purposely targeting reporters and aid workers, till yeah, I believe, no one sane will want to do it.

And then? WE will get the Zionists on here popping off with stoopid shit like, why don't they feed themselves and do the aid work themselves? Or why would any one believe Hamas reporting?

Yeah, you are right, I don't believe any of this is an accident, they are purposely creating a hell on Earth.
The U.S. and Israel have put their military forces in the Middle East on high alert amid reports of a possible attack by Iran, the New York Times reports.
Well there goes the answer to why Israel is provoking Iran.
It's going to end sadly for the US. There are enough missiles for everyone, not to mention Israel.
Fucking Trans-Atlantic idiots!!! They can't wait to lead World War III and sit back, as always, behind the ocean.....
It won't work this time.

It is like we are sleepwalking into WWIII, and Americans don't even have a say in the matter. Here, and now Blinken popping his mouth off over admitting Ukraine into NATO?!

. . . . I can't say for sure what Trump or RFKjr. will do about this mess, but it is now, abundantly clear. . . the agenda of the Biden administration. ... . :sigh2:

Iran is fighting a proxy war against Israel, and it is about time they had to pay a price for it.

Iran is arming and supporting Hezbollah, but Hezbollah has only been defensive and fought Israel only when Israel illegally invaded Lebanon and massacred unarmed Palestinians in refugee camps.
Iran lost my sympathy when they attacked the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and kept our people as hostages.

Technically those were unauthorized students who took over the US embassy, and they did it because the US was illegally funding another military coup like we did with the Shah in 1953, Operation Ajax.
The US is the bad guy in Iran, and we illegally destroyed the democratically elected government.

In 1953, a pivotal event unfolded in Iran—the coup d’état that reverberated through postwar world history. This coup, known as the 28 Mordad coup d’état, was orchestrated by the United States and Britain. Its target was the democratically elected Prime Minister, Mohammad Mosaddegh.
Many believe dropping bombs solves problems created by people who use suicide vests.

Suicide vests are obviously not aggressive but a last ditch effort by desperate people who are being badly abused.
There is no excuse for anything Israel has ever done, and they are just criminals.

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