Is Wikileaks Founder Going to be Turned over to UK? US?

© 2018 Al Jazeera Media Network

What is behind US decision to abandon UN Human Rights Council?

Washington pulls out of the UN Human Rights Council, calling it a 'cesspool of political bias'.

20 Jun 2018 17:58 GMT Human Rights, United States, Politics

q. What is behind US decision to abandon UN Human Rights Council?

a. Donald J. Trump doesn't give a damn about the rights of human beings, unless they kiss his ass and are a source of profit.

Translation: "Orange man bad, my butt hurts!"
© 2018 Al Jazeera Media Network

What is behind US decision to abandon UN Human Rights Council?

Washington pulls out of the UN Human Rights Council, calling it a 'cesspool of political bias'.

20 Jun 2018 17:58 GMT Human Rights, United States, Politics

q. What is behind US decision to abandon UN Human Rights Council?

a. Donald J. Trump doesn't give a damn about the rights of human beings, unless they kiss his ass and are a source of profit.

Translation: "Orange man bad, my butt hurts!"

Translation: I'm too stupid to really comprehend Trump is an autocrat, a narcissist, and a megalomaniac.
© 2018 Al Jazeera Media Network

What is behind US decision to abandon UN Human Rights Council?

Washington pulls out of the UN Human Rights Council, calling it a 'cesspool of political bias'.

20 Jun 2018 17:58 GMT Human Rights, United States, Politics

q. What is behind US decision to abandon UN Human Rights Council?

a. Donald J. Trump doesn't give a damn about the rights of human beings, unless they kiss his ass and are a source of profit.

Translation: "Orange man bad, my butt hurts!"

Translation: I'm too stupid to really comprehend Trump is an autocrat, a narcissist, and a megalomaniac.
C'mon guys. This is about Assange, not Trump. Let's keep it that way.
© 2018 Al Jazeera Media Network

What is behind US decision to abandon UN Human Rights Council?

Washington pulls out of the UN Human Rights Council, calling it a 'cesspool of political bias'.

20 Jun 2018 17:58 GMT Human Rights, United States, Politics

q. What is behind US decision to abandon UN Human Rights Council?

a. Donald J. Trump doesn't give a damn about the rights of human beings, unless they kiss his ass and are a source of profit.

Translation: "Orange man bad, my butt hurts!"

Translation: I'm too stupid to really comprehend Trump is an autocrat, a narcissist, and a megalomaniac.
C'mon guys. This is about Assange, not Trump. Let's keep it that way.

It's all about Trump, Russia and the Mueller Probe.

Translation: I'm too stupid to really comprehend Trump is an autocrat, a narcissist, and a megalomaniac.

2 out of 3 ain't bad.

You really mean "Orange man bad" though.

I just know your mediocre-IQ ass didn't just call me "too stupid", motherfucker. If so, prepare thyself for

lambasting, boy. I await your response with baited breath, Faggotronious Maximus.
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Is Wikileaks Founder Going to be Turned over to UK? US?
He's been holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy for six years.

The Swedes never even worked up a proper extradition warrant other than a vague allegation he was sleeping around with some "girls" who were just a bit too professional to subject themselves to subpoena in an actual court of law whatever they were alleging against him.

As far as I know, he isn't even accused of any crimes in U.S. jurisdiction. Why was he so afraid of being extradited to the U.S. rather than Sweden?

Jumping 1,000,000# bail on a female pop culture celebrity's purse? That isn't exactly kosher, either. It's that money laundering at Julius Baer, and that's all it ever was, if they ever get to the bottom of it and trace the money. It's the big shots from the City of London Corporation causing all the trouble now.
© 2018 Al Jazeera Media Network

What is behind US decision to abandon UN Human Rights Council?

Washington pulls out of the UN Human Rights Council, calling it a 'cesspool of political bias'.

20 Jun 2018 17:58 GMT Human Rights, United States, Politics

q. What is behind US decision to abandon UN Human Rights Council?

a. Donald J. Trump doesn't give a damn about the rights of human beings, unless they kiss his ass and are a source of profit.

Translation: "Orange man bad, my butt hurts!"

Translation: I'm too stupid to really comprehend Trump is an autocrat, a narcissist, and a megalomaniac.

Tim Van, 7 Years Intelligence Collector (ASA) 32 years Investigator
Answered Sep 16 2017 · Author has 1.1k answers and 621.7k answer views

Snowden had a Top Secret security clearance, the terms of which he violated.
Assange was under no such restrictions, he simply publishes that which he receives from traitors and betrayers of trust. The more embarrassing, the better.
Those who “leak” should think about the consequences of their actions before they do so. Those who publish information that is damaging to the security of a country or safety of the public should realize what the dissemination of the material in question would mean and take measures to safeguard that information.
Assange has no allegiance to the United States, nor he did not operate from within it’s borders. It’d be nice to question him about some of Wikileaks sources and methods but that’s pretty unlikely to happen anytime soon.
I don’t think Assange has broken any U.S. laws.
Snowden is an interesting case. How’s this for a conspiracy theory I ran across recently. Snowdon has the ear of Putin whom he advises on a daily basis. Putin, through the Russians being the first to develop a miniaturised quantum encryption communication system, has a direct.undetectable link with Trump.
Sounds far fetched but it would explain a few things especially the fact Trump appears to be a raving idiot but is somehow effectively destroying American democracy. Given the absurd powers the US executive branch has they’ve never really had a genuine democracy anyway, only the restraint of previous presidents has prevented it’s destruction from within.

Tim Van, 7 Years Intelligence Collector (ASA) 32 years Investigator
Answered Sep 16 2017 · Author has 1.1k answers and 621.7k answer views

Snowden had a Top Secret security clearance, the terms of which he violated.
Assange was under no such restrictions, he simply publishes that which he receives from traitors and betrayers of trust. The more embarrassing, the better.
Those who “leak” should think about the consequences of their actions before they do so. Those who publish information that is damaging to the security of a country or safety of the public should realize what the dissemination of the material in question would mean and take measures to safeguard that information.
Assange has no allegiance to the United States, nor he did not operate from within it’s borders. It’d be nice to question him about some of Wikileaks sources and methods but that’s pretty unlikely to happen anytime soon.
I don’t think Assange has broken any U.S. laws.
Snowden is an interesting case. How’s this for a conspiracy theory I ran across recently. Snowdon has the ear of Putin whom he advises on a daily basis. Putin, through the Russians being the first to develop a miniaturised quantum encryption communication system, has a direct.undetectable link with Trump.
Sounds far fetched but it would explain a few things especially the fact Trump appears to be a raving idiot but is somehow effectively destroying American democracy. Given the absurd powers the US executive branch has they’ve never really had a genuine democracy anyway, only the restraint of previous presidents has prevented it’s destruction from within.
If President Trump needs to communicate with the President of the largest country (landwise) in the world, and issues that need to remain confidential to the Executive Branch of the United States of America, it is better than having to deal with ninnyhammers of the DNC disguised as infotainment journalists, he will act in the better interests of this nation. President Trump won the presidency two years ago, and from every indication I have read about, he is a loyal American who fights for what is right for the American people. His forte is prospering the nation, and my prayer to God is that he will successfully deal with other world leaders in a way that curries friendship and free people throughout the world. I believe in President Trump. I believe he will win prosperity for everyone in this land. IOW, President Trump is in our corner. We need to pray for him as he makes decisions that will benefit not just ourselves, but the Free World too. I believe with his charm and leadership, he will set us on a course for friendship with many other countries who will prosper on their own merit through an alliance with this brilliant businessman, who has so generously given himself to the running of this country. Prayers are up for President Trump and his family, and for the healing between our own people, too. We've become seriously estranged politically, and we need to let a lot of stuff go in order to encourage our leaders to do what they do best--lead the people in the right direction. I love this country! :)

He's been holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy for six years.

In March, the Ecuadorian government cut Assange’s phone and Internet contact with the outside world and barred his friends and supporters from visiting him.

The Ecuadorian authorities explained their action by stating that “Assange’s behavior, through his messages on social media, put at risk good relations this country has with the UK, the rest of the EU and other nations.”

Putting Assange on trial for espionage is a priority according to AG Sessions.

More @ Ecuador Prepares to Hand Julian Assange Over to UK, US - Reports

Six years of virtual house arrest. He's actually arrested himself.

Tim Van, 7 Years Intelligence Collector (ASA) 32 years Investigator
Answered Sep 16 2017 · Author has 1.1k answers and 621.7k answer views

Snowden had a Top Secret security clearance, the terms of which he violated.
Assange was under no such restrictions, he simply publishes that which he receives from traitors and betrayers of trust. The more embarrassing, the better.
Those who “leak” should think about the consequences of their actions before they do so. Those who publish information that is damaging to the security of a country or safety of the public should realize what the dissemination of the material in question would mean and take measures to safeguard that information.
Assange has no allegiance to the United States, nor he did not operate from within it’s borders. It’d be nice to question him about some of Wikileaks sources and methods but that’s pretty unlikely to happen anytime soon.
I don’t think Assange has broken any U.S. laws.
Snowden is an interesting case. How’s this for a conspiracy theory I ran across recently. Snowdon has the ear of Putin whom he advises on a daily basis. Putin, through the Russians being the first to develop a miniaturised quantum encryption communication system, has a direct.undetectable link with Trump.
Sounds far fetched but it would explain a few things especially the fact Trump appears to be a raving idiot but is somehow effectively destroying American democracy. Given the absurd powers the US executive branch has they’ve never really had a genuine democracy anyway, only the restraint of previous presidents has prevented it’s destruction from within.
If President Trump needs to communicate with the President of the largest country (landwise) in the world, and issues that need to remain confidential to the Executive Branch of the United States of America, it is better than having to deal with ninnyhammers of the DNC disguised as infotainment journalists, he will act in the better interests of this nation. President Trump won the presidency two years ago, and from every indication I have read about, he is a loyal American who fights for what is right for the American people. His forte is prospering the nation, and my prayer to God is that he will successfully deal with other world leaders in a way that curries friendship and free people throughout the world. I believe in President Trump. I believe he will win prosperity for everyone in this land. IOW, President Trump is in our corner. We need to pray for him as he makes decisions that will benefit not just ourselves, but the Free World too. I believe with his charm and leadership, he will set us on a course for friendship with many other countries who will prosper on their own merit through an alliance with this brilliant businessman, who has so generously given himself to the running of this country. Prayers are up for President Trump and his family, and for the healing between our own people, too. We've become seriously estranged politically, and we need to let a lot of stuff go in order to encourage our leaders to do what they do best--lead the people in the right direction. I love this country! :)
Please go back on your medication.
His lawyers have been denied entry to the embassy. He hasn't much longer to hide out there.
His life is a rare and valuable indicator how omnipotent and globalized some governments have now become, and how unlimited and unchecked the power of government is. You don't even need his original espionage story to see that any more.

Tim Van, 7 Years Intelligence Collector (ASA) 32 years Investigator
Answered Sep 16 2017 · Author has 1.1k answers and 621.7k answer views

Snowden had a Top Secret security clearance, the terms of which he violated.
Assange was under no such restrictions, he simply publishes that which he receives from traitors and betrayers of trust. The more embarrassing, the better.
Those who “leak” should think about the consequences of their actions before they do so. Those who publish information that is damaging to the security of a country or safety of the public should realize what the dissemination of the material in question would mean and take measures to safeguard that information.
Assange has no allegiance to the United States, nor he did not operate from within it’s borders. It’d be nice to question him about some of Wikileaks sources and methods but that’s pretty unlikely to happen anytime soon.
I don’t think Assange has broken any U.S. laws.
Snowden is an interesting case. How’s this for a conspiracy theory I ran across recently. Snowdon has the ear of Putin whom he advises on a daily basis. Putin, through the Russians being the first to develop a miniaturised quantum encryption communication system, has a direct.undetectable link with Trump.
Sounds far fetched but it would explain a few things especially the fact Trump appears to be a raving idiot but is somehow effectively destroying American democracy. Given the absurd powers the US executive branch has they’ve never really had a genuine democracy anyway, only the restraint of previous presidents has prevented it’s destruction from within.
If President Trump needs to communicate with the President of the largest country (landwise) in the world, and issues that need to remain confidential to the Executive Branch of the United States of America, it is better than having to deal with ninnyhammers of the DNC disguised as infotainment journalists, he will act in the better interests of this nation. President Trump won the presidency two years ago, and from every indication I have read about, he is a loyal American who fights for what is right for the American people. His forte is prospering the nation, and my prayer to God is that he will successfully deal with other world leaders in a way that curries friendship and free people throughout the world. I believe in President Trump. I believe he will win prosperity for everyone in this land. IOW, President Trump is in our corner. We need to pray for him as he makes decisions that will benefit not just ourselves, but the Free World too. I believe with his charm and leadership, he will set us on a course for friendship with many other countries who will prosper on their own merit through an alliance with this brilliant businessman, who has so generously given himself to the running of this country. Prayers are up for President Trump and his family, and for the healing between our own people, too. We've become seriously estranged politically, and we need to let a lot of stuff go in order to encourage our leaders to do what they do best--lead the people in the right direction. I love this country! :)
Please go back on your medication.
There you go, projecting again.

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