Is this what James Madison had in mind?

Banning Kinder Eggs to protect our children is overkill. Or maybe not, in this day and age.

I just hope the government doesn't ban guns, so I can continue to protect my children.

WATCH: The Story Of Moms

Since its birth, Moms Demand Action has achieved unprecedented wins for gun sense in the voting booth, state legislatures, and the corporate sector. Together, we are creating a safer America for our children.

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

WATCH: The Story Of Moms

Since its birth, Moms Demand Action has achieved unprecedented wins for gun sense in the voting booth, state legislatures, and the corporate sector. Together, we are creating a safer America for our children.

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

Funny, it seems to me they are losing.


Yes, they are losing lives!

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Toddler shoots kills mother at Walmart store in northern Idaho - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation
This fails as a false comparison fallacy, an accidental shooting has nothing to do with the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment, nor does it serve as justification to preempt or restrict those rights.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Toddler shoots kills mother at Walmart store in northern Idaho - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

No, James Madison did not envision a cretin such as yourself.

Laws need to relevant for the times we live in, not preserved in aspic. Americans have more to fear from guns falling into the wrong hands, be it children or nutcases, than from an abusive government.
That notion that the Second Amendment's intent was to 'protect' citizens from an 'abusive government' is ignorant, ridiculous, and not consistent with current Second Amendment jurisprudence.

The Second Amendment enshrines the right of individuals to possess a firearm pursuant to the right of lawful self-defense, having nothing to do with 'abusive government.'

Unlike Australia or the UK, the United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. Citizens of the American Republic are subject solely to the rule of law, not men. And a fundamental tenet of the rule of law is that government is prohibited from placing unwarranted restrictions or limitations on the rights of citizens, including the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment.

Consequently, government may not seek to place limits on fundamental rights predicated on subjective, unsupported motives such as something bad 'might' happen, or someone 'might' abuse a right or conduct himself in an irresponsible manner.

Any measure, therefore, seeking to ban guns or place an undue burden on exercising the Second Amendment right because of the sad and tragic incident in Idaho would be struck down as un-Constitutional, and correctly so.

The appropriate course of action in an effort to avoid similar tragic incidents is through the resolve of gun owners to be responsible in their use of firearms, not government bans and restrictions.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Toddler shoots kills mother at Walmart store in northern Idaho - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation
This fails as a false comparison fallacy, an accidental shooting has nothing to do with the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment, nor does it serve as justification to preempt or restrict those rights.

You can bet those who would love nothing more than to see restrictions using it as a way to support their claims.
The price for our guns involves a certain number of accidental or other types of killings and some of the killings will be children. Is that too high a price to pay so some adults might have guns?
The price for our guns involves a certain number of accidental or other types of killings and some of the killings will be children. Is that too high a price to pay so some adults might have guns?

Leave your freedoms at the door, for the children!
The price for our guns involves a certain number of accidental or other types of killings and some of the killings will be children. Is that too high a price to pay so some adults might have guns?
let's make the world accident proof?
Accident proof would be pretty hard, but accident-reduction might be easier. Seat belts?
The price for our guns involves a certain number of accidental or other types of killings and some of the killings will be children. Is that too high a price to pay so some adults might have guns?
let's make the world accident proof?
Accident proof would be pretty hard, but accident-reduction might be easier. Seat belts?

Mandatory sentences for criminals caught with guns.
The price for our guns involves a certain number of accidental or other types of killings and some of the killings will be children. Is that too high a price to pay so some adults might have guns?
let's make the world accident proof?
Accident proof would be pretty hard, but accident-reduction might be easier. Seat belts?
balance : costs to society. trade off with rights and freedom, and liberty. keeping anarchy at bay
The price for our guns involves a certain number of accidental or other types of killings and some of the killings will be children. Is that too high a price to pay so some adults might have guns?
let's make the world accident proof?
Accident proof would be pretty hard, but accident-reduction might be easier. Seat belts?

Mandatory sentences for criminals caught with guns.
criminals have rights too! why do you hate the 2nd amendment?
Let's say you're right for arguments sake and this is not what Madison intended. The reason(s) for passing the amendment do NOT change what they mean/do.

For example did the 14th amendment right now applies to anyone born in the US-including children of illegal immigrants. Was that the intention? Of course not, it was intended for black people. Does that mean that that amendment is no longer valid? Of course not.
Let's say you're right for arguments sake and this is not what Madison intended. The reason(s) for passing the amendment do NOT change what they mean/do.

For example did the 14th amendment right now applies to anyone born in the US-including children of illegal immigrants. Was that the intention? Of course not, it was intended for black people. Does that mean that that amendment is no longer valid? Of course not.
Was it really intended ONLY for black people? Have you read the debates over the amendment?
James Madison was the author of the militia clause in the Constitution and the Second Amendment. What was Madison’s thinking and how do we know it? Are Madison’s words undebatable?

The Second Amendment 8217 s History Consortiumnews
Weeeellllll, what we have here is a modern interpretation of the concept of "militia", different from the concept of militia during Madison's time not to mention the complete absence of all pertinent documentation Madison wrote later on the subject.
"The Constitution preserves "the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." (James Madison of Virginia, The Federalist, No. 46)

"Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation.... Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." (The Federalist, No. 46)

Granted While Madison and others were concerned about tyrannical governments and even the new government they had founded (possibly) becoming tyrannical sometime in the far future they did not intend for small radical groups to take the 2nd Amendment as a authorization for them to act in violence. Procedures were included in the Constitution to address the possibility of the government becoming tyrannical, specifically the separation of powers and the ability for states and citizens to have a platform for redress of grievences.
James Madison was the author of the militia clause in the Constitution and the Second Amendment. What was Madison’s thinking and how do we know it? Are Madison’s words undebatable?

The Second Amendment 8217 s History Consortiumnews
Weeeellllll, what we have here is a modern interpretation of the concept of "militia", different from the concept of militia during Madison's time...
Weeeee! Do you believe we now have a modern interpretation of the concept of "privacy", different from the concept of militia during Madison's time?

Be true to your principles: claim there is NO right to privacy in the Constitution
James Madison was the author of the militia clause in the Constitution and the Second Amendment. What was Madison’s thinking and how do we know it? Are Madison’s words undebatable?

The Second Amendment 8217 s History Consortiumnews
Weeeellllll, what we have here is a modern interpretation of the concept of "militia", different from the concept of militia during Madison's time...
Weeeee! Do you believe we now have a modern interpretation of the concept of "privacy", different from the concept of militia during Madison's time?

Be true to your principles: claim there is NO right to privacy in the Constitution
Now come on, you know the "militia" argument the anti-gunners use to heavily regulate, promote banning firearms. Is this ignorance or an intentional deflection on your part?

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