Is Obamacare a good or bad thing?

It's not perfect, largely due to Republicans doing their damndest to sabotage it at every turn, but it's a good thing all-in-all.
Right liar. It was republicans who forced people to pay a tax if they could not afford insurance.

Well, they were the first to do it, with "Romneycare" in Massachusetts. But ACA is all on the Democrats. Not a single Republican voted for it.
Of course not. Republicans were ordered by their leadership to vote against anything Obama wanted to do. They were desperately trying to ruin his presidency to keep him from being elected a second time. It didn’t work. Republicans put party before country always.
Goebbels syndrome.
i of course had no use for it simply because of being FORCED to pay for it with a Mandate to pay . Now that that Mandate is gone , i don't care one way or the other EMike .
Like car insurance. Everyone with the car is forced to pay for car insurance. Everyone with a body is forced to pay for healthcare.
---------------------------------------- not like car insurance at all . I can ride the Bus , take a taxi , walk or ride a bike and leave the car parked on my provate property or just don't own a car DeanRD .
It's not perfect, largely due to Republicans doing their damndest to sabotage it at every turn, but it's a good thing all-in-all.
Right liar. It was republicans who forced people to pay a tax if they could not afford insurance.

Well, they were the first to do it, with "Romneycare" in Massachusetts. But ACA is all on the Democrats. Not a single Republican voted for it.
Of course not. Republicans were ordered by their leadership to vote against anything Obama wanted to do. They were desperately trying to ruin his presidency to keep him from being elected a second time. It didn’t work. Republicans put party before country always.
Goebbels syndrome.

Nah... just the usual BS. The Republicans like big government corruption as much as the Democrats.
As a victim of obozocare I will assure you it is a complete disaster and it was designed to be. Once the leftist sociopaths have destroyed the last of the free market hospitals in the US they will demand the "universal" system that has people in the UK waiting for months for simple procedures.
Fuck off! Sociopath!
If it was as bad as the republicans say it is, it would be gone by now.

But why isn't it?

Because republicans are useless at doing anything other than giving tax cuts to billionaires.
It was actually a republicans idea! It was a good one, the republicans just did not like a democrat liking thier idea! Romney actually thought it up and it did well in his state!
What say you , Mike.

Is your "free" healthcare as bad as our right wingers say it is or are they talking out their asses as usual?

Let me put it this way- our free NHS is like russian roulette, if you go into hospital there's a one-in-six chance that you'll come out in a box even if there was nothing seriously wrong with you when you went in..:)
Our doctors are just as bad, their standard diagnosis for most ailments is "Go home and have a cup of tea and a lie down, you'll feel much better"
There ain't a family in Britain that hasn't suffered from NHS incompetence at least once (including mine), I could tell you stories you wouldn't believe!
Let me put it this way- our free NHS is like russian roulette, if you go into hospital there's a one-in-six chance that you'll come out in a box even if there was nothing seriously wrong with you when you went in..:)
Our doctors are just as bad, their standard diagnosis for most ailments is "Go home and have a cup of tea and a lie down, you'll feel much better"
There ain't a family in Britain that hasn't suffered from NHS incompetence at least once (including mine), I could tell you stories you wouldn't believe!

The closest thing we have to the NHS is the VA.

It serves less than %10 of the population that qualify as a Vet.

Some Vets like myself do not bother with it. I'd rather pay a doctor I can hold accountable.

Some Vets get served well. They're the exception.

Most Vets are disgusted with it, but have little choice.

Some die waiting to get seen. They don't even get the surgery that might kill them.

If our government can't even adequately provide service to less than %10 of us, it proves bed wetters like Deanturd are just as stupid as I assert they are when they demand the entire country suffers under a system like that.

Weapons Grade Stupid. Dangerous when left unsupervised. These pieces of shit belong in an asylum.

I learnt long ago that THE INTERNET IS THE BEST DOCTOR IN TOWN..:)
With it, you can research your ailments, join forums for fellow sufferes to compare notes, look up treatments and medications etc, then you can visit your doctor knowing more about it than he does, and keep tabs on him to make sure he's giving you the right treatment and right meds, haha.
PS- One guy said that he told his doctor that he'd researched his condition on the net, but the doctor wasn't too pleased, so it's best to not let on to the quacks..:)
I learnt long ago that THE INTERNET IS THE BEST DOCTOR IN TOWN..:)
With it, you can research your ailments, join forums for fellow sufferes to compare notes, look up treatments and medications etc, then you can visit your doctor knowing more about it than he does, and keep tabs on him to make sure he's giving you the right treatment and right meds, haha.
PS- One guy said that he told his doctor that he'd researched his condition on the net, but the doctor wasn't too pleased, so it's best to not let on to the quacks..:)

I prefer to let the quacks strut their stuff. I nearly self diagnosed a very rare genetic condition once....and then broke down laughing. I was quite amused.

i'm leftish and i was never for this obamacare mess either single payer or a system like the nhs they tried to create a hybrid like the dutch system and the dutch system is a good one, but we mess up everything we touch, its like they wanted it to fail, poorly planned and executed
Those who want taxpayers to pay for their healthcare hate it, if you don't have health ins you pay a fine.

Its a good thing, the first time insurance companies could not charge more for pre-existing conditions, or cap ins.

Those who wanted to pay for their healthcare instead of insurance were fucked.
As a Brit, I'm wondering who's right; Trump for saying Obamacare is bad, or his opponents for saying it's good?

You are in England. So you already know the answer. There you have universal health care. Nobody there becomes bankrupt because of medical bills. Nobody there becomes homeless because of medical bills. Etc. But it sure as hell happens a lot here. Also, I heard of one drug company that raised the price of some drug by 100,000%!

Which is total bullshit.

The average bankruptcy that is quoted is over less than $20,000, the cost of a new car (and even then not a very good one).

And there is no way to know how much of that is due to medical bills.

This is one of the greater lies of the left.

Just like the Harvard's study (which many statiticians called a stretch) that said 47,000 people die every year from lack of health insurance....even though they can't produce the bodies.

The left is totally full of shit.
It started off as a bad thing. Now it's a terrible thing, headed towards becoming a super mega disaster thing. But hey everyone is "covered" YAY! As long as you have $5000 dollars laying around to pay your deductible.

Not to mention $6,300 to pay your up front premiums.

It's a fucking mess.
Those who want taxpayers to pay for their healthcare hate it, if you don't have health ins you pay a fine.

Its a good thing, the first time insurance companies could not charge more for pre-existing conditions, or cap ins.

Those who wanted to pay for their healthcare instead of insurance were fucked.

How do you know, do you know people that didn't have health ins and paid cash for their healthcare??
It started off as a bad thing. Now it's a terrible thing, headed towards becoming a super mega disaster thing. But hey everyone is "covered" YAY! As long as you have $5000 dollars laying around to pay your deductible.

Not to mention $6,300 to pay your up front premiums.

It's a fucking mess.

Now you are talking about health ins. Up front premiums, welcome to the real world.

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