Is Joe Biden finished - poll

Being this early, it's only a guess. Polls are based on what one's idea's are and their beliefs. I support Biden losing in any way, shape or form. Be it the nomination process or the general election.
So far, there were is no competition for the nomination, so it's looking like he'll have to get beat in the general.

And if he wins, we can expect a Kamala Harris presidency before the end of Joe's first term.
So they go out and ask 1500 people who they plan on voting for. Like I told my dad. Did they go to Central Michigan University and ask all the girls on campus who their voting for?

And the first poll they ask 1500 people and like my dad they might say they'd vote for Nikki Haley but ultimately he's a vote for Biden.

On campus, it's Republicans want to take your right to abortion away. Which party do you want to vote for? Democrat.

Now Republicans will lie and say they won't ban it Federally if they ever have Trump as President, super religious Mike Johnson who already said he'd do it, liar/go along with the program mummy Mitch McConnell will go along. Any Republican President will appoint anti abortion judges who are out of touch. Trump already appointed 3 nuts. Bush appointed 2. I told women but they didn't listen. They should have voted for Gore/Hillary.
Which is why you live in Michigan, Sealy and I live in Florida! Her "vision" is going to turn Michigan into another bankrupt, crime ridden shit hole! It's why people are leaving Michigan in droves headed for other States.
That's right. We pick up and move to places like Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia

Abortion rights advocates win major victories in Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia​

The results sent a stark signal for 2024 about enduring demands across the political spectrum to protect access to abortion, even in conservative states​

That's right. We pick up and move to places like Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia

Abortion rights advocates win major victories in Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia​

The results sent a stark signal for 2024 about enduring demands across the political spectrum to protect access to abortion, even in conservative states​

I love you guys. Pure vengeance. I believe the Republican way of America first will help delay the inevitable of potential 2nd state status. progs use offenses done to people as their power shield. until they get justice on the millions and millions of retirees who have screwed with people and got away with it over the years, true socialism cannot take place.
I love you guys. Pure vengeance. I believe the Republican way of America first will help delay the inevitable of potential 2nd state status. progs use offenses done to people as their power shield. until they get justice on the millions and millions of retirees who have screwed with people and got away with it over the years, true socialism cannot take place.
The retirees? The baby boomers? They're the ones who fucked us. They got pensions and enjoy cost of living increases on social security.

You're rambling. I believe you are swallowing lies about us and you are wrong. It's the people you vote for who are ruining the middle class and poor. Because they ain't ruining America for them. This is how they like it. They're richer than ever and we're struggling. Perfect. And you want to vote for it. Because Trump will build a worthless wall and bring $15 hr jobs back.

And he caused inflation. Just ask Christie and Ron DeSantis. The only time they'll be honest about it is right now. After the primaries they'll fall in line.
People need to realize the economy is not Biden's fault. You guys are complaining for blue collar workers. If things aren't going well for them, it's because of decades of Republican policies. Tax breaks to the rich. Offshoring. Breaking unions.

Does the middle class realize they just won big time with those Big 3 strikes? Honda and Toyota workers will be getting raises because of them too. You're welcome.

Inflation is being fixed.

Plenty of jobs out there go get them.

But, Joe and I agree with you the middle class is struggling. How we fix it? I bet we disagree on how. Tell me how you'd fix it for Blue collar. Keeping in mind automation and keeping prices low. How much you want to pay Toyota workers? And how many subcontractors/temps work at Toyota and what do they make? Doesn't sound like great pay to me.
The administration’s energy policies has damaged our economy. Your solution is for everyone to get a second job.
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The administration’s energy policies has damaged our economy.
Pro's and cons to going green. Ultimately worth it. Perhaps Biden will not get the credit for all the things he did that will make your life and my life better. Didn't he take on perscription drug costs?

So it's debatable if his energy policies "damaged" the economy or are good for the long run. Just like we thought Reagan was great but years later we find out his policies fucked the middle class and made the corporations richer.

But we know Joe saved you money on drugs. You'll spin it. Say he's in bed with Big Pharma. Whatever. You're going to lose next year get over it now.
Biden doesn’t look finished after last night. Voters keep rejecting MAGA again and again and again.

If Orange Jesus can come back from attempting a coup on Jan 6, then Biden certainly isn’t finished.
How come Republicans aren't saying elections in Kentucky, Virginia and Ohio are rigged? No challenges to the results? Interesting.

So then maybe now they'll realize 2020 was legit too.
Biden doesn’t look finished after last night. Voters keep rejecting MAGA again and again and again.

If Orange Jesus can come back from attempting a coup on Jan 6, then Biden certainly isn’t finished.
Here come the conspiracy theories

Officials are refuting online claims that a gas leak at one polling place in Kentucky’s largest county was election rigging that helped Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear win reelection.

Social media users questioned whether the gas leak was real and insinuated that extended voting hours in a Democratic county gave Beshear the votes he needed to win.
The delay was prompted by a legitimate report of gas emitting from a stove in the church, said Chris Whelan, a spokesperson for Louisville Gas & Electric. Gas was detected, but not at hazardous levels, she said. The stove was turned off and it dissipated.

Maybe it was divine intervention?
The administration’s energy policies has damaged our economy. Your solution is for everyone to get a second job.

This administration allowed the oil companies to make record amounts of profit at the same time as producing record low amounts of oil.
And they're set to get record amounts of government subsidies.
If you think Biden is anti oil, you've lost your dayum mind.
This administration allowed the oil companies to make record amounts of profit at the same time as producing record low amounts of oil.
And they're set to get record amounts of government subsidies.
If you think Biden is anti oil, you've lost your dayum mind.
I think covid and russia disrupted the supply chain and we know the Saudi's love Trump they gave him and Jared $3 billion dollars but ultimately I believe we are back to being "energy independent" or we export more than we import again like we did when Trump was president so clearly it wasn't Trump's doing.
I think covid and russia disrupted the supply chain and we know the Saudi's love Trump they gave him and Jared $3 billion dollars but ultimately I believe we are back to being "energy independent" or we export more than we import again like we did when Trump was president so clearly it wasn't Trump's doing.

In April of 2020, 7 months before the election, Trump struck a deal with US, Saudi and Mexican oil companies to REDUCE oil production. This set in motion the oil bust cycle. By june, still months away from the election, US oil companies were knee deep in lay offs.
During every oil bust cycle, the oil futures markets starts increasing oil prices, because the supply is going down. By the time the election rolled around, the supply of oil that had been built up from the US buying so much during Russia and Saudi's oil price war, had been depleted. Oil field hands were now months into a massive lay off, so there were no more new wells coming online.
BOOM... Oil bust in full swing, futures market increase in prices. Add that to the inflation crisis coming online because of the $8 trillion Trump spent in 4 years, Now you have yourself a recipe for $4 per gallon gas.

What should've happened, because of covid was the price coming down. Because the demand was way down.
Biden shutting down leases that weren't being used, and were not going to be used until the demand went back up, along with the pipeline (that's not going to affect our gasoline or diesel needs) were just parts of the game that Biden played. It gave the oil companies and the futures market an excuse to increase prices at the same time the demand was so low.

Do you see the game that was played on us?
Demand low........ Prices low. But not this time. And when you consider that US oil companies were sitting on over 1000 unused drilling permits, you gotta understand that Biden wasn't anti oil. He was just playing a part.
The real culprit in this is the oil companies themselves, and the futures market.
Because it's simply not possible to justify increase in prices when the demand is low. Unless there's a game being played.
In April of 2020, 7 months before the election, Trump struck a deal with US, Saudi and Mexican oil companies to REDUCE oil production. This set in motion the oil bust cycle. By june, still months away from the election, US oil companies were knee deep in lay offs.
During every oil bust cycle, the oil futures markets starts increasing oil prices, because the supply is going down. By the time the election rolled around, the supply of oil that had been built up from the US buying so much during Russia and Saudi's oil price war, had been depleted. Oil field hands were now months into a massive lay off, so there were no more new wells coming online.
BOOM... Oil bust in full swing, futures market increase in prices. Add that to the inflation crisis coming online because of the $8 trillion Trump spent in 4 years, Now you have yourself a recipe for $4 per gallon gas.

What should've happened, because of covid was the price coming down. Because the demand was way down.
Biden shutting down leases that weren't being used, and were not going to be used until the demand went back up, along with the pipeline (that's not going to affect our gasoline or diesel needs) were just parts of the game that Biden played. It gave the oil companies and the futures market an excuse to increase prices at the same time the demand was so low.

Do you see the game that was played on us?
Demand low........ Prices low. But not this time. And when you consider that US oil companies were sitting on over 1000 unused drilling permits, you gotta understand that Biden wasn't anti oil. He was just playing a part.
The real culprit in this is the oil companies themselves, and the futures market.
Because it's simply not possible to justify increase in prices when the demand is low. Unless there's a game being played.
I always hated it in Marketing when they would say things like supply and demand. I knew other factors matter. Like companies can only charge so much and only pay so much. So no matter how badly companies need workers, they'll never pay more than X amount.

My dream is that MdD jobs pay those people enough that they can afford to have a family and save to retire.

Not all McD jobs. Maybe a few of those jobs are done for minimum wage by college kids or immigrants but mostly all the jobs at McD or Krogers or Walmart should be good paying jobs.

I don't know how to make that happen. All I know is companies can't find workers right now yet wages stalled.

In fact, if wages go too high or the economy is too good the feds will raise interest rates to cool it down. Directly ties in with wages.
How come Republicans aren't saying elections in Kentucky, Virginia and Ohio are rigged? No challenges to the results? Interesting.

So then maybe now they'll realize 2020 was legit too.
I guess that depends on what your definition of "legit" is, Sealy! Were laws broken? Probably not enough that it could ever be proven but let's be honest...the real "rigging" of the election in 2020 took place when the Main Stream Media, 51 former intelligence officials and Joe Biden conspired to lie to the American people about what the Biden family had been up to! They ALL knew that Hunter Biden's lap top wasn't some Russian disinformation scheme! What it was...was a window into the Biden family influence peddling scheme! What it SHOULD have done was provide a clear look at the corruption that IS the Biden family! Joe Biden was elected on lies.
I always hated it in Marketing when they would say things like supply and demand. I knew other factors matter. Like companies can only charge so much and only pay so much. So no matter how badly companies need workers, they'll never pay more than X amount.

My dream is that MdD jobs pay those people enough that they can afford to have a family and save to retire.

Not all McD jobs. Maybe a few of those jobs are done for minimum wage by college kids or immigrants but mostly all the jobs at McD or Krogers or Walmart should be good paying jobs.

I don't know how to make that happen. All I know is companies can't find workers right now yet wages stalled.

In fact, if wages go too high or the economy is too good the feds will raise interest rates to cool it down. Directly ties in with wages.
So basically what you're saying is that we shouldn't have entry level jobs anymore in America? That you should start at a wage that you can raise a family on AND put money in the bank to retire on? With all respect, Sealy? Have you lost your freaking mind?
I guess that depends on what your definition of "legit" is, Sealy! Were laws broken? Probably not enough that it could ever be proven but let's be honest...the real "rigging" of the election in 2020 took place when the Main Stream Media, 51 former intelligence officials and Joe Biden conspired to lie to the American people about what the Biden family had been up to! They ALL knew that Hunter Biden's lap top wasn't some Russian disinformation scheme! What it was...was a window into the Biden family influence peddling scheme! What it SHOULD have done was provide a clear look at the corruption that IS the Biden family! Joe Biden was elected on lies.
Holy crap you're such a conspiracy theorist. You still haven't proven your case sir.

And Trump could have easily explained all this about the Biden family. Why hasn't he? He loves spreading lies. Yet Trump never talked about Joe and Hunter much. Probably because how could he throw stones when he lives in a golden house. I mean glass.
Holy crap you're such a conspiracy theorist. You still haven't proven your case sir.

And Trump could have easily explained all this about the Biden family. Why hasn't he? He loves spreading lies. Yet Trump never talked about Joe and Hunter much. Probably because how could he throw stones when he lives in a golden house. I mean glass.
Conspiracy? LOL That's the lie that was spread by the Biden camp, Sealy! Trump brought up Hunter's laptop and the Biden influence peddling at the debate. Do you remember how Joe Biden looked at the the American people...and lied through his teeth?
Conspiracy? LOL That's the lie that was spread by the Biden camp, Sealy! Trump brought up Hunter's laptop and the Biden influence peddling at the debate. Do you remember how Joe Biden looked at the the American people...and lied through his teeth?
Nope. In 2006 Bush appointed Hunter to be a Member of the Amtrak Reform

Hunter is just a squirrel trying to get a nut. Trump and Jared have more explaining to do than little old Hunter. It's like a low level mafia guy compared to Capone.
He lied then and he hasn't stopped lying since even as a mountain of evidence has piled up. Joe Biden and his family are guilty of influence peddling to a degree that I've never seen before. The amounts of money exchanging hands and the number of times it took place boggles the mind. The shell companies. The burner phones. The "loans". It's a disgrace. The only bigger disgrace are the 51 former intelligence officials that lied to the American people about it being a Russian disinformation campaign and the liberal media that hid the truth from the voters before they went to the polls.

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