Iran has launched a drone attack towards Israeli territory, IDF says.

Has Pedo Peter come out of the basement yet?


Scoop: Biden told Bibi U.S. won't support an Israeli counterattack on Iran​

Updated 7 hours ago - World

". . . Behind the scenes: Biden told Netanyahu the joint defensive efforts by Israel, the U.S. and other countries in the region led to the failure of the Iranian attack, according to the White House official.
  • "You got a win. Take the win," Biden told Netanyahu, according to the official.
  • The official said that when Biden told Netanyahu that the U.S. will not participate in any offensive operations against Iran and will not support such operations, Netanyahu said he understood.
  • U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke on Saturday with his Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant and asked that Israel notify the U.S. ahead of any response against Iran, a senior Israeli official said.
What they're saying: Biden said in a statement after the call that the U.S. military moved aircraft and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region over the course of the past week, which helped Israel take down nearly all of the incoming drones and missiles from Iran, Yemen, Syria and Iraq.

  • "I told Prime Minister Netanyahu that Israel demonstrated a remarkable capacity to defend against and defeat even unprecedented attacks — sending a clear message to its foes that they cannot effectively threaten the security of Israel," Biden said.
What to watch: Biden said he is going to hold a call on Sunday with the G7 leaders to coordinate a united diplomatic response to Iran's attack.. . . "

This is the end of it. Bibi has failed to widen and escalate things.
Dangerously, President Biden has made few good decisions and he is notorious for his bad decisions.

Biden’s bad decisions
  • Flip-flopped on the plan for a U.S. surge in Iraq that saved thousands of American lives.
  • Openly opposed the operation to kill Osama bin Laden, considered the hallmark achievement of the Obama presidency.
  • Approved a border wall long before President Trump ever advocate for it.
  • Opposed amnesty for illegal immigrants, then supported it.
  • Was derided by Obama’s own Defense Secretary Robert Gates as “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
  • Touted himself as “middle-class Joe,” while raking in more than $15 million in the first two years after leaving the White House.
  • Flew multiple times to China and Ukraine to help his son Hunter secure multi-million dollar business deals.
  • The truly shocking story of how Biden used U.S. aid to have the Ukrainian government fire the very prosecutor investigating him and his son.
  • How the Penn Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania was secretly bankrolled by the Chinese.
  • Seesawed on taxes — approving of a payroll tax cut during the Obama years, then slamming President Trump’s tax cuts.
  • Supported mass incarceration for minor drug offenders that almost destroyed the African-American community.
  • Lauded Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Ku Klux Klan member who opposed federally-mandated desegregation and civil rights, as someone who “elevated the Senate.”
  • Supports defunding the police by “redirecting” money from the enforcement on streets to education.
Iran's strike on Israel. 14.04.2024

1. Iran was solving the problem of realization of retaliation to the Israeli strike on the consulate in Damascus. Iran could not respond, as this would mean a show of weakness, even within the framework of the general Iranian strategy. And that is why the usual strikes by Iranian proxies from Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen, with which Iran habitually responded to Israeli attacks on its proxy forces, could not be avoided. It was the pulling of Iran into a direct strike that Israel sought by attacking the Iranian consulate, disregarding the Vienna Convention.

2. As part of its strategy, Iran has set the goal of carrying out a direct response, with strict boundary parameters. The strike should not be too weak, so as not to give the impression that Iran is imitating a response, but at the same time not too strong, so as not to make an Israeli retaliation inevitable, and if it does happen, to make Israel guilty of a subsequent escalation. Hence the observed nature of the night strike.

3. From a diplomatic perspective, Iran justified its strike on the basis of the international law of retaliation for the attack on the consulate. In terms of old international law, Iran was in its right to strike. But the problem is that international law is long gone, and under the "rules-based world order", there can be no strikes against Israel, and Israel can attack whomever it wants. Yeah, that's the bastardized order that the US is trying to preserve and Russia and China are trying to destroy.

4 The limited nature of Iran's strike was identical in structure to the strike on the U.S. base of Ain al-Asad in 2020 in response to the American assassination of Suleimani and Muhandis in Baghdad. The approximate timing of the strike, the approximate flight directions of missiles and drones, the nature of the selected targets (military), and the boundary conditions of the response were communicated to all interested players.
In this regard, Iran deliberately and consciously abandoned any attempts to achieve operational and tactical surprise, and staked precisely on a targeted frontal penetration of Israeli air defense at the agreed time.
Since there were no goals to start a full-fledged war, the strikes of Hezbollah, Ansar Allah, and Iranian proxies in Syria and Iraq were of a limited auxiliary nature.

5. It is important to realize that Israel did not confront the Iranian attack alone - the U.S. Air Force and Air Defense Forces, the British and French Air Forces, and the Jordanian Air Defense Forces participated in repelling the attack. Some of the missiles and drones were shot down on approach. In fact, there was a massive test of the consolidated US and Israeli air defenses in the Middle East under conditions when these air defenses could prepare for a strike 72 hours before it was launched.

6. The number of drones and missiles launched is key. Iranian sources said 115 missiles launched. The US and Israel about 200+ missiles. Plus there were various estimates of 150 to 400 or even 500 drones. There is not enough objective data to determine the actual number of missiles and drones launched. Iran has also used missiles with multiple warheads, which could also be counted as separate missiles.

7. In terms of the general objectives of the strikes, the IRGC states that the purpose of the attack was to penetrate the Israeli air defense system and hit the airbase from which the consulate in Damascus was attacked, as well as the MOSSAD intelligence facility involved in organizing the attack on the consulate. The choice of targets also shows Iran's mindset of a limited response. In the case of "burning bridges," Iran would surely have aimed for a guaranteed hit on the Dimona reactor and buildings in the government quarter in Tel Aviv, starting with the Knesset.
The tactic of the strikes involved synchronized drone, cruise and ballistic missile strikes to achieve guaranteed penetration of the consolidated US and Israeli air defenses. Therefore, ballistic missiles against Israel were launched shortly before the bulk of drones and conventional missiles entered Israeli airspace.
The main strike force was the latest Haidar ballistic missiles (range 2,000km, 1.5 tons warhead, REB protection + optional separable warheads). Their task was to break through to their intended targets while being covered by a cloud of drones and cheap missiles that would overwhelm Iron Dome, Patriots and other Israeli and U.S. SAMs.

8. Overall, Iran's tactics worked - some of the ballistic missiles made it to Netivot airbase. Israeli sources report at least 7 arrivals, Iranian sources 15. Also, Iranian sources claim the missiles successfully hit a MOSSAD intelligence facility. Israel denies this.
IDF claims 99% of targets shot down, IRGC claims 50% successful hits (meaning ballistics). It is obvious that Israel will minimize the impact of the strike and hide the casualties and destruction as it is a matter of military prestige. It is obvious that Iran will maximally exaggerate the consequences of the strike and conduct active information activities aimed at raising the military prestige of the IRGC and the Iranian Armed Forces.
The same was true during the strike on Ain al-Assad, when Iran claimed huge damage and the U.S. claimed 5 wounded (in the end, only the officially wounded turned out to be 135).

9. From a symbolic point of view, Iran has solved the problem of saving face and giving a response to the strike on the consulate in Damascus. The Iranian political-military leadership demonstrates complete satisfaction with the received pictures of Operation True Promise.
In addition, Iran became the first state to directly strike Israel for the first time in decades since Saddam Hussein (proxy strikes are not taken into account). Also Iran has demonstrated that even with a limited strike, it can bluntly break through the prepared air defense of the enemy, which hints that if desired, Iran can break through the air defense of the U.S. and Israel covering Tel Aviv, Haifa or Dimona with an even more massive strike. Israel can be satisfied with the fact that the strike on the consulate in Damascus is now over, and the damage from an Iranian strike, due to its limited nature, will be equally limited for Israel.
But of course the matter here is not only in material damage (although in addition to direct damage, it is necessary to count the cost of expenditures of both sides - for air defense, aviation, drones, etc. - Israeli sources claim that Israel's expenditures alone exceeded 1 billion dollars, while Iran spent several hundred million dollars).

10. Israel is now at a fork in the road. Striking Iran directly means a retaliatory missile strike, even more powerful, that is guaranteed to penetrate Israel's air defense system. That said, the US has already said it will not participate in attacks on Iran, hinting that Israel should limit itself to something like the usual strikes against Hezbollah and Iranian proxies in Syria. Similarly, Israel is actually being warned against strikes on Iran by US European satellites.
But of course this will be perceived in Israel itself as a sign of weakness, for Iran has shown that it can strike directly at Israel, which is a crossing of Israel's red lines. There will be no consolidated international condemnation of Iran, neither in the UNSC, nor in the world at large, because Israel itself profanes the UNSC resolutions and violates the old international law by ignoring the Vienna Convention.
Therefore, Iran will not be in international isolation due to the strike and Israel's retaliatory strike on Iran will look exactly like a deliberate escalation by Israel with further increase of Israel's toxicity outside the "golden billion" countries. Iran, on the other hand, has conquered the Muslim street and is now reveling in its role as the chief protector of the Palestinians in the face of the bargainers and opportunists Erdogan and bin Salman.
It was Iran that made it so that for the first time in six months not a single bomb fell on the Gaza Strip. And the images of missiles flying at targets in Israel over Al-Aqsa will be in the mainstream of Shiite religious-political propaganda for many years to come.

All in all, Iran has solved its problems and now the move is up to the U.S. and Israel.
Iran's strike on Israel. 14.04.2024

1. Iran was solving the problem of realization of retaliation to the Israeli strike on the consulate in Damascus. Iran could not respond, as this would mean a show of weakness, even within the framework of the general Iranian strategy. And that is why the usual strikes by Iranian proxies from Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen, with which Iran habitually responded to Israeli attacks on its proxy forces, could not be avoided. It was the pulling of Iran into a direct strike that Israel sought by attacking the Iranian consulate, disregarding the Vienna Convention.

2. As part of its strategy, Iran has set the goal of carrying out a direct response, with strict boundary parameters. The strike should not be too weak, so as not to give the impression that Iran is imitating a response, but at the same time not too strong, so as not to make an Israeli retaliation inevitable, and if it does happen, to make Israel guilty of a subsequent escalation. Hence the observed nature of the night strike.

3. From a diplomatic perspective, Iran justified its strike on the basis of the international law of retaliation for the attack on the consulate. In terms of old international law, Iran was in its right to strike. But the problem is that international law is long gone, and under the "rules-based world order", there can be no strikes against Israel, and Israel can attack whomever it wants. Yeah, that's the bastardized order that the US is trying to preserve and Russia and China are trying to destroy.

4 The limited nature of Iran's strike was identical in structure to the strike on the U.S. base of Ain al-Asad in 2020 in response to the American assassination of Suleimani and Muhandis in Baghdad. The approximate timing of the strike, the approximate flight directions of missiles and drones, the nature of the selected targets (military), and the boundary conditions of the response were communicated to all interested players.
In this regard, Iran deliberately and consciously abandoned any attempts to achieve operational and tactical surprise, and staked precisely on a targeted frontal penetration of Israeli air defense at the agreed time.
Since there were no goals to start a full-fledged war, the strikes of Hezbollah, Ansar Allah, and Iranian proxies in Syria and Iraq were of a limited auxiliary nature.

5. It is important to realize that Israel did not confront the Iranian attack alone - the U.S. Air Force and Air Defense Forces, the British and French Air Forces, and the Jordanian Air Defense Forces participated in repelling the attack. Some of the missiles and drones were shot down on approach. In fact, there was a massive test of the consolidated US and Israeli air defenses in the Middle East under conditions when these air defenses could prepare for a strike 72 hours before it was launched.

6. The number of drones and missiles launched is key. Iranian sources said 115 missiles launched. The US and Israel about 200+ missiles. Plus there were various estimates of 150 to 400 or even 500 drones. There is not enough objective data to determine the actual number of missiles and drones launched. Iran has also used missiles with multiple warheads, which could also be counted as separate missiles.

7. In terms of the general objectives of the strikes, the IRGC states that the purpose of the attack was to penetrate the Israeli air defense system and hit the airbase from which the consulate in Damascus was attacked, as well as the MOSSAD intelligence facility involved in organizing the attack on the consulate. The choice of targets also shows Iran's mindset of a limited response. In the case of "burning bridges," Iran would surely have aimed for a guaranteed hit on the Dimona reactor and buildings in the government quarter in Tel Aviv, starting with the Knesset.
The tactic of the strikes involved synchronized drone, cruise and ballistic missile strikes to achieve guaranteed penetration of the consolidated US and Israeli air defenses. Therefore, ballistic missiles against Israel were launched shortly before the bulk of drones and conventional missiles entered Israeli airspace.
The main strike force was the latest Haidar ballistic missiles (range 2,000km, 1.5 tons warhead, REB protection + optional separable warheads). Their task was to break through to their intended targets while being covered by a cloud of drones and cheap missiles that would overwhelm Iron Dome, Patriots and other Israeli and U.S. SAMs.

8. Overall, Iran's tactics worked - some of the ballistic missiles made it to Netivot airbase. Israeli sources report at least 7 arrivals, Iranian sources 15. Also, Iranian sources claim the missiles successfully hit a MOSSAD intelligence facility. Israel denies this.
IDF claims 99% of targets shot down, IRGC claims 50% successful hits (meaning ballistics). It is obvious that Israel will minimize the impact of the strike and hide the casualties and destruction as it is a matter of military prestige. It is obvious that Iran will maximally exaggerate the consequences of the strike and conduct active information activities aimed at raising the military prestige of the IRGC and the Iranian Armed Forces.
The same was true during the strike on Ain al-Assad, when Iran claimed huge damage and the U.S. claimed 5 wounded (in the end, only the officially wounded turned out to be 135).

9. From a symbolic point of view, Iran has solved the problem of saving face and giving a response to the strike on the consulate in Damascus. The Iranian political-military leadership demonstrates complete satisfaction with the received pictures of Operation True Promise.
In addition, Iran became the first state to directly strike Israel for the first time in decades since Saddam Hussein (proxy strikes are not taken into account). Also Iran has demonstrated that even with a limited strike, it can bluntly break through the prepared air defense of the enemy, which hints that if desired, Iran can break through the air defense of the U.S. and Israel covering Tel Aviv, Haifa or Dimona with an even more massive strike. Israel can be satisfied with the fact that the strike on the consulate in Damascus is now over, and the damage from an Iranian strike, due to its limited nature, will be equally limited for Israel.
But of course the matter here is not only in material damage (although in addition to direct damage, it is necessary to count the cost of expenditures of both sides - for air defense, aviation, drones, etc. - Israeli sources claim that Israel's expenditures alone exceeded 1 billion dollars, while Iran spent several hundred million dollars).

10. Israel is now at a fork in the road. Striking Iran directly means a retaliatory missile strike, even more powerful, that is guaranteed to penetrate Israel's air defense system. That said, the US has already said it will not participate in attacks on Iran, hinting that Israel should limit itself to something like the usual strikes against Hezbollah and Iranian proxies in Syria. Similarly, Israel is actually being warned against strikes on Iran by US European satellites.
But of course this will be perceived in Israel itself as a sign of weakness, for Iran has shown that it can strike directly at Israel, which is a crossing of Israel's red lines. There will be no consolidated international condemnation of Iran, neither in the UNSC, nor in the world at large, because Israel itself profanes the UNSC resolutions and violates the old international law by ignoring the Vienna Convention.
Therefore, Iran will not be in international isolation due to the strike and Israel's retaliatory strike on Iran will look exactly like a deliberate escalation by Israel with further increase of Israel's toxicity outside the "golden billion" countries. Iran, on the other hand, has conquered the Muslim street and is now reveling in its role as the chief protector of the Palestinians in the face of the bargainers and opportunists Erdogan and bin Salman.
It was Iran that made it so that for the first time in six months not a single bomb fell on the Gaza Strip. And the images of missiles flying at targets in Israel over Al-Aqsa will be in the mainstream of Shiite religious-political propaganda for many years to come.

All in all, Iran has solved its problems and now the move is up to the U.S. and Israel.
And if Israel answers the call and counterattacks & the US starts talking Sanctions & Divestment Again
Dangerously, President Biden has made few good decisions and he is notorious for his bad decisions.

Biden’s bad decisions
  • Flip-flopped on the plan for a U.S. surge in Iraq that saved thousands of American lives.
  • Openly opposed the operation to kill Osama bin Laden, considered the hallmark achievement of the Obama presidency.
  • Approved a border wall long before President Trump ever advocate for it.
  • Opposed amnesty for illegal immigrants, then supported it.
  • Was derided by Obama’s own Defense Secretary Robert Gates as “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
  • Touted himself as “middle-class Joe,” while raking in more than $15 million in the first two years after leaving the White House.
  • Flew multiple times to China and Ukraine to help his son Hunter secure multi-million dollar business deals.
  • The truly shocking story of how Biden used U.S. aid to have the Ukrainian government fire the very prosecutor investigating him and his son.
  • How the Penn Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania was secretly bankrolled by the Chinese.
  • Seesawed on taxes — approving of a payroll tax cut during the Obama years, then slamming President Trump’s tax cuts.
  • Supported mass incarceration for minor drug offenders that almost destroyed the African-American community.
  • Lauded Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Ku Klux Klan member who opposed federally-mandated desegregation and civil rights, as someone who “elevated the Senate.”
  • Supports defunding the police by “redirecting” money from the enforcement on streets to education.
It still doesn't change things.

Bibi wouldn't dare act to escalate things against Iran with out the promise of support with the U.S., and he knows he does not have the backing of the U.S.

He was asking for this strike with that attack on the those military personnel in Syria, Iran has declared that they got theirs, and now Biden is satisfied. . .Bibi's gamble to accelerate this conflict failed.

Deal with it.
Normally you wouldn’t. But remember…this is the Jewish state, and Biden wants to get the Muslim vote in Michigan. So who knows what he might do.
He has already made his position clear, I posted it.

Scoop: Biden told Bibi U.S. won't support an Israeli counterattack on Iran​

It still doesn't change things.

Bibi wouldn't dare act to escalate things against Iran with out the promise of support with the U.S., and he knows he does not have the backing of the U.S.

He was asking for this strike with that attack on the those military personnel in Syria, Iran has declared that they got theirs, and now Biden is satisfied. . .Bibi's gamble to accelerate this conflict failed.

Deal with it.
Saying that President Biden's staggering record of making wrong decisions doesn't change things is just goofy. If you were responsible for hiring a major corporation's CEO, would someone with a record of making wrong decisions be on your shortlist?
He has already made his position clear, I posted it.

Scoop: Biden told Bibi U.S. won't support an Israeli counterattack on Iran​

So what’s your point? Biden is showing Muslims that he won’t side with Israel should she decide to respond to the unprecedented attack by the Islamic Terrorist state of Iran against the Jews.

Now let’s consider if Iran launched 400 missiles at America. (I know they can’t reach, but just to compare….) How would YOU react if an American ally announced “hey America, if you decide to respond to this attack, you are on your own!”?

And why wouldn’t Biden tell that to Bibi privately? Why broadcast that he will abandon Israel if they respond to an Islamic attack against them? It’s to tell U.S. Muslims that he is not on the Jews’ side. It’s for the VOTES.
Currently, lots of rumors floating about with a huge amount of exaggeration.

Israel of course is going to retaliate....and Iran, the pariah state, is going to suffer for it extremely.

Iran has been trying to drag the entire Middle East into an all out conflict with the EU and America for a long time. They are relying upon the Abrahamic Accords to form a coalition with themselves as the head.

But they failed.

The Abrahamic Accords are written on flash paper. No one is supporting Iran in their madness and have said as much to Iran. The Houthis, Hezbolla, Hamas and many others are just puppets of Iran sent to disrupt world trade. Except the Middle East relies upon the Red Sea and its Canal for trade. And it's become an issue these's already been expensive. The Whole Middle East has been paying.

Time for Iran to get what is coming to them.
So what’s your point? Biden is showing Muslims that he won’t side with Israel should she decide to respond to the unprecedented attack by the Islamic Terrorist state of Iran against the Jews.

Now let’s consider if Iran launched 400 missiles at America. (I know they can’t reach, but just to compare….) How would YOU react if an American ally announced “hey America, if you decide to respond to this attack, you are on your own!”?
Apples and Oranges.

Israel never sent troops to either Iraq nor Afghanistan. Nor do I believe they would ever help Americans if America were attacked. This is their problem, not ours. The Jews don't give a shit about Americans.

There is no mutual defense treaty, it has never been ratified.


Apples and Oranges.

Israel never sent troops to either Iraq nor Afghanistan. Nor do I believe they would ever help Americans if America were attacked. This is their problem, not ours. The Jews don't give a shit about Americans.

There is no mutual defense treaty, it has never been ratified.

What do you mean about “the Jews”? You libs have argued ad infinitum that applying double standards to Israel is not related to Jews, and now you are talking about “the Jews”?

Thanks for revealing what’s behind the lopsided hate for Israel.
What do you mean about “the Jews”? You libs have argued ad infinitum that applying double standards to Israel is not related to Jews, and now you are talking about “the Jews”?

Thanks for revealing what’s behind the lopsided hate for Israel.

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