Iran condemns US airstrikes in Iraq and Syria

Japan is arming up protect themselves as theirnintel agencies clearly worry about americas long term viability as a super power. If the world REALLY wants to unite around "good vs evil", they would recognize Taiwan and even offer them into NATO. That is conviction of the higest order. Instead Cameron and the U.S are whsipering aout recognizing Gaza. Imaine how Taiwan would feel if that occurred? Men must be cautious but also courageous and principled. We.don't have that in todays world and covid exposed a great deal about the world order as I imagined it would.
That guarantees War with China. We need Japan, Phillipines, and South Korea ready if we do that.
They arm and send advisors, but will not directly engage us. Russia is busy. It is losing assets in Ukraine. China would possibly go to War with us over Taiwan

In regards to Tawain. Japan is arming back up over it and North Korea incidents.
Japan is losing confidence in America's ability to defend them from China. President Biden & his administration definitely does not inspire confidence regarding ANY of America's allies.
I think that respone either has nothing to do with my post or needs to be more clearly elucidated.

I thought it was clear that I was asking how long were we going to allow the government to convince us that these useless wars were justified?
Japan is losing confidence in America's ability to defend them from China. President Biden & his administration definitely does not inspire confidence regarding ANY of America's allies.

Where does it state that we are Japan's defenders?

Did the Founders mention this and I missed it?
That guarantees War with China. We need Japan, Phillipines, and South Korea ready if we do that.
The Philippines.watched Chins take their Spratly Islands without firing a shot. Ditto for HK. The West constsntly made dxcuses for this. They watched the red line in Syria crossed without consequences. Look, it is great to think big, but means little when people act small. You are only as good as your actions and ability to lead. These other nations are.definitely having doubts, coupled with China/Russias intel campaigns and Americas standing in the world. 40% of economic production was from the U.S in 1990 or thereaouts, now it is approx. 25% with fAR more.debt. Covid was the time to take a stand and what did world "leaders" do and say?
The Philippines.watched Chins take their Spratly Islands without firing a shot. Ditto for HK. The West constsntly made dxcuses for this. They watched the red line in Syria crossed without consequences. Look, it is great to think big, but means little when people act small. You are only as good as your actions and ability to lead. These other nations are.definitely having doubts, coupled with China/Russias intel campaigns and Americas standing in the world. 40% of economic production was from the U.S in 1990 or thereaouts, now it is approx. 25% with fAR more.debt. Covid was the time to take a stand and what did world "leaders" do and say?
Why you bitching at me? Your country went full Tyrant Covid. Many States here only shut down for short times. South Dakota never shut down at all.

In regards to Phillipines without us, Japan, and South Korea what should they do? Commit Suicide??

Hong Kong was British kneeling.

Im not president but always vote red. Same as Alabama. We may have low Electoral votes but you will show your id here to vote, have a paper ballot, and a signature verification.

Now what has Canada done?????

That one Sub can wipe China and Russia off the face of the earth. That is why the big dogs in this world dont want to go head to head.

China us pushing the envelope because they have their bought off bitch in office.
Why you bitching at me? Your country went full Tyrant Covid. Many States here only shut down for short times. South Dakota never shut down at all.

In regards to Phillipines without us, Japan, and South Korea what should they do? Commit Suicide??

Hong Kong was British kneeling.

Im not president but always vote red. Same as Alabama. We may have low Electoral votes but you will show your id here to vote, have a paper ballot, and a signature verification.

Now what has Canada done?????
Canada has always been weaker due to a small population. We used to punch above our weit but our domestic.covert police apparatuses have largely stunted our growth substantially. This is how unaccountable caste systems work BTW, see Britians decline also You have many in the U.S who sadly want to emulate our systems which will mean central control but your loss of freedom,.innovarion and economic might. I guarantee this.
Canada has always been weaker due to a small population. We used to punch above our weit but our domestic.covert police apparatuses have largely stunted our growth substantially. This is how unaccountable caste systems work BTW, see Britians decline also You have many in the U.S who sadly want to emulate our systems which will mean central control but your loss of freedom,.innovarion and economic might. I guarantee this.
And yet you bitch at me when we are trying to stop them.

Im older, but served in the Navy. Did 2 in the Gulf, Somalia, drug ops South America, and Team Spirit Korea. We did plane guard off Vladigaskov. Played tag with the Russian Navy and Air Force.

We didnt back down to Anyone.

Yet you still bitch at me. What have you done?
I thought it was clear that I was asking how long were we going to allow the government to convince us that these useless wars were justified?
Well, you could have just said that.

This action is not a "useless war", nor would I support it if it were. The ongoing game of continual wars to enrich a powerful few needs to end, for a variety of reasons.

I don't think we should be involved in Ukraine, as it is more of the same, FTR.

That does not mean, however, that we should allow our people to simply get fired upon.
Well, you could have just said that.

This action is not a "useless war", nor would I support it if it were. The ongoing game of continual wars to enrich a powerful few needs to end, for a variety of reasons.

It's not going to end as long as you and others continue to support it.

I don't think we should be involved in Ukraine, as it is more of the same, FTR.

That does not mean, however, that we should allow our people to simply get fired upon.

Our people should NOT be there to be fired upon.
It's not going to end as long as you and others continue to support it.

Our people should NOT be there to be fired upon.

Well, they are there, as much as I think they should not be. Fire missiles at warships, targeting American crew members, and bad shit is going to happen - and it should.
Well, they are there, as much as I think they should not be.

Then quit supporting it.

Fire missiles at warships, targeting American crew members, and bad shit is going to happen - and it should.

Odd we can retaliate but they can't. It's not going to work. It's not worth a single US soldiers life.
Want to wager on that? You mean just as China didn't do anything when the U.S attacked Vietnam? There were estimates that as many as one million Chinese were fighting for Vietnam. China doesn't need to declare any action, they will just operate from afar in secrecy as they always do knowing they won't be called out or.punised, just as they today. When the entire Western governments covered for China (except for.Trump) after covid as millions died was the most revealing piece of evidence for China and their intel agencies as to just how powerful their influence efforts are. They will hence provide a great amount of assistance and/or rile up problems elsewhere in the SCS or Taiwan, activate their proxy in N Korea etc. China focused on aligning themselves with EVERY nation that sees America as their enemy and/or feel threatened by America. do we believe this was by accident? Iran was the perfect partner for Chinas long term strategic objective. Hey, we can always hope otherwise right? There's always that...
some of your worldviews seem a bit out of whack dude.
China intervened in Vietnam because they held imperialist desires at least since after WW2.
and their alliance is much more fragile than you make it seem to be.
Then quit supporting it.

Odd we can retaliate but they can't. It's not going to work. It's not worth a single US soldiers life.
We were firing on these groups?

No, we were not.
some of your worldviews seem a bit out of whack dude.
China intervened in Vietnam because they held imperialist desires at least since after WW2.
and their alliance is much more fragile than you make it seem to be.
They interfered to keep America out of their sphere of influence. This is why still today, Vietnam is Communist.
We are firing upon everyone. Have been for years.

When do you suppose we will find those WMD?

By that "logic" "everyone" could fire random missiles at our troops and we should not put a stop to it.


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