In the dead of night the Senate passes $1.2 trillion government funding bill, sending it to Biden

I'll take mine in 5.56, 7.62 Nato, and any M1 Carbine ammo they might have laying around.

They might still have a couple hundred million rounds of that Korean War era steel case stuff, in case you want to grind your chamber out to a bigger caliber.

It isn't right.

But, there was no choice at this point. We as a Nation, would be hurt more, without it passing....

who is really playing stupid? Not me! I understand the full picture...

I know when to stop bitching at past mistakes, and when to get the ball rolling to prevent repeating the same mistake!

The time is NOW for the 2025 budget, and you should be supporting my stance of taking up the 2025 budget now!

....or simply live in this ground hog day nightmare, forever!
We have every choice...Nobody needs a $7 trillion gubmint.....NOBODY.
There was no choice, but to pass it, at this point in the game....

The only thing that can be done, is to not do this shit, again!

Right now, the President's budget is going to Congress for next year's budget, beginning October 1st for 2025.

They need to start RIGHT NOW, 6 months before the 2025 budget has to pass, and work out in their committees, a Budget Bill to cover 2025....

Waiting till the last minute, will always bring us to last minute, must be passed, budgets like this one just passed...

The only solution, is to start now for next year's fiscal budget...imo.

Hogwash....If the Bush junta had done this, you and your shitlib fellow travelers would have screeched so loud that it would have burst eardrums in China....And you wouldn't have been wrong.

Quit playing stupid...It's a bad look for you.
If lobbying was made illegal, all this BS goes away. :dunno:
Are you aware that we are spending over a trillion per year just on interest for the money we owe because we are unable to say no to either party? Driving drunk at full speed to a cliff and braking just short of going over every 3 months is not heroic, "doing their job", or even compromise. It is fraud and mismanagement.

Check your source, because I believe you are exaggerating a little.
1. What "cover" does the Budget give Matt Gates?
2. What about taxes? IMHO we need more revenue. Here are my new revenue options:
  • Close tax loop-holes +$1.5T
    Fix SS net zero (raise cap & ages 1-year)
    Fix Medicare net zero (raise tax & co-pay)
    Send Medicaid to the states +$500b
  • Add new 0.2% transaction tax +$150b
  • Add new remittance tax +$6b
  • Remove Capital Gains Tax loop-hole +$100b/yr
    Send Welfare to the states +$1.3T
    Send Education to the states +$300b
    Eliminate all personal tax deductions +??????? (keep business deductions)
    Collect all taxes owed +$400b

WTF is Matt Gates? You are as fucked up as a soup sandwich!
They might still have a couple hundred million rounds of that Korean War era steel case stuff, in case you want to grind your chamber out to a bigger caliber.

View attachment 921291
They sold a lot of it to S. Korea....Nothing like a Blue Sky carbine with a oval chamber. ;)

There was a whole cottage industry rebarreling carbines and Garands when those S. Korean imports came in. New surplus barrels were plentiful for both back then.

I went to their store front in Chantilly, VA back in the day with the money to buy both a M1 Carbine and a Garand.....I took a M2 round with me and never found one that wouldn't swallow a M2 bullet all the way up to the brass....They even let me into the warehouse and I couldn't find one, I must have tried hundreds.
So you should be pushing for TERM LIMITS
Why do idiots always say that? Term limits require a constitutional amendment and that is simply not going to happen! I happen to like my Congressman and Senators and want to keep them. Why limit their ability to serve? Supporters of term limits want limits on politicians they don't elect!
#1Start now, for 2025's budget...make an organized, working budget, that reduces spending...

#2or just continue to whine as usual, and DO NOTHING to correct the situation in the future.

I'm for #1....time for you all to choose wisely!
Start now, for 2025's budget...make an organized, working budget, that reduces spending...

or just continue to whine as usual, and DO NOTHING to correct the situation in the future.

I'm for the former....time for you all to choose wisely!
So how are you going to accomplish that?.....Kill off all but the 24 Senators that voted against it?

WASHINGTON — The Senate voted 74-24 early Saturday morning to pass a sweeping $1.2 trillion government funding bill after heated last-minute negotiations caused senators to breach the midnight deadline to avert a shutdown.

But the funding lapse was brief and technical, having no meaningful impact as the White House said it has "ceased shutdown preparations" due to a Senate agreement, which came after Republicans demanded votes on a series of amendments.

The legislation, which passed the House on Friday morning by a vote of 268-134, now goes to President Joe Biden, who has said he'll sign it into law. It completes a turbulent government funding process during the divided government, featuring a year of haggling, six months of stopgap bills and intense partisan clashes over money and policy along the way.

Once Biden signs the package into law, the full government will be funded through the end of September, after Congress passed a previous $459 billion tranche of money earlier this month. The total spending level for the fiscal year is $1.659 trillion.

Passed in the dead of night as usual....The Firm wins again....America loses.

I can't find a for or against list yet but you can bet it's the usual gop pukes that voted for it.
Everyone who voted for it should be personally liable for the debt
So how are you going to accomplish that?.....Kill off all but the 24 Senators that voted against it?
I'm not talking about THE PAST, the past is done and over with and can not be changed.

I'm speaking of fiscal year 2025 budget that has to pass before 9/30/2024....or ground hog day starts all over again.

under a regular order budget, Congress gets to discuss on the floor, make amendments, vote on different measures, debate issues and it should be done....with no hidden surprises....
I'm not talking about THE PAST, the past is done and over with and can not be changed.

I'm speaking of fiscal year 2025 budget that has to pass before 9/30/2024....or ground hog day starts all over again.

under a regular order budget, Congress gets to discuss on the floor, make amendments, vote on different measures, debate issues and it should be done....with no hidden surprises....
They havent done that for decades by the old rules. They arent gonna do it in 2025 or ever.

They will drive off the cliff for the WEF RESET
I'm not talking about THE PAST, the past is done and over with and can not be changed.

I'm speaking of fiscal year 2025 budget that has to pass before 9/30/2024....or ground hog day starts all over again.

under a regular order budget, Congress gets to discuss on the floor, make amendments, vote on different measures, debate issues and it should be done....with no hidden surprises....
Come on, I know you are you not that naive.

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