In the dead of night the Senate passes $1.2 trillion government funding bill, sending it to Biden

I'm not talking about THE PAST, the past is done and over with and can not be changed.

I'm speaking of fiscal year 2025 budget that has to pass before 9/30/2024....or ground hog day starts all over again.

under a regular order budget, Congress gets to discuss on the floor, make amendments, vote on different measures, debate issues and it should be done....with no hidden surprises....
You own it all, you mental midget.

WASHINGTON — The Senate voted 74-24 early Saturday morning to pass a sweeping $1.2 trillion government funding bill after heated last-minute negotiations caused senators to breach the midnight deadline to avert a shutdown.

But the funding lapse was brief and technical, having no meaningful impact as the White House said it has "ceased shutdown preparations" due to a Senate agreement, which came after Republicans demanded votes on a series of amendments.

The legislation, which passed the House on Friday morning by a vote of 268-134, now goes to President Joe Biden, who has said he'll sign it into law. It completes a turbulent government funding process during the divided government, featuring a year of haggling, six months of stopgap bills and intense partisan clashes over money and policy along the way.

Once Biden signs the package into law, the full government will be funded through the end of September, after Congress passed a previous $459 billion tranche of money earlier this month. The total spending level for the fiscal year is $1.659 trillion.

Passed in the dead of night as usual....The Firm wins again....America loses.

I can't find a for or against list yet but you can bet it's the usual gop pukes that voted for it.

Dead of night huh? Damn, they took a page right out of the Republican playbook on passing abortion laws, and tax cuts.

How's that working for you?
No, it wouldn't have....$1 trillion could have been shaved off that monstrosity, and none of us would have noticed.

Schumer could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and you wouldn't give a shit.
it passed the House, before the Senate....and like I said, this was last minute, all panicky on lowering our credit rating, causing interest payments on the huge national debt to go up,costing us more than the trillion you thought you'd save in the long run.

make those same trillion in cuts, under a regular order budget, without the chaos on Wall Street with the banks and credit rating/standing drops due to Congressional dysfunction, and as a Nation, we can make some headway....
it passed the House, before the Senate....and like I said, this was last minute, all panicky on lowering our credit rating, causing interest payments on the huge national debt to go up,costing us more than the trillion you thought you'd save in the long run.

make those same trillion in cuts, under a regular order budget, without the chaos on Wall Street with the banks and credit rating/standing drops due to Congressional dysfunction, and as a Nation, we can make some headway....
W Rerun like always. Time to change the channel.
Dead of night huh? Damn, they took a page right out of the Republican playbook on passing abortion laws, and tax cuts.

How's that working for you?
Regardless, the Senate was given the bill by the house of representatives in the evening/night....senate had no choice but to vote on it, at nightime...the house had to pass their bill first.
Regardless, the Senate was given the bill by the house of representatives in the evening/night....senate had no choice but to vote on it, at nightime...the house had to pass their bill first.
Oh no, they had a choice....These fake deadlines are pathetic....The government never "shuts down"... Or if you want to say, guess what? It's Sunday, the government is 'shut down', how will we ever survive? It's a joke.

It's time for a balanced budget amendment with line item veto.
Oh no, they had a choice....These fake deadlines are pathetic....The government never "shuts down"... Or if you want to say, guess what? It's Sunday, the government is 'shut down', how will we ever survive? It's a joke.

It's time for a balanced budget amendment with line item veto.
They do this CON GAME Everytime. Then load pirk and add a new govt gun grabber agency

Then go we had no choice. Tomorrow we are all going to die routine.

All BS

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