Immunity is not a license it"s a protection.

I don't mean to belabor the point and I do respect your views on just about everything else.

But the 'Democrat-Republican' thing is bullshit. Not saying you started it, not blaming you for believing it. It's just bullshit.

There's more, buried in miles of empty rhetoric and word salad, but it's there. There was never a political party in this, or any other, country called the democrat-republican party or any derivation of that.

Jefferson did NOT found the democrat party. Andrew Jackson, criminal scumbag extraordinaire, did. And they haven't changed much at all.

Words matter. A lot. We think in words, not in pictographs. Words. We make plans in words, not in some kind of fuzzy process. If they can control what we say, they can control how we think. We think in words.

Jefferson was a Republican. Maybe a different kind of Republican from today but then, every Republican is different from every other Republican. dimocraps are all the same -- scum.
The modern Republican party evolved out of the collapse of the Whig Party. I think that's where the majority of the original differences between them and the older version came from. Not long after that, Teddy Roosevelt created a Progressive schism in the party. This was eventually resolved by Reagan with the union of neoliberalism and social conservatism. This was again changed by Trump with the rise of populism. Historically, populism has more commonly been part of the Democratic platform, but it would seem that Big Tech's embrace of social progressivism also pushed the Democrats' current semi-neoliberal stance on economics.
I don't mean to belabor the point and I do respect your views on just about everything else.

But the 'Democrat-Republican' thing is bullshit. Not saying you started it, not blaming you for believing it. It's just bullshit.

There's more, buried in miles of empty rhetoric and word salad, but it's there. There was never a political party in this, or any other, country called the democrat-republican party or any derivation of that.

Jefferson did NOT found the democrat party. Andrew Jackson, criminal scumbag extraordinaire, did. And they haven't changed much at all.

Words matter. A lot. We think in words, not in pictographs. Words. We make plans in words, not in some kind of fuzzy process. If they can control what we say, they can control how we think. We think in words.

Jefferson was a Republican. Maybe a different kind of Republican from today but then, every Republican is different from every other Republican. dimocraps are all the same -- scum.
It was taught to me that way in high school LONG before the 'woke' Marxists took over the school system and barely teaches history any more.
It was taught to me that way in high school LONG before the 'woke' Marxists took over the school system and barely teaches history any more.
Yeah, kids today….

Anything else grandma.

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