Illegal Immigrants Given 7 Times More Taxpayer-Funded Benefits Than Military Families

What you fail to acknowledge is that taxpayers are the ones paying for the free-everything given to illegals.

There is no verification requirement for use of the pre-paid gift cards.

  • Overall, we rate Townhall Right sealybobo’s leftist pandering Biased and Questionable based on consistent one-sided reporting that always favors the right left and numerous failed fact checks.

Families who receive the debit cards will be required to sign an affidavit confirming they will only use the cards to purchase food and baby supplies.

I’m sure we can trust illegal aliens to abide by the law.

This happens all the time. Companies rule America honey. You made it that way. You don't want them to pay any taxes and they don't want to pay high wages. So they need cheap labor. You don't want to raise minimum wage and they don't want to pay more than minimum wage. But white people like you won't go to work for that much. Not even your kids. So NYC has tax payers subsodizing these jobs.

The same thing happens at Walmart. Many Walmart workers are on foodstamps because they qualify based on what they make. And the best part of the con is that these Walmart workers spend that foodstamp money at WALMART!!! Brilliant!
For one example:

And another example:

Who pays for those gift cards handed out to illegals?
You got a hard on for what goes on in NYC. In other threads you guys are attacking Cali.

How about all the illegal employers in your states who hire illegal workers?

Over 300 minors found working at 3 McDonald's franchisees: Department of Labor​

62 McDonald's locations in Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland and Ohio.

Cristhian Rivera, the man accused in the death of Mollie Tibbetts, worked for a farm owned by the brother of a prominent Iowa Republican.
Not so dramatically, but families are separated in just such a manner. I know more than a few myself. Your ignorance is your problem.

are you serious? They take an infant from a Mother? Or even a 2-6 yr old? Then they send the mother and father 6000 miles away from Boston or whatever? Something stinks in here. It would be 24-7 on CNN. Games on.
This happens all the time. Companies rule America honey. You made it that way. You don't want them to pay any taxes and they don't want to pay high wages. So they need cheap labor. You don't want to raise minimum wage and they don't want to pay more than minimum wage. But white people like you won't go to work for that much. Not even your kids. So NYC has tax payers subsodizing these jobs.

The same thing happens at Walmart. Many Walmart workers are on foodstamps because they qualify based on what they make. And the best part of the con is that these Walmart workers spend that foodstamp money at WALMART!!! Brilliant!

You have that incorrect, pumpkin. Perhaps in your universe as a Walmart greeter you have limited opportunities but with education and skills there are lots of high paying opportunities.

Yes, the business world is competitive. You may find yourself out of work with millions of Biden's illegals willing to work longer hours for less pay. Instead of American workers being able to negotiate for better pay, you will be forced out by the dynamics of the leftist politico-religious ideology you flail your pom poms for.
In the universe of the Dems / Socialists, all Americans must make sacrifices as millions of future Dem / Socialist voters are imported from the third world.

A welfare class, dependent on government handouts, will be reliable voters. So the middle class is saddled with more taxes and faces a lower standard of living to support those millions in the subservient Dem / Socialist minion class.

It pays more to be an undocumented immigrant living illegally in the United States than it does to be a soldier who is serving the country.

According to a new report, criminal illegal immigrants are given seven times more taxpayer-funded assistance than military families are.

Part of a $53 million New York City program, illegal immigrant families of four will receive on average $1,440 a month. This is more than the allowance for some deployed troops.

According to the Military Times, enlisted soldiers receive a guaranteed allowance of $452.56 a month in basic for sustenance. Deployed soldiers only receive $399.90 in monthly meal deductions, despite not using base dining halls.

Demonizing immigrants plays a key role in Trump’s campaign. But undocumented immigrants also serve another, lesser known but nevertheless vital function in the president’s life: providing cheap labor at his businesses. And not just, like, in years past, or in the first few months of his presidency, but as of—what’s that now?—today.

That was 2019. He FINALLY got rid of the illegals because he was getting so much heat for it. What he was doing is he hires a 3rd party company to hire the illegals so no one can say he himself hires illegals.

Trump is an illegal employer. As long as we have companies not afraid and doing this, illegal workers will continue to cross the border and try to sneak in illegally. Because there's a system here that rewards it. It's called illegal employers. These illegal employers, like Trump, steal billions of dollars from the American people every year.

Or as Trump would call it, a victimless crime.
You have that incorrect, pumpkin. Perhaps in your universe as a Walmart greeter you have limited opportunities but with education and skills there are lots of high paying opportunities.

Yes, the business world is competitive. You may find yourself out of work with millions of Biden's illegals willing to work longer hours for less pay. Instead of American workers being able to negotiate for better pay, you will be forced out by the dynamics of the leftist politico-religious ideology you flail your pom poms for.
Hey! Then give your buddies complaining about Biden, inflation and the economy the same advice. God damn right there are a lot of good higher paying jobs out there. I agree.

If we let those immigrants in they will organize and form unions. Don't expect supply and demand to raise wages any more than it already has. The feds are raising interest rates to slow wage growth. So now if blue collar want more money, they're going to have to organize into unions. And the government needs to go after illegal employers like Clinton did. Suddenly Bush stopped. Turns out Bush loved immigrants. Even wrote a book about them.
Demonizing immigrants plays a key role in Trump’s campaign. But undocumented immigrants also serve another, lesser known but nevertheless vital function in the president’s life: providing cheap labor at his businesses. And not just, like, in years past, or in the first few months of his presidency, but as of—what’s that now?—today.

That was 2019. He FINALLY got rid of the illegals because he was getting so much heat for it. What he was doing is he hires a 3rd party company to hire the illegals so no one can say he himself hires illegals.

Trump is an illegal employer. As long as we have companies not afraid and doing this, illegal workers will continue to cross the border and try to sneak in illegally. Because there's a system here that rewards it. It's called illegal employers. These illegal employers, like Trump, steal billions of dollars from the American people every year.

Or as Trump would call it, a victimless crime.

more BS. Trump is CEO of Billions. He doesn’t hire that level. I don’t even open your BS link. If his managers contract a service and they have illegals employed? You may never know. You can’t easily go ask. Then accused and sued…..yes in CA.

you’re almost always full of total BS. The whole site is infected with LW BS 24-7 Even the workers in here are sick POS harrassing Anericans. Sod off wanker, im getting sick of your types. Disgusting lowIQ maggots.
are you serious? They take an infant from a Mother? Or even a 2-6 yr old? .....
Yes, they do. More often, if the mother chooses not to take her US citizen child back to her home country, the child will be left with a "relative" already living in the US as a legal permanent resident. Sometimes as a ward of the state placed into a foster home.
You got a hard on for what goes on in NYC. In other threads you guys are attacking Cali.

How about all the illegal employers in your states who hire illegal workers?

Over 300 minors found working at 3 McDonald's franchisees: Department of Labor​

62 McDonald's locations in Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland and Ohio.

Cristhian Rivera, the man accused in the death of Mollie Tibbetts, worked for a farm owned by the brother of a prominent Iowa Republican.

You have a hard on for the societal rot you help create. How about all the employers in your state who hire illegals? To lay this all at the feet of left-wing politics and leftist ideology is too easy.

Biden continues to flood the country with illegals. These are the most violent people from the most violent, dysfunctional societies on the planet. As a result, we see the inevitable results; rape, murder, theft, disease and the resulting harm to American society.
Hey! Then give your buddies complaining about Biden, inflation and the economy the same advice. God damn right there are a lot of good higher paying jobs out there. I agree.

If we let those immigrants in they will organize and form unions. Don't expect supply and demand to raise wages any more than it already has. The feds are raising interest rates to slow wage growth. So now if blue collar want more money, they're going to have to organize into unions. And the government needs to go after illegal employers like Clinton did. Suddenly Bush stopped. Turns out Bush loved immigrants. Even wrote a book about them.

You live in the alternate reality of the Dem / Socialist ideological wasteland. 'We' are not letting illegals in. That is the specific action of Biden and the retrograde left. They need a welfare dependent class which will be reliable voters.
You have a hard on for the societal rot you help create. How about all the employers in your state who hire illegals? To lay this all at the feet of left-wing politics and leftist ideology is too easy.

Biden continues to flood the country with illegals. These are the most violent people from the most violent, dysfunctional societies on the planet. As a result, we see the inevitable results; rape, murder, theft, disease and the resulting harm to American society.
Biden tried to sign the Mike Johnson bill to fix the border and Trump told Mike Johnson to stop because it would take away a campaign issue.

Biden rules you suck.
You live in the alternate reality of the Dem / Socialist ideological wasteland. 'We' are not letting illegals in. That is the specific action of Biden and the retrograde left. They need a welfare dependent class which will be reliable voters.
They aren't illegal if Biden is letting them in dummy. We need workers not people going on welfare. Immigrants can't qualify for such benefits for like, 8 years or something like that. They're ready to work.

We as a country have to do what's right for the country, economy, despite what stupid white uneducated Americans think. You get to vote. I hope we whip your ass.

And don't worry because when we win, the middle class wins. Not the rich. That means you'll benefit from us winning. So you're welcome in advance.
They aren't illegal if Biden is letting them in dummy. We need workers not people going on welfare. Immigrants can't qualify for such benefits for like, 8 years or something like that. They're ready to work.

We as a country have to do what's right for the country, economy, despite what stupid white uneducated Americans think. You get to vote. I hope we whip your ass.

And don't worry because when we win, the middle class wins. Not the rich. That means you'll benefit from us winning. So you're welcome in advance.

They're illegal when crossing the border illegally, dummy.

We need workers? Really? Who is going to hire millions of un/under educated illegals who don't speak English?

You stupid, non-white uneducated grifters have this sense of entitlement, that you're owed something.

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