If you were on Trump's defense team and you were going to try to.........

I didn’t specify that Cohen was innocent.

I said that innocent people go to prison due to tactics that prosecutor so often use.
Yes, like the Central Park Five who Trump called to be executed, and who to this day he refuses to admit are innocent.

Karma is a BITCH!
Saying the same thing over and over doesn't make it true.

And trying to defend Trump on the grounds that the law is being twisted, is laughable in the extreme. What goes around comes around.

Trump bent his DOJ into pretzels trying to prosecute Clinton, Biden and Obama and failed utterly. This is karma of the best kind.
The above highlighted sentence fragment is an absolute lie.

But it comes from Lizardtwat, so that’s only to be expected.
If I was on Trump’s defense team, the first thing I’d demand is payment up front.
If the only evidence of his guilt is that he pled guilty after they threatened his wife, I say that is no evidence at all.
That you don't know the evidence the government had against Cohen is very interesting and reveals you are speaking out of your ass on a topic you know NOTHING about.

I don't know how many times I have suggested you Trump cucks read the indictments against Trump and Cohen. I've lost count.

But it is too important to you to remain empty vessels to be filled with Trump's bullshit rather than be armed with the facts.


Like I keep saying. This is willful blindness. You BEG to be lied to.
If I was on Trump’s defense team, the first thing I’d demand is payment up front.

But Trump has not just financially ripped off his employees, he has suborned them to commit perjury for him. Some of them have been disbarred or are in the process of being disbarred. A whole lot of his previous administration were disgraced, disbarred, and some were jailed.

So it would be best for a lawyer to run as far away from Trump as possible. He just isn't worth it.

Which is why I have frequently asked what kind of depraved animals will be willing to work for Trump going forward.

This is an extremely important question for the future of our democracy in the light of Trump possibly being re-elected.
Yes, like the Central Park Five who Trump called to be executed, and who to this day he refuses to admit are innocent.

Karma is a BITCH!
There was plenty of evidence against the Central Park Five. They were most likely guilty as sin.

But please start another thread if you want to discuss that case; don't derail this one.
That you don't know the evidence the government had against Cohen is very interesting and reveals you are speaking out of your ass on a topic you know NOTHING about.

I don't know how many times I have suggested you Trump cucks read the indictments against Trump and Cohen. I've lost count.

But it is too important to you to remain empty vessels to be filled with Trump's bullshit rather than be armed with the facts.


Like I keep saying. This is willful blindness. You BEG to be lied to.
No, you're just TDS'ing for the sake of it.
Cohen was not innocent. Nice try.

The one honorable thing he did was protect his innocent wife.

Cohen lied to Congress on behalf of his lying client. And he lied to the IRS and the bank on behalf of himself and his lying client.

Facts are really inconvenient to you cucks and your orange messiah.

This kind of mental illness among all of you is what has led Mike Johnson, who claims to be a moral Christian, to stand up for a rapist who cheated on three wives and committed adultery with a porn star and a Playboy model.

This is how a satanic manipulator leads the sheep off the path of righteousness into doing things which should be unthinkable to them.

And that's exactly what is going on here. Unthinking.

Or what Orwell called doublethink.

The word that you are searching for is fraudulent.

G is fraudulent.
Then you should have no problem showing me.

I'm still waiting.

By the way, I've never heard the expression "folded like a deck of cards". Like a cheap suit, yes.

Cards? No.

Poor G.
Buy better suits, kid.
Bragg's predecessor in the DA's office looked at these exact same facts and declined to pursue charges. The feds did the same. But hardcore partisan Alvin Bragg has decided run an experimental prosecution rooted in a novel approach, in the middle of an election cycle, against a leading candidate and former president, by chasing an episode that transpired two election cycles ago. The Biden donor judge agreed with the Democratic prosecutors...that the sordid details of Trump's sexual liaisons with porn star Stormy Daniels were pertinent and probative to the case -- even though there is no dispute that Trump paid Daniels in exchange for her silence. The 'crime' doesn't involve the alleged affair or the existence of the payment, neither of which violated the law. It involves the way Trump and his lawyer listed the payment in documents. Nevertheless, the jury was treated to salacious specifics about sexual positions, etc. during Daniels' testimony. By contrast, the Biden donor judge will not allow a key defense witness to offer what seems to be highly relevant testimony that would refute an element at the heart of the prosecution's case.
Let's set aside the important fact that the previous Manhattan DA, and the FEC, and the DOJ all reviewed this exact same set of facts and chose not to launch any prosecution of Trump, civil or criminal. Let's also set aside the fact that the judge presiding over the case is a Biden donor whose daughter is actively raising millions for anti-Trump Democrats. Let's ignore, for the moment, that one of Alvin Bragg's top prosecutors trying this case -- who was paid $12,000 by the DNC for political consulting during the Trump adminsitration years -- took the unthinkable step of leaving his perch as the third-highest-ranking official in Joe Biden's Justice Department in order to join a local prosecutor's office and try to put Trump behind bars. Leaving aside all of that, as well as the fertile ground for appeal on multiple fronts according to many legal experts, the question of the moment must be: How is the case brought by Bragg and company faring in court?
How is the case brought by Bragg and company faring in court?

It's going spectacularly - for President Trump.

Both in court and in polling.

MSNBC Legal Analyst Forced to Admit Trump's Attorney Scored 'a Moment of Real Triumph' During Cohen Questioning -​

I don't know if I believe that -
That G-fraud puke really bleeeeves otherwise.
Cohen was caught flat out lying. He was busted for it right in front of the jury, during cross-examination.

His motive to lie is that the government had threatened his family. Unless he was lying about that, also?
Which of course has nothing to do with the charges or the evidence presented. :rolleyes:
Cohen only lied “for Trump” when it benefited him. He also has lied not for Trump when it benefited him

Yesterday he was caught lying against Trump because it benefited him.

He is a lying machine and the rubes are the people that thought that he had changed.

Have you at least learned different now?
Good thing the prosecution had corroborating witnesses and documentary evidence then. ;)
Which of course has nothing to do with the charges or the evidence presented. :rolleyes:

The fact that their star witness lied, had nothing to do with the charges or evidence?

Good thing the prosecution had corroborating witnesses and documentary evidence then. ;)
Yes, they presented plenty of witnesses and documentary evidence… Of no illegal act by Donald Trump whatsoever.

It has been like the trial of that “white Hispanic” guy who defended himself against Trevon Martin. In that trial, viewers, kept wondering why the defense got to go first. Then they realized that all those witnesses making the defendant look innocent or from the prosecution.

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