If there is a ‘Great Replacement’ happening wouldn’t such a thing be the greatest “Threat To Democracy”?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
If Tucker is right and replacing patriotic, nationalist caucasians who know, love and respect our Constitution, traditions, heritage and history with thirdworlders whom know nothing about the aforementioned and can’t careless about the state of the republic or it’s future is actually happening can you think of a greater threat to democracy?
(Sorry for the run-on sentence.)
Tucker is right. Democrats have already marginalized our constitution and our laws. They have abdicated their responsibility to keep our country safe. They have confiscated our rights and ignored all of our Democratic principals. And of course, like all good Marxists, they accuse the other side of which they are guilty of. This is why it's so important for all Democrat majorities to be removed from our governance. MAGA
Let's ask the UN

Tucker's mistake is that he thinks this is about replacing Republicans with Democrats when it's really about replacing Whites with non-Whites. Tucker also doesn't want to talk about (((who))) is primarily behind it.
I liked Tucker better when he wore a bow tie, like a proper clown.

Translation -- "Shit! I've got nothing to say and I'm scared! I've got to say something smartass or I'll never earn those SJW brownie points, and then I'll never get invited to eat at the cool kids' table!".

If you ask a stupid question...you wouldn't understand the answer.
Whites are not superior essentially to nonwhites. History moves inexorably forward, and white has no right to exclusivity for the future. It will be what it will be, kyzr.
Whites are not superior essentially to nonwhites. History moves inexorably forward, and white has no right to exclusivity for the future. It will be what it will be, kyzr.
WTF does enforcing US immigration law have to do with racism? Nothing.

Democrats can't justify their lawlessness, their illegal power grab, so they try to play the race card.

Shove that race card up your ass...sideways.
WTF does enforcing US immigration law have to do with racism? Nothing.
Did you know that dictator Biden is also IGNORING a recent immigration act passed by Congress? Just flat out ignores it while he architects his invasion of millions of illegals. This clown IGNORES the SCOTUS and IGNORES congress. It's supposed to be three equal branches of government. But when Dems lose a majority in congress and the courts they just go full dictator on us.
I think the real plan is for blacks to be replaced with hispanics as far as future political power goes.

Given the constant black dem politician misdeeds and embarrassments and their "people's" penchant to abort and kill each other off in wholesale lots I suspect in a generation or two it might be a self-correcting problem.

It's not the whites that have to worry much.

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