If the Republicans win the Senate in 2020 they will end the ACA

All those who got "new" teeth should praise the ACA

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So what does new teeth have to do with it?
11 million who could not afford to go to a dentist can and all kids 18 and under with health insurance policies.

I see you must be talking about Medicaid if they could find a dentist in their area to accept it because those plans I believe you are speaking off didn't cover shit and most people are paying for those plans they did not receive subsidy unless it was built into the plan which quite a few were not. You could and still can purchase a dental plan without the aca.
Plenty of dentists around here take MediCal but you are limited on what it pays for. But, my neighbor got all of his teeth pulled and got his new chompers for free. No share of cost either. He kinda looks like the guy in the pic.
McConnell is completely correct. We will never tax our way out of the deficit. We need to address exploding costs of all of our entitlement programs. We've got a leaking bucket. You liberals only see the need to pour more water into the bucket. Conservative want to fix the leaks.

Excuse me, as I'm not worried about it, as Republicans never are unless like I said the Dems are in charge.

They gave themselves a big whopping tax cut , so how concerned are they about it??

They gave themselves. Interesting. Tell us, which part of the tax cut excluded democrats?

I meant to say , they gave the wealthy a giant huge tax cut and sure helped Tramp, his kids, and his pals.

At least we know that he has been paying a lot of taxes, which is how a tax cut helps him. And who is Tramp, anyway? We're talking about the president. Maybe you did a typo, although the a and the u are not that close on the keyboard.

Tramp is the male sleaze ball in the oval office. Nope the only reason you seen the 1040 was the year after his first year on the apprentice and he didn't accommodate for that, truth be know Tramp or one of his family members probably got it to Maddow.

Why isn't he bragging since on how much he has paid, because he pays more to hide his income and well we have this issue of tax evasion.

So which is it? Does he pay a lot of taxes and get a huge benefit from the tax cut, or does he not pay a lot of taxes and get no benefit from the cut? You can't have both.
and everything that goes with it. They have 22 seats and that is why they are chickenshit to do it now, as the ACA is popular even with Republicans.


The U.S. Senate has 53 Republicans and 47 Democrats (including two independents). There are 34 seats up in 2020 - including a special election in Arizona - of which 22 are held by the GOP. Democrats will need to gain 3 or 4 seats to take control.
2020 Senate Election Interactive Map


But the 2020 map is seen as more challenging, and many in the GOP can’t understand why Trump would plunge them into a fight over health care just as he was surfing a wave of good news brought by the end of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

“It doesn’t seem to make sense politically,” said one Republican senator, who questioned why Trump would give Democrats a new avenue of attack.

Another Republican senator said, “We would be crazy to try to go through what we went through again,” referring to the failed 2017 effort to repeal ObamaCare, which fell one vote short in the Senate.

A third Republican senator expressed hope that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will join House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) in pressing Trump to back off his aggressive push to defeat the 2010 health care law in court.

GOP senators blindsided by Trump on ObamaCare

Nope. They had their chance in 2017 five minutes after Trump took office. They didn't take it. It proves they were full of beep beep every time they "attempted" to abolish the ACA while Obama was president.

If Republicans wanted it gone it would be gone.
ACA or no ACA our system is broken

True. But ACA makes it more broken.

I just don't want Donald Trump deciding what kind of health care I get. Period.

It should be individual like auto insurance. Doesn’t seem overly difficult

I think it would he hillarious if everybody had to buy their own health insurance without allowing governments and employers footing any of the bill. Nobody would pay $9,600 a year to protect $2,000 worth of assets.

I hate health insurance with a passion. I say free market the shit out of it. Nobody would buy it.
ACA or no ACA our system is broken

True. But ACA makes it more broken.

I just don't want Donald Trump deciding what kind of health care I get. Period.

It should be individual like auto insurance. Doesn’t seem overly difficult

I think it would he hillarious if everybody had to buy their own health insurance without allowing governments and employers footing any of the bill. Nobody would pay $9,600 a year to protect $2,000 worth of assets.

I hate health insurance with a passion. I say free market the shit out of it. Nobody would buy it.

Exactly. It would have to provide real value, or no one would buy it.

That's what I don't get. It's obvious that health insurance, as we currently practice it, isn't a viable. Yet every solution proposed by Congress, liberals and conservatives alike, is a scheme to prop up our current delusions - including "Welfare for All". They all make the assumption that our current expectations of health insurance are reasonable, we just have to figure out how to get someone else to pay for it.
If they were going to end it, they would have ended it when Trump was elected, and the GOP swept the elections. They had all three houses.

Yes because there are too many Cuckservatives who are Quasi-Democrats, this is why they have blown it. In a political party you should either ALL be on the SAME page or if you are not then you should leave that party and just join the opposition party.
If they were going to end it, they would have ended it when Trump was elected, and the GOP swept the elections. They had all three houses.

Yes because there are too many Cuckservatives who are Quasi-Democrats, this is why they have blown it. In a political party you should either ALL be on the SAME page or if you are not then you should leave that party and just join the opposition party.
Lucy,what do you think will happen if the Republicans control Congress after the November 3rd Elections? I don't think it will matter much because i think a bloody Civil War will start and nothing will probably be able to be accomplished outside of the military.

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