Zone1 If someone attempts to rob you At knife or gunpoint do you believe you have a right to shoot them in response?

If someone attempts to rob you At knife or gunpoint do you believe you have a right to shoot them in

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
That’s the situation you’re walking down the street and somebody approaches you and pulls out a knife or gun and attempts to rob you saying “give me what you have”. Do you then have a right to shoot that person?
Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

That said, if somebody has to do that, they quite likely will have law troubles in addition to the trauma.

I might would just give them money and let them go away vs. dealing with the alternative.

Plus, if someone already has a gun on you, the chances of you being able to draw and fire before

they squeeze the trigger is not good. Really not good.
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That’s the situation you’re walking down the street and somebody approaches you and pulls out a knife or gun and attempts to rob you saying “give me what you have”. Do you then have a right to shoot that person?
While they are holding a knife/gun on you? Sure. They are an active threat to your life.

In the back as they are running away? Not so much.
In the back as they are running away? Not so much.
but they would first have to put a gun on you or a knife and then demand your money.

All though you bring up another point if you see somebody get robbed at knife or gunpoint and the robber is running away, does somebody have a right to shoot them morally speaking?
That’s the situation you’re walking down the street and somebody approaches you and pulls out a knife or gun and attempts to rob you saying “give me what you have”. Do you then have a right to shoot that person?
Within reason, certainly. Self-defense is self defense. But there are definitely cases where it's not warranted or justified. Example: a kid is standing 10 feet away from you, pulls out knife and says "give me your money". You pull out your gun and tell him "no". He takes off running and you shoot him in the back. That's kind of a different story than "he was coming at me with deadly force".
That’s the situation you’re walking down the street and somebody approaches you and pulls out a knife or gun and attempts to rob you saying “give me what you have”. Do you then have a right to shoot that person?
I'd say pack your bags and move. Not sure why some people are so afraid. Fear. Simple solution. Move.
Within reason, certainly. Self-defense is self defense. But there are definitely cases where it's not warranted or justified. Example: a kid is standing 10 feet away from you, pulls out knife and says "give me your money". You pull out your gun and tell him "no". He takes off running and you shoot him in the back. That's kind of a different story than "he was coming at me with deadly force".
Yes good point

That reminds me of the situation I saw on video where a robber came into a restaurant and demanded at gunpoint that everybody empty their wallets… they did so but as the robber went to leave the store he was shot from behind by a customer…It turned out the robber had a fake gun.

Should the shooter face legal repercussions?

Even though the robber had a fake gun, nobody would’ve known that. Frankly, I think if somebody with a weapon goes into a store or restaurant you name it and demands money, they shd expect they might die doing so in the process.
Yes good point

That reminds me of the situation I saw on video where a robber came into a restaurant and demanded at gunpoint that everybody empty their walls they did so as the robber went to leave the store he was shot. It turned out the robber had a fake gun.

Should the shooter face legal repercussions?

Even though the robber had a fake gun, nobody would’ve known that. Frankly, I think if somebody with a weapon goes into a store or restaurant you name it and demands money, they shd expect they might die doing so in the process.
Yeah. That's a tough one. Without sitting in the jury and getting a good understanding of the situation I couldn't say.
By the way, such crimes are unheard of in the United Arab Emirates or Japan. Why is it that people those countries don’t pull out knives on people and demand money. Why does it happen in the USA.?
That’s the situation you’re walking down the street and somebody approaches you and pulls out a knife or gun and attempts to rob you saying “give me what you have”. Do you then have a right to shoot that person?
Of course. Only an idiot would think otherwise.
Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

That said, if somebody has to do that, they quite likely will have law troubles in addition to the trauma.

I might would just give them money and let them go away vs. dealing with the alternative.
You would have to hope that after you give them your money, they don't kill you to eliminate the witness, or just for fun.
Plus, if someone already has a gun on you, the chances of you being able to draw and fire before

they squeeze the trigger is not good. Really not good.
Yes, that part is a factor.

In that situation, I would act very nervous (which won't be that much of an act) and toss my wallet to them, but over their head. Their eyes will follow the money, at which point I would do my Jesse Owens impression.

When I play poker, I carry a fake wallet. Well, it's a real wallet, but it is full of junk, expired credit cards, library printer cards with no more money, etc, and three dollars cash.

I keep my session bankroll in a zippered pocket where the watch pocket of jeans is.
You would have to hope that after you give them your money, they don't kill you to eliminate the witness, or just for fun.

Yes, that part is a factor.

In that situation, I would act very nervous (which won't be that much of an act) and toss my wallet to them, but over their head. Their eyes will follow the money, at which point I would do my Jesse Owens impression.

When I play poker, I carry a fake wallet. Well, it's a real wallet, but it is full of junk, expired credit cards, library printer cards with no more money, etc, and three dollars cash.

I keep my session bankroll in a zippered pocket where the watch pocket of jeans is.
Jesse Owens impersonation! :auiqs.jpg:

but they would first have to put a gun on you or a knife and then demand your money.

All though you bring up another point if you see somebody get robbed at knife or gunpoint and the robber is running away, does somebody have a right to shoot them morally speaking?
Revenge isn't a legal excuse.

I ain't saying I wouldn't understand it, but it's not gonna get you outta the murder rap.
Someone pulls a weapon to rob you.
You legally have the right to shoot them.
It's people that chase the robber for 2 blocks down the street and shoot him.
Are the people who end up getting arrested and charged with a crime.

Not sure why that is arrestable? The armedcriminal took your stuff. Should be able to put it down?

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