If building a wall and drilling for oil makes you a dictator, then Biden is a dictator.

Dems always accuse the reps of what they want and do. It is their mental illness. We've had Trump...we know the score. He is a loudmouth, lying conman. But when it comes to being a dictator, Trump needs to take lessons from the filthy commie dems on how to be good dictator.

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Are lefties freaking nuts or are they determined to protect the drooling old fool regardless of the facts? Biden's wall? How can it be effective if a million illegal criminals walk around it every day?
It's just Biden trying to save his skin by throwing some red meat to the wolves. Nothing but optics involved.

they wouldnt walk around Trump's wall?
Yeah, but not with Trump's blessings I can tell ya that... The Democrat's have let this thing get away from them, but of course they have because it's in their nature.

Not sure what the liberal hive mind is, but this video came across on my YouTube... Interesting video.

The comments are even better.

When will people wake up ?

Maybe it's too late, because Biden is almost done anyway. When the nation looks back on it all, it's going to feel tremendously vulnerable for going along to get along.

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