I Do Understand Gen Z And Their Plight.

I understand it.

Between social media, their parents trying to protect them from everything, companies doing everything they can to appeal to young people, politicians trying to attract young voters by telling them everything they want to hear, lack of Christian upbringing, a errosion of the nuclear family and too many excessive modern conveniences like having a damn app for everything has done this to them. But mainly it's social media as it concentrated all of those things directly into their eyeballs on a near constant basis. And it's all endorsed and pushed by people like the world economic forum as they try to wear down the fabric of America.

All of those things have essentially turned an entire generation into soft, weak willed, ambitionless, uneducated, irresponsible, lazy, selfish, socially retarded pussy ass bitches.

They have been fed a lie they are all super talented, mega smart, important people that are all brave, and deserve everything they want just for showing up.

Basically, they were engineered to be useless as tits on a boar.
Their Harvard HeirHead Rulers Only Measure Themselves
And she are her friends all vote democrat. They vote for the problems they bitch about.
Stupidest Americans in history.
Success in a Failed Economy Is Nothing to Brag About

First, Genzees may be becoming aware that voting overwhelmingly for Democrats has made things even worse. So, if you quit insulting them with your smug snobbery, they may now be driven to take a chance on MAGA.

They will never come around to the plutophile Old Right. I hope they take it out on their preordained Preppy echelon and attack those entitled elitists mercilessly. All birth privileges must end or there will be no future for these Unfortunate Sons.
Well we aren't much smarter than her. In the late 70's corporate America waged war on the American middle class. With Reagan and Bush's help. But bottom line is this. From then to now, CEO pay has gone up 1322% and our pay only went up 18%. So she's not wrong but she needs to realize that she needs a degree or maybe she needs to organize the workers into a union. Or maybe she needs to look for another job.

And who did we blame when they sent all our best paying jobs overseas? Unions. The same group that got us that good pay. It's not their fault Of course corporations are going to move jobs to Mexico and China if Republicans let them.

And Republicans can't even argue with me anymore on this because their Messiah Trump is talking about massive tariffs on imports. That's what I said we should have done in the 2000's when those companies were leaving. Warn them if they go they'll have to pay tariffs. But Republicans were against tariffs back then. Now that Trump likes them I bet they like them now.

Unfortunately, doing what Trump wants to do will fuck with the economy. He will do it to fulfill a campaign promise but his voters don't realize that will cause inflation and slow down the economy. Might even cause a recession. Because Trump won't do it responsibly with concern for the ramifications.

The government wages war on the middle class. Dumbass.
If you want wealth you need:

1) a strong extended family

2) achievement in a stem field

3) connections

At least two out of three.
Record debt spending & inflation has all but totally exterminated the "American Dream", & Gen Z is reacting to that debt spending & inflation the only way they can.

What a stupid ass bitch. She's having trouble making ends meet so her solution is to not work at all. Brilliant. This dumb ass bitch just doesn't want to work at all and she thinks she has found a legitimate reason to not work. I wonder how she expects to have a roof over her head and food to eat? She wants to government or her parents to take care of her so that she doesn't have to work because she really didn't want to work in the first place.
I need to know her situation. Does she live at home? No. She rents. So what does she do for a living? Did she graduate college? I need to know more about her to give her any advice. Where did she go wrong? I can't tell without knowing more.

My advice would be stay with your parents until you have a good paying job. And to get a good paying job you need a college degree.

Or, maybe she needs to start a union if the company she works for isn't paying enough. Who does she work for?

Without knowing more she's just an ignorant immature child.
You are a fool. This stupid ass bitch doesn't want to work at all. If you have a choice and you have to pay rent and eat food, do you:

A. work and make $200 per month less than your expenses


B. quit your job and make $2000 per month less than your expenses
There are no records of early Etruscan basket weaving, congrats on proving your vast amount of knowledge you lack. Now there is an ancient record of Spanish basket weaving, in fact the oldest of Europe.
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