“I Cannot Afford To Live”: Americans Get Emotional As The U.S. Economy Goes Off The Rails

Well sure! If a company can choose between manufacturing in Mexico or USA, they're going to pick Mexico every time. We should have told them we'd tariff them if they left. In other words, to sell it here, you have to make it here. Now it's too late. Trump tried that in 2019 and manufacturing HALTED suddenly. Suddenly people weren't buying. It was too expensive. Prices shot up. INFLATION occured. Because Trump started a trade war with China. Republicans here said sorry I was going to have to suffer initially but it's better if we buy American and bring jobs back home. Guess what? Trump didn't win that trade war. He just slowed down growth and cost a lot of people a lot of money.

I was like holy shit is it going to happen again? Is Trump going to fuck me like Bush did in the 2000's?

U.S. has lost 5 million manufacturing jobs since 2000

And most of those workers found service jobs that don't pay nearly as much.

So the people Republicans said worth overpaid in the 2000's, are the same uneducated blue collar workers today who are voting Republican? How? Because Trump blamed lllegals and said he'd bring their jobs back home. Idiots. Deplorables.

Well sure! If a company can choose between manufacturing in Mexico or USA, they're going to pick Mexico every time. We should have told them we'd tariff them if they left. In other words, to sell it here, you have to make it here. Now it's too late. Trump tried that in 2019 and manufacturing HALTED suddenly. Suddenly people weren't buying. It was too expensive. Prices shot up. INFLATION occured. Because Trump started a trade war with China. Republicans here said sorry I was going to have to suffer initially but it's better if we buy American and bring jobs back home. Guess what? Trump didn't win that trade war. He just slowed down growth and cost a lot of people a lot of money.

I was like holy shit is it going to happen again? Is Trump going to fuck me like Bush did in the 2000's?

U.S. has lost 5 million manufacturing jobs since 2000

And most of those workers found service jobs that don't pay nearly as much.

So the people Republicans said worth overpaid in the 2000's, are the same uneducated blue collar workers today who are voting Republican? How? Because Trump blamed lllegals and said he'd bring their jobs back home. Idiots. Deplorables.

But that's not true. Because Honda had the exact same options as Ford. Yet Honda has made more and more jobs in the US.

That is also not true that tariffs and inflation were connected. You'd have to prove clear evidence of that, and I've found absolutely nothing to connect the two.

Union manufacturing has declined. Not non-union. And nothing Trump did would have changed that either way.

Trump blamed illegals for the problems illegals cause. Not manufacturing. At least I've never heard him try and tie illegals to manufacturing.

Manufacturing jobs will never come back. You need to stop trying to blame people for it, because it doesn't matter who you vote for. Completely irrelevant. Manufacturing will never be a key employment sector in this economy ever again until the end of all human history.

Playing the blame game, is a pointless level of stupidity. They are not coming back. Doesn't matter who you vote for. Doesn't matter what Trump says, or Biden, or Obama, or anyone.
But that's not true. Because Honda had the exact same options as Ford. Yet Honda has made more and more jobs in the US.

That is also not true that tariffs and inflation were connected. You'd have to prove clear evidence of that, and I've found absolutely nothing to connect the two.

Union manufacturing has declined. Not non-union. And nothing Trump did would have changed that either way.

Trump blamed illegals for the problems illegals cause. Not manufacturing. At least I've never heard him try and tie illegals to manufacturing.

Manufacturing jobs will never come back. You need to stop trying to blame people for it, because it doesn't matter who you vote for. Completely irrelevant. Manufacturing will never be a key employment sector in this economy ever again until the end of all human history.

Playing the blame game, is a pointless level of stupidity. They are not coming back. Doesn't matter who you vote for. Doesn't matter what Trump says, or Biden, or Obama, or anyone.

Guess what? Ford, GM and Chrysler union members won big time last year. That should buy them 10 or 20 years.

Now, don't have your kid become uneducated blue collar workers because in 10-20 years robots will do that work. Then jobs will come home. Why have robots in Mexico make them and pay to have them shipped here? Do Mexican robots work for less than American robots?

Tell your kid to become a computer programmer who specializes in AI and automation. Or gamer.
Guess what? Ford, GM and Chrysler union members won big time last year. That should buy them 10 or 20 years.

Now, don't have your kid become uneducated blue collar workers because in 10-20 years robots will do that work. Then jobs will come home. Why have robots in Mexico make them and pay to have them shipped here? Do Mexican robots work for less than American robots?

Tell your kid to become a computer programmer who specializes in AI and automation. Or gamer.
You don't see any inconsistency in your own statements?
You just said they moved operations to Mexico, and now you are saying Unions won big and it will buy them 10 to 20 years?

These are mutually exclusive claims.

Ironically the Unions proclaimed a big victory in 2010 too. What happened? Oh, that's right, GM laid off tons of people, and Chrysler got bought by Fiat.
Tomorrow the ruling class will steal a $100 billion from struggling Americans
With this cash they'll end homelessness and cut poverty
Just kidding, they'll prolong a war they're losing in Ukraine, increase funding for a genocide, continue to provoke China and get even richer
Obama handed Trump a great economy. He passed a tax break like Bush did when he gave Clinton's surplus away to the rich. It gave us a very small bump in Obama's already good economy. Trump slowed the economy starting a trade war with China. Like a bull in a china shop. I want a diplomat to be POTUS you want an authoritarian who EVERYONE you don't agree with should fear.

You cheer when Trump says cops should rough up suspects who are cuffed then buy his bible with the constitution and bill or rights included?

That huge surplus was called over taxation! I do not want the Government to have more than they need!
Obama handed Trump a great economy. He passed a tax break like Bush did when he gave Clinton's surplus away to the rich. It gave us a very small bump in Obama's already good economy. Trump slowed the economy starting a trade war with China. Like a bull in a china shop. I want a diplomat to be POTUS you want an authoritarian who EVERYONE you don't agree with should fear.

You cheer when Trump says cops should rough up suspects who are cuffed then buy his bible with the constitution and bill or rights included?

The economy didn't slow under Trump not that he or Obama had anything to do with it, but some simple minded people still think this way.
That huge surplus was called over taxation! I do not want the Government to have more than they need!
No it was a "projected" surplus on the deficit not the debt. Do you know the diff or are you confusing the 2? Had we kept it going and looked for even more cuts, perhaps we'd actually be paying off the debt.
Obama handed Trump a great economy. He passed a tax break like Bush did when he gave Clinton's surplus away to the rich. It gave us a very small bump in Obama's already good economy. Trump slowed the economy starting a trade war with China. Like a bull in a china shop. I want a diplomat to be POTUS you want an authoritarian who EVERYONE you don't agree with should fear.

You cheer when Trump says cops should rough up suspects who are cuffed then buy his bible with the constitution and bill or rights included?


“I Cannot Afford To Live”:

Americans Get Emotional As The U.S. Economy Goes Off The Rails

10 Apr 2024 ~~ By Michael Snyder

As we approach what is likely to be the most chaotic presidential election in U.S. history, trouble signs are starting to erupt for the U.S. economy. In fact, CNN is actually admitting that “the long-predicted storm clouds in the economy may actually be forming”. I can’t remember the last time that I saw a CNN article with a headline like that. But at this point, it is becoming extremely difficult for the mainstream media to avoid the truth. Inflation is getting worse at the same time that many key sectors of our economy are slowing down. If you thought that the last couple of years were rough for the economy, just wait until you see what is coming next. Tremendous turmoil is on the horizon, and the American people are becoming increasingly emotional about our rapidly growing economic problems.
On Wednesday, we learned that prices jumped even more than expected during the month of March…
For example, Fox Business is reporting that the cost of energy “is up 36.9% from where it was in Jan. 2021″…
Tuesday’s inflation numbers punctuate what has been a dreadful three years for energy consumers. The overall cost of energy in March is up 36.9% from where it was in Jan. 2021, according to the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.​
Of course energy prices are going to go a lot higher than they are right now.
Just like me, so many of you can feel what is coming.
A tipping point has arrived, and the outlook for the months ahead is very bleak.
The U.S. economy is going off the rails, and the worse things get the more frustrated the American people are going to become.

Not according to our 46th president and his administration. We are doing so well, we don’t have to worry about the cost of illegals or of forgiving student loans, and we can freely help Ukraine with many hundreds of billions of dollars for something that could have been handled with a peace treaty.
Everything is fine!
Don't worry about housing, food, or fuel for heating, cooking or transportation. Our president has it covered.
Yes, The Rats in Washington have it covered. They tell us they won’t cut Social Security benefits, but they have no problem creating high inflation, or fudging the numbers to limit Social Security COLA’s for retirees.
The next round of inflation is going to be absolutely brutal. Many already on the brink who never would've considered crime will start to ponder it.
America's largely service sector economy will take a massive hit as what little discretionary spending still exists evaporates and near-minimum wage workers can barely afford to commute.
What happens when rural youth begin behaving like urban youth?
There is a level of hardship at which this starts to happen en-masse.
elections have consequences
No it was a "projected" surplus on the deficit not the debt. Do you know the diff or are you confusing the 2? Had we kept it going and looked for even more cuts, perhaps we'd actually be paying off the debt.
It was over taxation! Now maybe you are ok with the Government taking your money to spend because you think they do such a good job of it, I am not. They truly believe they should spend my money for me because they do it better. They do not
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It was over taxation! Now maybe you are ok with the Government taking your money to spend because you think they do such a good job of it, I am not. They truly believe they should spend my money for me because they do it better. They do not
You probably are overtaxed. Trump is not.
You probably are overtaxed. Trump is not.
Neither are the the other billionaires, b b b but I thought sleepy Joe was going to make the rich pay their fair share, he has done squat, and that is fine with me as I do not believe in punishing success. Joe won't either because even if he does he realizes those are his rich donors, and would write in plenty of loopholes for them!
Neither are the the other billionaires, b b b but I thought sleepy Joe was going to make the rich pay their fair share, he has done squat, and that is fine with me as I do not believe in punishing success. Joe won't either because even if he does he realizes those are his rich donors, and would write in plenty of loopholes for them!

you are aware the POTUS does not write the tax code or set tax rates, right?
You probably are overtaxed. Trump is not.
/---/ Keep spreading the lie, sealybobo. It's one thing you are good at.
1. The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 25.4 percent average individual income tax rate, which is more than seven times higher than taxpayers in the bottom 50 percent (3.4 percent).
2. The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (40.1percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (28.6 percent).


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