I am going to debate Donald Trump - Biden

You don't think it would be objectively better if we had a non-biased entity/person moderating the debate?
Is it unbiased to ask Donald Trump if he thinks the election was stolen even though he lost every case and has zero proof offered? Because that is what an unbiased source looks like. Trumpers want the press to ignore his lies. That’s not unbiased.
Covid is on Trump. Give him a pass or don’t. His leadership was horrible. Shining light inside the body? Disinfectant inside the body? Letting states do whatever they wanted in an emergency all guided by politics? We needed leadership and he failed. We needed a Churchil. An FDR. A Kennedy. we got a game show host Donald Trump.

The first 2 arent things he said.

The third is how our system works. He didn't have the legal authority to force states lock down or mandate this or that measure. Neither would have FDR, Kennedy, or anyone else you might think of. What's comical is that you contend that Trump will be a dictator if he's elected again and then bitch that he wasnt dictatorial enough during his last term. BTW you would never vote for JFK. He's way too far right for you.
Is it unbiased to ask Donald Trump if he thinks the election was stolen even though he lost every case and has zero proof offered? Because that is what an unbiased source looks like. Trumpers want the press to ignore his lies. That’s not unbiased.

Is it too much to ask for you to answer the question? is it or is it not objectively better if an unbiased entity/person moderates the debate. Any debate.
Is it too much to ask for you to answer the question? is it or is it not objectively better if an unbiased entity/person moderates the debate. Any debate.
I was trying to benchmark what is objective to you. I like an objective moderator. Someone who thinks the election was rigged would not be objective.
Covid is on Trump. Give him a pass or don’t. His leadership was horrible. Shining light inside the body? Disinfectant inside the body? Letting states do whatever they wanted in an emergency all guided by politics? We needed leadership and he failed. We needed a Churchil. An FDR. A Kennedy. we got a game show host Donald Trump.
We got Briben who promised to get rid of covid and we ended up with more deaths in Briben's first year than in the entire Trump administration. FACT.
I was trying to benchmark what is objective to you. I like an objective moderator. Someone who thinks the election was rigged would not be objective.
That would be bias on your part. What if they believed in aliens?
We got Briben who promised to get rid of covid and we ended up with more deaths in Briben's first year than in the entire Trump administration. FACT.
Every death under Biden was a result of a Covid infection under Trump. Every life saved under Biden was from a vaccine distributed under Biden. Thankfully the government under Trump partnered with private industry to develop a vaccine fast. Too bad Trump fumbled when his party decided they were suddenly anti-vaxers. So weird.
Listen you gave Trump a pass for all the IMMEDIATE Covid issues. Then you want to act like Biden cause the long term effects of Trumps Covid disaster? Supply chains broken (where was infrastructure week?). Housing levels didn’t get short under Biden that happened over years and Covid hyper accelerated. Oil production is all time high even though you fucks said he’d shut it down. And you still blame him not opec for prices and rail against getting off oil to the betterment of our security.

Face it. All of the issues we are dealing with in the economy were born of Covid and Biden handled it better than any other nation. We are the best. What else could you want from a leader? He can’t undo 2m deaths and shut downs under Trump.

Look. You don’t like democrats cuz you think you’ll turn gay so you make up a narrative on the economy. We all know it. Just admit it.
We had supply chain issues because President Tater Head put Mayor Pete in charge of Transportation (even though he had ZERO experience with that!) and then did nothing while that idiot took a 3 month "maternity leave"! You can always count on Joe to put people in charge of things that are almost as clueless as he is!
Every death under Biden was a result of a Covid infection under Trump. Every life saved under Biden was from a vaccine distributed under Biden. Thankfully the government under Trump partnered with private industry to develop a vaccine fast. Too bad Trump fumbled when his party decided they were suddenly anti-vaxers. So weird.
That might be the dumbest thing I've ever heard, Gator! Every death under Biden was a result of a Covid infection under Trump? Tell me you didn't just post that!
We had supply chain issues because President Tater Head put Mayor Pete in charge of Transportation (even though he had ZERO experience with that!) and then did nothing while that idiot took a 3 month "maternity leave"! You can always count on Joe to put people in charge of things that are almost as clueless as he is!
Nice try. Infrastructure is decades of investment and maintenance. Biden‘s infrastructure impact will be felt for decades. Where was infrastructure week? Trump played so much golf he couldn’t wedge it in. I’m sure that burned your ass.
Nice try. Infrastructure is decades of investment and maintenance. Biden‘s infrastructure impact will be felt for decades. Where was infrastructure week? Trump played so much golf he couldn’t wedge it in. I’m sure that burned your ass.
I love how you on the left are so in love with "infrastructure" spending now!
The supply chain issue wasn't an issue of long term infrastructure planning. It was a logistical issue and needed to be addressed by someone who was an expert in logistics. We didn't get that person from President Tater though...we got someone appointed to fill a quota. Had to find a spot on the Cabinet for a gay person! Had to find a spot for "Mayor Pete"! Doesn't know the first thing about Transportation? Who cares! How important could that be! Then we've got empty shelves and prices through the roof. It's what happens when you have a fuck up appointing other fuck ups!
Nice try. Infrastructure is decades of investment and maintenance. Biden‘s infrastructure impact will be felt for decades. Where was infrastructure week? Trump played so much golf he couldn’t wedge it in. I’m sure that burned your ass.
Yeah, as a golf pro I hated that Trump plays golf! Who cares? He got more done in half a day than President Tater gets done in a week.
Every death under Biden was a result of a Covid infection under Trump. Every life saved under Biden was from a vaccine distributed under Biden. Thankfully the government under Trump partnered with private industry to develop a vaccine fast. Too bad Trump fumbled when his party decided they were suddenly anti-vaxers. So weird.
It's weird alright. Here's some more weird for you.

Trump, on February 4: The Coronavirus is serious and we're working on it.
Pelosi, on February 24: The Coronavirus is no big deal and everyone should gather in large groups.
Pelosi, on April 3: Trump was too late on the Coronavirus and he didn't take it seriously enough.
Cool. Dont care about your little pet issues. Now answer the question
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