I am asking Trump supporters to engage in an intellectual exercise.

And there is Honor among thieves.

When you collect a paycheck, benefits, and bribes it is no longer service, but a job, at the expense of taxpayers and real workers/professions.
I agree that Trump's behavior as prez was despicable.

Trump Received Millions From Foreign Governments as President, Report Finds​

White House for Sale: How Princes, Prime Ministers, and Premiers Paid Off President Trump
To summarize, if I may, the answer to the question..........Is the technical distinction between rape and sexual abuse in NY reason enough to support Don for prez?...........the various deflections, denials, whataboutisms, ad hominem attacks, and false equivalences boils down to "Trump could fuck my 11 year old daughter, shoot my dog, try to nullify the vote of my Dem neighbor, steal money from a charity, have an adulterous sexual affair, defraud real estate school students, take sides with Putin, be found guilty in a tax fraud case, be found in contempt of court, sit idly by as a mob attacked the Capital, and I would still vote for him."

Thanks for your participation.
Says the deluded projecting assclown, who voted for the fiend who molested his own daughter.

I agree that Trump's behavior as prez was despicable.

Trump Received Millions From Foreign Governments as President, Report Finds​

White House for Sale: How Princes, Prime Ministers, and Premiers Paid Off President Trump
So now "what about ism" is Okay.
No different than the three stooges Clinton, Obama, and Biden.
BTW, NY Times is USA Pravda ...
One does not need a law degree to understand the plain language of Judge Kaplan's filing.

The jury’s unanimous verdict in Carroll II was almost entirely in favor of Ms. Carroll. The only point on which Ms. Carroll did not prevail was whether she had proved that Mr. Trump had “raped” her within the narrow, technical meaning of a particular section of the New York Penal Law – a section that provides that the label “rape” as used in criminal prosecutions in New York applies only to vaginal penetration by a penis. Forcible, unconsented-to penetration of the vagina or of other bodily orifices by fingers, other body parts, or other articles or materials is not called “rape” under the New York Penal Law. It instead is labeled “sexual abuse.”
She accused trump of feeling her but with no evidence and long after the time when charges should be brought
The last time we engaged in an "intellectual" argument like this was when Bill Clinton argued that sodomy wasn't classified as sexual relations. Clinton supporters snickered that the statute of limitations expired on allegations of rape and his sexual life was nobody's business but his own. A double standard for Trump?
The last time we engaged in an "intellectual" argument like this was when Bill Clinton argued that sodomy wasn't classified as sexual relations. Clinton supporters snickered that the statute of limitations expired on allegations of rape and his sexual life was nobody's business but his own. A double standard for Trump?
And thank you.
This has nothing to do with the woman accuser, and everything to do with get Trump.
Because Trump is the outsider who went to the wrong schools, didn't belong to the right "fraternities", wasn't part of the Elite, nor the select clubs, or a member of the Deep State.
He's an outsider, and a populous candidate of the peons.
The essential facts underlying the question I'm asking are as follows. The jury in the Carroll case found that Trump had committed sexual abuse, which Carroll had accused him of committing. In NY state, only penetration by a penis constitutes rape. But as the judge pointed out, a less technical, more commonplace understanding of rape includes cramming a finger inside a non-consenting person, which was the jury's finding.

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

After Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, his legal team and his defenders lodged a frequent talking point.

Despite Carroll’s claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense. Instead, jurors opted for a second option: sexual abuse.

“This was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that — made other findings,” his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse.

A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.


As Trumpists always do, most of you have chosen to assign bias as the motivating factor behind the verdict........because you must. The only alternative being to acknowledge the jury's finding of sexual abuse for finger cramming in a civil case makes the inveterately lying orange sack of shyte a man who raped a woman.

So, finally, the question I'd like you to think about is.......................

If a woman who is important in your life had a man force his stubby digit inside her, against her will (the jury's finding), would you vote for that man in a presidential election?

Yeah, if the woman is a lunatic and dog like Carroll. Sure, Trump wanted a piece of that, cuz you know, he can't score beautiful women who are normal, with consent. Yeah, she's really Trump's type.
And thank you.
This has nothing to do with the woman accuser, and everything to do with get Trump.
Because Trump is the outsider who went to the wrong schools, didn't belong to the right "fraternities", wasn't part of the Elite, nor the select clubs, or a member of the Deep State.
He's an outsider, and a populous candidate of the peons.
The left is so filled with hatred and TDS that they lost their ability to reason as well as their historical relevance.
You’ve been trying to condemn Trump as a rapist, and asking how it’s possible anyone voting for Trump could do so morally since he’s “guilty”.

But guilty rapists go to prison. Trump isn’t in prison. So that means it’s clearly a different issue. It’s a civil case. You’re comically aloof in your attempts here
So your claim is that violating a woman’s private parts with your fingers is different that doing that with your dick?

Would you feel that way if it were your daughter or wife or mother?
So your claim is that violating a woman’s private parts with your fingers is different that doing that with your dick?

Would you feel that way if it were your daughter or wife or mother?
Problem is we dont even believe that.

In a store. Didnt yell out. BS

Then crap law that ignores statue of limitations right during elections

You are FULL OF IT.
So your claim is that violating a woman’s private parts with your fingers is different that doing that with your dick?

Would you feel that way if it were your daughter or wife or mother?
Yes it is different. One is rape, one is assault

That’s common knowledge
The essential facts underlying the question I'm asking are as follows. The jury in the Carroll case found that Trump had committed sexual abuse, which Carroll had accused him of committing. In NY state, only penetration by a penis constitutes rape. But as the judge pointed out, a less technical, more commonplace understanding of rape includes cramming a finger inside a non-consenting person, which was the jury's finding.

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

After Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, his legal team and his defenders lodged a frequent talking point.

Despite Carroll’s claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense. Instead, jurors opted for a second option: sexual abuse.

“This was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that — made other findings,” his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse.

A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.


As Trumpists always do, most of you have chosen to assign bias as the motivating factor behind the verdict........because you must. The only alternative being to acknowledge the jury's finding of sexual abuse for finger cramming in a civil case makes the inveterately lying orange sack of shyte a man who raped a woman.

So, finally, the question I'd like you to think about is.......................

If a woman who is important in your life had a man force his stubby digit inside her, against her will (the jury's finding), would you vote for that man in a presidential election?
The judge is wrong. The jury spoke. A CIVIL case finding. Nothing more. And they said sexual abuse. Not rape.

And your final paragraph is a lie. The jury specifically said “no” to rape and they said nothing about any digit (penis OR finger) being shoved inside the crazy plaintiff.
Problem is we dont even believe that.

In a store. Didnt yell out. BS

Then crap law that ignores statue of limitations right during elections

You are FULL OF IT.
A jury said he DID

You just don’t care.

He literally COULD shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Ave and you’d find a way to be okay with it

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