How Travis Kelce, LeBron James and Jacob Elordi made man purses a must-have

You have a purse don't you? Lol
I'm a minamilist. I don't wear jewelry, I don't carry much on me but a phone and vape and the phone gets me in and out of my car and buys me things when I'm out and about. No, I have no use for one but as I said, my step father has carried one for as long as I known him because that's where he keeps his gun so I never grew up with this perception with something being off with a man with a purse. I was just wondering if you could explain it to me. It's really just as simple as haha women also conveniently carry things around in a bag? That seems really dumb to me.
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I don't know one man who would be caught dead sporting a "murse." The media is so full of it. I also resent that they show a picture of Indiana Jones. Indy didn't carry a purse; it was a satchel and had a practical purpose.

One more thing to add to the list of "stupid purely American things". To the rest of the world this does not even rate a second look, to the US it becomes yet one more thing broken down party lines.
I don't know one man who would be caught dead sporting a "murse." The media is so full of it. I also resent that they show a picture of Indiana Jones. Indy didn't carry a purse; it was a satchel and had a practical purpose.

^ so fragile
I have one. It is brown leather and stylish, and can be worn two different ways depending on whether I'll need quick access or not.

When traveling, there are simply a shitload of papers and things that one must be able to access quickly and conveniently. Plus, it eliminates the discomfort of having a wallet, keys, cell phone, and who knows what else in one's trouser pockets. Mine is about as immune to pickpocketing as is possible.

I use it a couple times a year, without embarrassment.

I stopped worrying about other mens' accessories when I left high school.
It’s a critical thing to have a satchel or something like that when traveling… to avoid pickpockets especially in places like Las Vegas.

Amazon product ASIN B0811JH716
There’s a good one. It looks nothing like a woman’s purse by the way. Two totally different things.

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