how to reduce american people arrogance? cause human is not any perfect


Dec 14, 2011
now, obama realized that he has made a wrong decision when he mastered teritorial of iraq. now he has withdrawn all his troops from iraq. he realizes that it is'nt true to occupying iraq's territorial for a long time. it's against the constituion of human rights. there are so many violations have been made by US troops, such as bombing the civilian or the innocent children. oow oow so sadist.. please don't so it again. you just collecting so many sins.
this is because of the arrogance of the most of american people.
really sad...
Sometimes if a thread title makes no sense, I will check to see if maybe it was just a weird freak occurrence, and maybe the op will make sense once he gets going.

In this case, not so much.
KG. He's trolling for "terruh=riss"...... like me ! Dissent=terruh.
I'm on the "no fly" list, to the M-pyre, presumably from posts I have made here over the years.
Is he trying to pull in obsessive compulsive English teachers who feel compelled to organize his ramblings into some semblance of the language?
now, obama realized that he has made a wrong decision when he mastered teritorial of iraq. now he has withdrawn all his troops from iraq. he realizes that it is'nt true to occupying iraq's territorial for a long time. it's against the constituion of human rights. there are so many violations have been made by US troops, such as bombing the civilian or the innocent children. oow oow so sadist.. please don't so it again. you just collecting so many sins.
this is because of the arrogance of the most of american people.
really sad...

The policy you have seen that you dont like from America is the responsibility of the president before Obama.

The American president Bush was the one whos arrogance caused this mess.

Obama is merely cleaning up the mess left by Bush.

Not all Americans liked the arrogance of Bush.

Bush had many very wealthy people ( some not even Americans) who backed him and helped him cheat in the American elections.

Bush did not win by a real vote of the American people.

He cheated to become our president.

It worked.

If the American people HAD NOT been attacked on 911 the cheating to win an election Bush did would have been figured out much earlier by the people here.

In attacking America on its soil the terrorists gave george Bush the American peoples backing.

The American people took much longer to figure out that Bush was a criminal.

If you want a better America with less arrogance the best thing to do is not try to harm us.

When mad the American people dont stop and think they merely react.

The terrorists did george Bush a favor by attacking us.
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now, obama realized that he has made a wrong decision when he mastered teritorial of iraq. now he has withdrawn all his troops from iraq. he realizes that it is'nt true to occupying iraq's territorial for a long time. it's against the constituion of human rights. there are so many violations have been made by US troops, such as bombing the civilian or the innocent children. oow oow so sadist.. please don't so it again. you just collecting so many sins.
this is because of the arrogance of the most of american people.
really sad...

"how to reduce american people arrogance? cause human is not any perfect"



so stupid.

But to answer the question, we might begin by ignoring unintelligably composed threads.
this is wikileaks forum. inclined to a political matter. so.. we're in the right place.
first. i wanna tell you - i don't know why you portray the girl with bikini on the beach? i guess this is a formal forum. and we're under a formal discussion. get dressed, will you!
second. this is a high quality- thread. i hope we can start to speak up like a politician. thank you.
third. when i see you on wearing bikini i may say you also have an arrogant posture. because you don't know if you wear it on the right place and the right time. so?..
now we talk. okay you blamed on george bush for all policies fault. quite fair. and you think obama is the savior? mm.. not quite the savior i guess. he just the successor but with "the change" slogan. he wants to fix up the whole mistaken who made by bush. for this replied i have to agree with you. you're right the arrogance of george bush has made many holocausts. and now obama has to bear the burden. ofcourse it's not fair. but what we can do now is we have to clean our bad nature, bad attitude, and arrogance or our hubris become more manner and humble. a humble what about that? that's the best behavior right? be humbled. why can't we be humbled.. than hubris?.. so that's what i meant. american people could be humbled. the way we talk.. always want to win our own. and that's not a good nature for ourselves and to the other who heard it. thank you. become a good fellow o americans. k?..
now we talk. okay you blamed on george bush for all policies fault. quite fair. and you think obama is the savior? mm.. not quite the savior i guess. he just the successor but with "the change" slogan. he wants to fix up the whole mistaken who made by bush. for this replied i have to agree with you. you're right the arrogance of george bush has made many holocausts. and now obama has to bear the burden. ofcourse it's not fair. but what we can do now is we have to clean our bad nature, bad attitude, and arrogance or our hubris become more manner and humble. a humble what about that? that's the best behavior right? be humbled. why can't we be humbled.. than hubris?.. so that's what i meant. american people could be humbled. the way we talk.. always want to win our own. and that's not a good nature for ourselves and to the other who heard it. thank you. become a good fellow o americans. k?..

the American people never wanted what Bush gave.

they voted against it and Bush cheated his way into office and relection.

He was not who the American people wanted.

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