How To "Free Palestine"

Palestinians contribution to the world:

1) Refugees who "must" be returned to the State of Israel (to help destroy Israel)

2) Suicide Belts - to help the Israelis realize that there is no point in them having their sovereign State. That that will always be attacked, until they give up.

3) International Terrorism - to help the world stop helping Israel, and help the Arab Palestinians bring back into Islam the part invaded and kept by Muslims (most of the time) for 1300 years.

The Palestinians, 100 years of catastrophic mismanagement

Yes but what about all the endless Palestinian contributions to the world before 1948?


Christianity was created by the Jews, not by Muslim Palestinians.

The Jews that followed Christ became Christians, and ceased being Jews. You would think that this simple dynamic would be understood by even a moron like you.
Palestinians contribution to the world:

1) Refugees who "must" be returned to the State of Israel (to help destroy Israel)

2) Suicide Belts - to help the Israelis realize that there is no point in them having their sovereign State. That that will always be attacked, until they give up.

3) International Terrorism - to help the world stop helping Israel, and help the Arab Palestinians bring back into Islam the part invaded and kept by Muslims (most of the time) for 1300 years.

The Palestinians, 100 years of catastrophic mismanagement

Yes but what about all the endless Palestinian contributions to the world before 1948?


Christianity was created by the Jews, not by Muslim Palestinians.

The Jews that followed Christ became Christians, and ceased being Jews.

You would think that this simple dynamic would be understood by even a moron like you.

And the Jews who became Christians were few, compared to the Pagans who became Christians.

Most Jews remained Jews. They were there during the 70 CE revolt.
They were there during the 132 to 135 CE revolt, and they continued to be there all the way to when the Byzantine and the Muslims came.

The Arab Muslims did not open Jerusalem for the Christians.
They opened it again, after Centuries of Christian refusal to do so, for the Jews wh still lived there.

It is not odd that you are trying to wipe out all the Jews from existence just as master Hitler tried to do.

And why would Hitler attempt and succeed in killing 6 Million Jews who lived in Europe if they were all converts to Judaism?
Same thing during the Inquisition.

All it would have taken, in both situations, is simply forcing all the Jews to convert to Christianity (Inquisition) or whatever Hitler believed in (he hated Christianity and Catholics). Some agnostic view or another he may have had.

Both the Inquisition and the Nazis with Hitler knew that all of those people were Jews from Asia Minor, who were living in Europe.

They either killed, or expelled, or forced to convert.
And still, many of the Conversos remained Jews, or kept their memories of having been Jewish, and continued to practice secretly.

Fake Jews, anyone who has bothered to convert to Judaism without having actually any roots in it would never bother to go through such endless persecution as all the Jews have had to deal with. All the way up to today.

Martin Luther would have bothered wanting to convert the Jews of his time to Christianity if they had been converts to Judaism?
Would he have bothered to write his book "The Jews and their lies" if he had not known that they were the real thing?

He would have written instead a book, or books, at anytime (and the same goes for the Romans, the Byzantine, the Muslims and the Crusaders) telling Christianity that all original Jews were gone, and all who were calling themselves Jews were nothing but converts to Judaism. Pagans, other Christians, Muslims, Bahai, Hindus, etc.
All converts to Judaism passing themselves as the original Jews.

But none of them ever did that. And neither did the Vatican, which helped spread the hatred for Jews for centuries.

In other words, anyone who goes around attempting to steal the Jewish identity from the Jewish People is nothing but a thief, and an attempted murdered of a whole religion and all the people who follow it.

Free Palestine from all the liars who want to continue to have the Land of Israel dominated by extreme Muslims and Christians who want the Jewish People always at their feet.....or dead.

FREE Christianity and Islam and all of those in the world, from this kind of thinking once and for all.

Jews are indigenous of the Land of Israel. From Zion.
And will continue to be....forever.

Am Israel Chai
Palestinians contribution to the world:

1) Refugees who "must" be returned to the State of Israel (to help destroy Israel)

2) Suicide Belts - to help the Israelis realize that there is no point in them having their sovereign State. That that will always be attacked, until they give up.

3) International Terrorism - to help the world stop helping Israel, and help the Arab Palestinians bring back into Islam the part invaded and kept by Muslims (most of the time) for 1300 years.

The Palestinians, 100 years of catastrophic mismanagement

Yes but what about all the endless Palestinian contributions to the world before 1948?


Christianity was created by the Jews, not by Muslim Palestinians.

The Jews that followed Christ became Christians, and ceased being Jews.

You would think that this simple dynamic would be understood by even a moron like you.

And the Jews who became Christians were few, compared to the Pagans who became Christians.

Most Jews remained Jews. They were there during the 70 CE revolt.
They were there during the 132 to 135 CE revolt, and they continued to be there all the way to when the Byzantine and the Muslims came.

The Arab Muslims did not open Jerusalem for the Christians.
They opened it again, after Centuries of Christian refusal to do so, for the Jews wh still lived there.

It is not odd that you are trying to wipe out all the Jews from existence just as master Hitler tried to do.

And why would Hitler attempt and succeed in killing 6 Million Jews who lived in Europe if they were all converts to Judaism?
Same thing during the Inquisition.

All it would have taken, in both situations, is simply forcing all the Jews to convert to Christianity (Inquisition) or whatever Hitler believed in (he hated Christianity and Catholics). Some agnostic view or another he may have had.

Both the Inquisition and the Nazis with Hitler knew that all of those people were Jews from Asia Minor, who were living in Europe.

They either killed, or expelled, or forced to convert.
And still, many of the Conversos remained Jews, or kept their memories of having been Jewish, and continued to practice secretly.

Fake Jews, anyone who has bothered to convert to Judaism without having actually any roots in it would never bother to go through such endless persecution as all the Jews have had to deal with. All the way up to today.

Martin Luther would have bothered wanting to convert the Jews of his time to Christianity if they had been converts to Judaism?
Would he have bothered to write his book "The Jews and their lies" if he had not known that they were the real thing?

He would have written instead a book, or books, at anytime (and the same goes for the Romans, the Byzantine, the Muslims and the Crusaders) telling Christianity that all original Jews were gone, and all who were calling themselves Jews were nothing but converts to Judaism. Pagans, other Christians, Muslims, Bahai, Hindus, etc.
All converts to Judaism passing themselves as the original Jews.

But none of them ever did that. And neither did the Vatican, which helped spread the hatred for Jews for centuries.

In other words, anyone who goes around attempting to steal the Jewish identity from the Jewish People is nothing but a thief, and an attempted murdered of a whole religion and all the people who follow it.

Free Palestine from all the liars who want to continue to have the Land of Israel dominated by extreme Muslims and Christians who want the Jewish People always at their feet.....or dead.

FREE Christianity and Islam and all of those in the world, from this kind of thinking once and for all.

Jews are indigenous of the Land of Israel. From Zion.
And will continue to be....forever.

Am Israel Chai

Nearly all Jews in Palestine had converted to Christianity by the time of the Muslim conquest. Those that hadn't were not allowed to reside anywhere near Jerusalem so they were no longer inhabitants of the province of Palestina. Your fairy tales don't jive with historical fact. In fact, when the First Crusade conquered Jerusalem in 1099 most of the population of Jerusalem, which was Christian, had been expelled prior to the siege by the Muslim rulers for fear of them being a fifth column. It made it easy for the Crusaders once they entered Jerusalem, they killed any civilians they saw, along with Arab military, knowing they would not be Christians.
Maybe the best way to solve the Israeli-palestinian problem would be a binational State for Jews and Palestinians. :)
Rational and good Israelis and Palestinians should talk and make this possible :)

I have always said that a secular democratic state for all the inhabitants of Palestine/Israel would be the solution. That's what the Muslims and Christians have wanted since the Mandate was signed in the 20s.
Maybe the best way to solve the Israeli-palestinian problem would be a binational State for Jews and Palestinians. :)
Rational and good Israelis and Palestinians should talk and make this possible :)

I have always said that a secular democratic state for all the inhabitants of Palestine/Israel would be the solution. That's what the Muslims and Christians have wanted since the Mandate was signed in the 20s.

The UN Partition on 1947 was to give the Jews their State and the Muslims their State on what was left of the Mandate of Palestine.

The Muslims said no.
The Jews said yes, and they were approved for the State of Israel to become Independent.

The Muslims continue to say no to their own State. One called Palestine.

They want not only Gaza, Judea and Samaria but all of Israel.

It is written in both the PLO and Hamas Charters.

When a people make it very clear in their charters (PLO and Hamas) that they will not accept a State for the Jews next to them, take them seriously.

Turning the whole area into just ONE state gives the Muslims exactly what they want.

A sovereign Muslim majority and a subservient non Muslim minority.
It is not only the Jews who will be treated, again, as second class citizens, but all non Jews, and even many Muslims who are pro a Jewish State.

Who, in their right mind is going to accept what the Muslims really want in the end?
I stated that that the few that did not convert (if any) were not allowed to reside in Jerusalem and environs. Where they went no one knows. But any non-Christian Jewish or Pagan or Samaritan or other went elsewhere. Surely, most with homes or property converted.
Thank you for answering my question, sort of. I do not remember Jerusalem being part of the conversation. But FYI, there has been Jewish communities in Tiberias and Safed and other parts of the Galilee going back a couple thousand years as well.
Maybe the best way to solve the Israeli-palestinian problem would be a binational State for Jews and Palestinians. :)
Rational and good Israelis and Palestinians should talk and make this possible :)

I have always said that a secular democratic state for all the inhabitants of Palestine/Israel would be the solution. That's what the Muslims and Christians have wanted since the Mandate was signed in the 20s.

The UN Partition on 1947 was to give the Jews their State and the Muslims their State on what was left of the Mandate of Palestine.

The Muslims said no.
The Jews said yes, and they were approved for the State of Israel to become Independent.

The Muslims continue to say no to their own State. One called Palestine.

They want not only Gaza, Judea and Samaria but all of Israel.

It is written in both the PLO and Hamas Charters.

When a people make it very clear in their charters (PLO and Hamas) that they will not accept a State for the Jews next to them, take them seriously.

Turning the whole area into just ONE state gives the Muslims exactly what they want.

A sovereign Muslim majority and a subservient non Muslim minority.
It is not only the Jews who will be treated, again, as second class citizens, but all non Jews, and even many Muslims who are pro a Jewish State.

Who, in their right mind is going to accept what the Muslims really want in the end?

You are such a brainwashed piece of crap. The partition plan left a third of the Palestinian people who represented, with the Bedouins, the majority of the people in the Jewish part of the partition. The UN imposed permanent Jew rule on these Palestinians in a state called the Jewish State. The Muslims and Christians had to refuse to abandon a third of their population to being ruled by European colonial settlers.
Maybe the best way to solve the Israeli-palestinian problem would be a binational State for Jews and Palestinians. :)
Rational and good Israelis and Palestinians should talk and make this possible :)

I have always said that a secular democratic state for all the inhabitants of Palestine/Israel would be the solution. That's what the Muslims and Christians have wanted since the Mandate was signed in the 20s.

The UN Partition on 1947 was to give the Jews their State and the Muslims their State on what was left of the Mandate of Palestine.

The Muslims said no.
The Jews said yes, and they were approved for the State of Israel to become Independent.

The Muslims continue to say no to their own State. One called Palestine.

They want not only Gaza, Judea and Samaria but all of Israel.

It is written in both the PLO and Hamas Charters.

When a people make it very clear in their charters (PLO and Hamas) that they will not accept a State for the Jews next to them, take them seriously.

Turning the whole area into just ONE state gives the Muslims exactly what they want.

A sovereign Muslim majority and a subservient non Muslim minority.
It is not only the Jews who will be treated, again, as second class citizens, but all non Jews, and even many Muslims who are pro a Jewish State.

Who, in their right mind is going to accept what the Muslims really want in the end?

You are such a brainwashed piece of crap. The partition plan left a third of the Palestinian people who represented, with the Bedouins, the majority of the people in the Jewish part of the partition. The UN imposed permanent Jew rule on these Palestinians in a state called the Jewish State. The Muslims and Christians had to refuse to abandon a third of their population to being ruled by European colonial settlers.

1) Not European Colonial Settlers

2) By 1947 the part of the Partition designated for the Jewish State was already a majority Jewish population.

That was one of the conditions set by the Mandate so that the Jewish State would be granted approval.

It was approved by the UN in November of 1947.

The Arabs refused their part of the partition. Declared war in November 1947 after the UN approved the new State.

May 14, 1948 Israel declared Independence.
May 15, 1948 Five Arab countries declared war on Israel and attacked the new State.

The Arabs in the south listened to their leaders and fled or fought the Jews
The Arabs in the north stayed in their villages and became part of the new State.

When you give up wanting to see the State of Israel destroyed, your new ideas may improve Jewish-Muslims relations rather than make them worse.
Maybe the best way to solve the Israeli-palestinian problem would be a binational State for Jews and Palestinians. :)
Rational and good Israelis and Palestinians should talk and make this possible :)

I have always said that a secular democratic state for all the inhabitants of Palestine/Israel would be the solution. That's what the Muslims and Christians have wanted since the Mandate was signed in the 20s.

The UN Partition on 1947 was to give the Jews their State and the Muslims their State on what was left of the Mandate of Palestine.

The Muslims said no.
The Jews said yes, and they were approved for the State of Israel to become Independent.

The Muslims continue to say no to their own State. One called Palestine.

They want not only Gaza, Judea and Samaria but all of Israel.

It is written in both the PLO and Hamas Charters.

When a people make it very clear in their charters (PLO and Hamas) that they will not accept a State for the Jews next to them, take them seriously.

Turning the whole area into just ONE state gives the Muslims exactly what they want.

A sovereign Muslim majority and a subservient non Muslim minority.
It is not only the Jews who will be treated, again, as second class citizens, but all non Jews, and even many Muslims who are pro a Jewish State.

Who, in their right mind is going to accept what the Muslims really want in the end?

You are such a brainwashed piece of crap. The partition plan left a third of the Palestinian people who represented, with the Bedouins, the majority of the people in the Jewish part of the partition. The UN imposed permanent Jew rule on these Palestinians in a state called the Jewish State. The Muslims and Christians had to refuse to abandon a third of their population to being ruled by European colonial settlers.

1) Not European Colonial Settlers

2) By 1947 the part of the Partition designated for the Jewish State was already a majority Jewish population.

That was one of the conditions set by the Mandate so that the Jewish State would be granted approval.

It was approved by the UN in November of 1947.

The Arabs refused their part of the partition. Declared war in November 1947 after the UN approved the new State.

May 14, 1948 Israel declared Independence.
May 15, 1948 Five Arab countries declared war on Israel and attacked the new State.

The Arabs in the south listened to their leaders and fled or fought the Jews
The Arabs in the north stayed in their villages and became part of the new State.

When you give up wanting to see the State of Israel destroyed, your new ideas may improve Jewish-Muslims relations rather than make them worse.

No colonial settlers? The Zionists themselves stated exactly what they were planning. You need to use better sources or continue to look foolish.

From 1899 NYT



Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

And in 1926 Jewish Telegraphic Agency

"Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee

The contemplated trip to the United States of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, the continuation of his efforts while in America to extend the Jewish Agency through his negotiations with the Marshall group, the possibilities of extending Jewish colonization work outside of the present Palestine frontiers, including. Transjordania and certain parts of Syria, were the main features around which the deliberations centered."

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ
Palestinians contribution to the world:

1) Refugees who "must" be returned to the State of Israel (to help destroy Israel)

2) Suicide Belts - to help the Israelis realize that there is no point in them having their sovereign State. That that will always be attacked, until they give up.

3) International Terrorism - to help the world stop helping Israel, and help the Arab Palestinians bring back into Islam the part invaded and kept by Muslims (most of the time) for 1300 years.

The Palestinians, 100 years of catastrophic mismanagement

Yes but what about all the endless Palestinian contributions to the world before 1948?

Insanity, terrorism, Arab Islamic Nazism.
This thread became derailed almost immediately after the OP. It's been cleaned and reopened. If your post is deleted, if you received a warning, then you really may want to rethink your posting style.

The topic, from what I can gather in the OP - is a claim based on the Roman times, made by Allen West. Get back to it please.
· Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015

· Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world

· Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan

Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.

If you wish to prance across the globe like a 19th century colonial empire, you should expect resistance and blow back. Or you will be constantly shocked and outraged. It is a rather simple choice you make once you select a behavioral path. The problem some americans have is that they no longer recognize a free people when they encounter such a group, american society having prostrated itself to concentrated corporate wealth/power long ago.
Israel, the dealers of death.

Y'all must be proud.

Yes, Israel is very proud of its accomplishments.
Many of which you may have used knowingly or unknowingly
to better your life

List of Israeli inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia

Damn right and they should be. They are one of the most successful countries every established!

Other countries need to copy their success. They have gone from a desert nation to a first world industrialize nation in just a few decades!

Sent from my iPhone using
When a people make it very clear in their charters (PLO and Hamas) that they will not accept a State for the Jews next to them, take them seriously.
It is not next to Palestine. It is inside Palestine. There is a vast difference there.
When a people make it very clear in their charters (PLO and Hamas) that they will not accept a State for the Jews next to them, take them seriously.
It is not next to Palestine. It is inside Palestine. There is a vast difference there.

It is inside the REGION of Palestine, just as Transjordan is part of the REGION of Palestine, which was part of the Mandate for Palestine.

1920 Mandate for Palestine map

Israel is inside the region known as Palestine, within the Mandate for Palestine.

If you do have another map of Palestine which shows that Israel is not within the Mandate for Palestine (the region of Palestine), post it.

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