How Much $$$ have You Personally Made in the Stock Market since Biden took Office?

Hey, I realize many of you knuckle-draggers think the Stock Market is No Indicator of the Economy, but you certainly did when POS45 touted it.

Back to basics, for those of US actually in the Stock Market, for the Long Term.

I pretty much ignore my portfolio. I'm a buy and hold kind of guy.

When I checked about a year ago, I was up well into six figures since the pandemic.
I pretty much ignore my portfolio. I'm a buy and hold kind of guy.

When I checked about a year ago, I was up well into six figures since the pandemic.
How can you afford that on your meager shill check, gumbo?

I gotta call BS on that one, or else you wouldn't be here shilling as hard as you do.
I can buy and sell losers like you a thousand times.

You could never buy me. I ain't that type of cracker, nawsuh.

You can't buy what's not for sale, bitchass t-rick.

Just like a private company with no public offering.
The lockdowns were put into place based on the recommendations of Trump's CDC, so Trump did have something to do with it
Fair point for the “buck stops here” philosophy. But again, the operative word being “recommendation”, but ok, you have a point.
Of Course.

1). Bad News......Not trumps fault, Blame others
2). Good trump is awesome
3). Team trump EVEN tries to take credit for Positive News he has zilch to do with.
Well, that is how USMB works so, it’s not out of the ordinary.

But, in this case, trump can’t order a state to lock down.
I heard the dems want to raise capital gains taxes up to 40%. How’s that for minimizing your gains?
Oil production decreased for years and we actually ran out of gas, (remember the "ransomware" fuel distributor hoax?)Yeah, they actually ran out of fuel and that was a lie. Then Biden started dipping into The Strategic Reserve.Food, fuel, housing, utilites all went up by a large percentage and wage increases have not kept pace.The prices of all goods went up. The USA is not better for Biden being cheated in at all, in fact, just the opposite.Don't get me started on foreign policy as well.
Fact: Biden's admin has done well with energy produce.

False: The Duke knows what he is talking about. If he does, he is lying about it for political reasons.
Oil production decreased for years and we actually ran out of gas, (remember the "ransomware" fuel distributor hoax?)Yeah, they actually ran out of fuel and that was a lie. Then Biden started dipping into The Strategic Reserve.Food, fuel, housing, utilites all went up by a large percentage and wage increases have not kept pace.The prices of all goods went up. The USA is not better for Biden being cheated in at all, in fact, just the opposite.Don't get me started on foreign policy as well.
Fact: Biden's admin has done well with energy produce.

False: The Duke knows what he is talking about. If he does, he is lying about it for political reasons.
Oil production decreased for years and we actually ran out of gas, (remember the "ransomware" fuel distributor hoax?)Yeah, they actually ran out of fuel and that was a lie. Then Biden started dipping into The Strategic Reserve.Food, fuel, housing, utilites all went up by a large percentage and wage increases have not kept pace.The prices of all goods went up. The USA is not better for Biden being cheated in at all, in fact, just the opposite.Don't get me started on foreign policy as well.
Fact: Biden's admin has done well with energy produce.

False: The Duke knows what he is talking about. If he does, he is lying about it for political reasons.
At least half of the states that had lockdowns were GOP.

In 2020, multiple states in the United States implemented various restrictions and lockdown measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s a summary:

  1. Stay-at-home orders: Many states issued stay-at-home orders, which restricted activities and closed facilities to slow the virus’s progression. These orders varied in duration and severity.
  2. Face coverings: By November 2020, 38 states, along with the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, required people to wear face coverings in public statewide.
  3. Partisan differences: The pandemic response was influenced by partisanship. Democratic-led states initially had higher case rates, while Republican-led states saw higher case and death rates later in 2020.
  4. State variability: Thousands of U.S. counties also implemented their own policies, resulting in significant variability even within states.
For a detailed breakdown of each state’s actions, you can refer to the Wikipedia page. Forty-three states issued statewide shelter-in-place, stay-at-home, closure, or shutdown orders. provides information on states that did not issue stay-at-home orders.

Please note that this information reflects the situation up to 2020, and responses may have evolved since then.

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