How do we get 155 million people to stop voting for the ‘duopoly’ / ‘uniparty’?

All. War, spending, police, education, healthcare, vaccine, homeless, MIC, CIA, Israel, China, Russia, Cuba, Iran, NATO, tax cuts for the rich, unjust justice system, etc….
Do you have a more detailed argument or are these vague claims all you're working with? How about on accepting the outcomes of elections? Same same on that too? That's a pretty important one. No?
We’ve heard it here a thousand times…..”stop voting for the duopoly”….“the parties are one and the same”….”there is no difference between the two parties”….etc etc
(Most don’t agree with that at all, most see at least one major difference between the parties.)
I’m sane enough to know that if I stop voting for the dupoly the duopoly will still win….That said, how can I be assured that my effort of ‘not voting’ will eventually pay off as others join in on the Don’t Vote coalition to prevent the duopoly from winning?
I don’t see any number of sane people ever being willing to take the chance. The only way this would work is if all 155 million stopped voting for the duopoly at the exact same time… How do we make that happen….are we just fantasizing?
Here’s a switch. Get more choice with a single party! In Baltimore City primary day is de facto Election Day, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t choice. There are Democratic clubs all over town, spanning the landscape from conservative to ultra-liberal. At “election” time there aren’t just be two candidates, but often 4-5 from differing political clubs.
Do you have a more detailed argument or are these vague claims all you're working with? How about on accepting the outcomes of elections? Same same on that too? That's a pretty important one. No?
Oh please, do your own homework.

It should be apparent to you.
Oh please, do your own homework.

It should be apparent to you.
You should be able to give a better, more detailed explanation for your argument. I told you what I see in detail and you can't even respond to it.

Is denying election results the same as accepting election results and is accepting the outcomes of elections not important?
a quick search reveals only the Filthy MSM is in favor if RCV and the commeee posters here up above. I won’t work hard enough to “understand” it. Appears to be a trojan leftist bait and switch where DEM commee eliminate non-deep state possibilities.

The public learned of trashed ballots from the very beginning. Maine was the first state to use ranked-choice voting in a federal election in 2018.21 In a highly contested race in Maine’s 2nd Congressional District, 8,253 voters who wanted their voices heard instead had their ballots thrown away.22

Likewise, in Alaska’s congressional special election to fill its At-Large District, nearly 15,000 ballots were tossed from consideration.23 This includes more than 11,000 ballots that were trashed because they voted for only one Republican candidate and no one else.24
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Even if they were, they are both losers.

How, in a country of 330 million, is this the best we can do ?

Because outside forces are selecting our newer Candidates (AOC, Obiden 1,2, Fetterman, Menendez etc). They use the MSM (now the Courts also) to rip to peices any they do not want.

Henceforth, good decent folks wont try anymore. Trump was the final non-deep state chance. They now have him in four Courts on made up BS as the DEM commeee cheer. They have some of his colleagues locked up. Dragging his son to court, Don JR fined millions routinely as Hunter and Menedez walk free.

Since they stole 2020 there is almost no way to stop them now.//
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None of you have suggested improvements that are reasonable. Just crazy suggestions to disband the government. Fuck off and start your own party.
I always love it when you plop down your little defeats like this - empty insulting posts that boil down to "I got nuthin'".

you claimed all Politicians have the same policies? huh? Maybe true fie Deep Staters but not my choice. Rand Paul or Trump perhaps?

Trump policy never banned gas stoves as only one example. Trump policy never dumped trillions into EV cars or mandated rooftop Solar in CA (to “cool the Globe”). lol!
We had good economy with cheap energy.

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