How do we get 155 million people to stop voting for the ‘duopoly’ / ‘uniparty’?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
We’ve heard it here a thousand times…..”stop voting for the duopoly”….“the parties are one and the same”….”there is no difference between the two parties”….etc etc
(Most don’t agree with that at all, most see at least one major difference between the parties.)
I’m sane enough to know that if I stop voting for the dupoly the duopoly will still win….That said, how can I be assured that my effort of ‘not voting’ will eventually pay off as others join in on the Don’t Vote coalition to prevent the duopoly from winning?
I don’t see any number of sane people ever being willing to take the chance. The only way this would work is if all 155 million stopped voting for the duopoly at the exact same time… How do we make that happen….are we just fantasizing?
Not this time.....
A wasted vote is a sad thing... but a wasted vote when we have a tyrant in office like Biden is just plain stupid... if you want Biden gone you must vote for Trump not some fantasy candidate...
Not this time.....
A wasted vote is a sad thing... but a wasted vote when we have a tyrant in office like Biden is just plain stupid... if you want Biden gone you must vote for Trump not some fantasy candidate...
Agree. I didn't vote for Dole, McCain or Romney. But I didn't view Clinton or Obama as incompetent or, literally, a threat to America.
Biden is a pedophile, liar, racist and all around white trash piece of shit. Trump is a leftist, lying, conman piece of shit. Our congress uses the fruits of our labor to pay off their sexual assault victims. They make money off their BS overbearing regulations through the stock market and lobbies. They let our border be overrun, debt increase, divide us, lie to us, send our tax dollars to other countries etc.
And the duopoly still owns our elections.
Our voting base is goddamn stupid. That will not change.
We’ve heard it here a thousand times…..”stop voting for the duopoly”….“the parties are one and the same”….”there is no difference between the two parties”….etc etc
(Most don’t agree with that at all, most see at least one major difference between the parties.)
I’m sane enough to know that if I stop voting for the dupoly the duopoly will still win….That said, how can I be assured that my effort of ‘not voting’ will eventually pay off as others join in on the Don’t Vote coalition to prevent the duopoly from winning?
I don’t see any number of sane people ever being willing to take the chance. The only way this would work is if all 155 million stopped voting for the duopoly at the exact same time… How do we make that happen….are we just fantasizing?

It's not on the people, it's on a party that wants to supplant one of the "Big two"

Start local, build up over time, and override the party closest to your ideals.

Barring a complete collapse of a Party, like with the Whigs before the Civil War, that's the only option.
We’ve heard it here a thousand times…..”stop voting for the duopoly”….“the parties are one and the same”….”there is no difference between the two parties”….etc etc
(Most don’t agree with that at all, most see at least one major difference between the parties.)
I’m sane enough to know that if I stop voting for the dupoly the duopoly will still win….That said, how can I be assured that my effort of ‘not voting’ will eventually pay off as others join in on the Don’t Vote coalition to prevent the duopoly from winning?
I don’t see any number of sane people ever being willing to take the chance. The only way this would work is if all 155 million stopped voting for the duopoly at the exact same time… How do we make that happen….are we just fantasizing?
Ranked choice voting will end the duopoly since a 3rd or 4th party would be viable, IMHO.
You’re never going to convince enough people to vote against the duopoly. We’re too far gone.

The only way to break up the duopoly is to change the system itself. A implementation of ranked-choice voting fixes this issue instantly.
Ranked choice voting will end the duopoly since a 3rd or 4th party would be viable, IMHO.

The problem is we aren't a parliamentary style system, where ranked choice voting would work.

Our Legislatures aren't designed for coalition forming because there is no way constitutionally to call for early elections.
We’ve heard it here a thousand times…..”stop voting for the duopoly”….“the parties are one and the same”….”there is no difference between the two parties”….etc etc
(Most don’t agree with that at all, most see at least one major difference between the parties.)
I’m sane enough to know that if I stop voting for the dupoly the duopoly will still win….That said, how can I be assured that my effort of ‘not voting’ will eventually pay off as others join in on the Don’t Vote coalition to prevent the duopoly from winning?
I don’t see any number of sane people ever being willing to take the chance. The only way this would work is if all 155 million stopped voting for the duopoly at the exact same time… How do we make that happen….are we just fantasizing?
Yes. You're never going to get that many people to cooperate towards the same goal of ending the duopoly if what's replacing it is still something half the people don't want. There is no magic bullet to change. It requires grinding hard work over long periods of time. Roll up your sleeves you fucking Snowflakes and starting convincing the next generation that you have solutions to their problems, not just your own.
We’ve heard it here a thousand times…..”stop voting for the duopoly”….“the parties are one and the same”….”there is no difference between the two parties”….etc etc
(Most don’t agree with that at all, most see at least one major difference between the parties.)
I’m sane enough to know that if I stop voting for the dupoly the duopoly will still win….That said, how can I be assured that my effort of ‘not voting’ will eventually pay off as others join in on the Don’t Vote coalition to prevent the duopoly from winning?
I don’t see any number of sane people ever being willing to take the chance. The only way this would work is if all 155 million stopped voting for the duopoly at the exact same time… How do we make that happen….are we just fantasizing?
1. remove the legal supports for the GOP/DEM. No more state funded primaries, no $3 to presidents, etc.
2. remove political affiliations from ballots for all elections. Voters will still be ignorant but in a candidate non-partisan race there's a chance their vote may follow their actual beliefs
3. End political advertising and 100% fund all elections at every level through public monies.
The problem is we aren't a parliamentary style system, where ranked choice voting would work.

Our Legislatures aren't designed for coalition forming because there is no way constitutionally to call for early elections.
Apples and oranges. Ranked choice fits nicely into our system of one winner per election. No coalitions other than 'independents' just like it is now. No need for early elections.
We’ve heard it here a thousand times…..”stop voting for the duopoly”….“the parties are one and the same”….”there is no difference between the two parties”….etc etc
(Most don’t agree with that at all, most see at least one major difference between the parties.)
I’m sane enough to know that if I stop voting for the dupoly the duopoly will still win….That said, how can I be assured that my effort of ‘not voting’ will eventually pay off as others join in on the Don’t Vote coalition to prevent the duopoly from winning?
I don’t see any number of sane people ever being willing to take the chance. The only way this would work is if all 155 million stopped voting for the duopoly at the exact same time… How do we make that happen….are we just fantasizing?
Most of them are as stupid and frightened as you are, so it's an uphill slog. We'll probably need to move to RCV before it will happen, but the two-party drones will fight that tooth and nail. It may just be too little, too late.
You’re never going to convince enough people to vote against the duopoly. We’re too far gone.

The only way to break up the duopoly is to change the system itself. A implementation of ranked-choice voting fixes this issue instantly.
You're right.
Which is why we eliminate any party reference on election day.
All elections are non-partisan and no electioneering on election day.
Maybe third party candidates could be normal candidates instead of weirdos.

That is a good way to start.
1. remove the legal supports for the GOP/DEM. No more state funded primaries, no $3 to presidents, etc.
2. remove political affiliations from ballots for all elections. Voters will still be ignorant but in a candidate non-partisan race there's a chance their vote may follow their actual beliefs
3. End political advertising and 100% fund all elections at every level through public monies.
1 and 3 are good. 2, not so much. If someone doesn't know a candidate's party do you really think they'll know the issues?
Apples and oranges. Ranked choice fits nicely into our system of one winner per election. No coalitions other than 'independents' just like it is now. No need for early elections.

you might end up with 20 parties all hating each other and no way to form a majority to organize the chamber.

We would have an executive without a functioning legislative body for up to two years.
1. remove the legal supports for the GOP/DEM. No more state funded primaries, no $3 to presidents, etc.
2. remove political affiliations from ballots for all elections. Voters will still be ignorant but in a candidate non-partisan race there's a chance their vote may follow their actual beliefs
3. End political advertising and 100% fund all elections at every level through public monies.

2. Constitutional issue, right to speech and association.
3. That's idiotic.

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