How do we get 155 million people to stop voting for the ‘duopoly’ / ‘uniparty’?

You ever hear of a non partisan primary?

Nonpartisan blanket primary - Wikipedia

Louisiana primary - Wikipedia

No it isn't, it's a sign of the right to free association.
The jungle primary serves the needs of the political party in power.
Democrats in California where you people bitch about their primaries because Republicans rarely make the cut
Republicans in Louisiana where Democrats rarely make the general and bitch about the process.

The "Jungle primary" is the most partisan of all political activities.

Where in the Constitution does it say
we have to have political parties
that party affiliation must be listed on ballots

I know that eliminating party affiliation on the ballot scares the crap out of MAGATS BECAUSE...
Right now all you have is the hate for Democrats to drive your base.
If your base can't tell the difference they'll have to be educated
Just vote randomly.

the educated voter and the non-partisan ballot scares the crap out of Republicans because, either way, they'll lose half their voters.
LOL - and you think people will just forget that Biden is a Democrat and Trump is a Republican when they go to the polls?

Even if they were, they are both losers.

How, in a country of 330 million, is this the best we can do ?
Small difference and almost all the differences relate to social issues and not fiscal ones.

At the federal level and even at the larger state(s) level.

At those levels they should be vastly different and they should mostly be playing golf.
two party system we have in America is better than the parliamentary system in Europe
When has anything beyond the minimum ever been asked of the electorate.
That is the nature of political parties.
They replace actual policies with slogans.
No need to think, to learn, to educate, just come up with a catchy slogan.
No, that is the nature of Americans. I bet the average guy could name more players on his team than he could name those on SCOTUS.
At times.
But it would be because of IDEAS rather than party influence.

repeating the same bit of ignorance doesn't make it less ignorant. There've be non-partisan elections in this country since its founding. There is no requirement in the Constitution for political parties much lass that political party affiliation be announced on the ballot.

How were they educated before spending a billion dollars on advertising for a single office? Meet the Press? Local radio and TV?

So let the media oligarchs control access?

or the government?

We’ve heard it here a thousand times…..”stop voting for the duopoly”….“the parties are one and the same”….”there is no difference between the two parties”….etc etc
(Most don’t agree with that at all, most see at least one major difference between the parties.)
I’m sane enough to know that if I stop voting for the dupoly the duopoly will still win….That said, how can I be assured that my effort of ‘not voting’ will eventually pay off as others join in on the Don’t Vote coalition to prevent the duopoly from winning?
I don’t see any number of sane people ever being willing to take the chance. The only way this would work is if all 155 million stopped voting for the duopoly at the exact same time… How do we make that happen….are we just fantasizing?

If we didn't vote for an R or a D
Who would we vote for?

Who would work with them?

I don't recall ventura getting a lot done as Governor
The jungle primary serves the needs of the political party in power.
Democrats in California where you people bitch about their primaries because Republicans rarely make the cut
Republicans in Louisiana where Democrats rarely make the general and bitch about the process.

The "Jungle primary" is the most partisan of all political activities.

Where in the Constitution does it say
we have to have political parties
that party affiliation must be listed on ballots

I know that eliminating party affiliation on the ballot scares the crap out of MAGATS BECAUSE...
Right now all you have is the hate for Democrats to drive your base.
If your base can't tell the difference they'll have to be educated
Just vote randomly.

the educated voter and the non-partisan ballot scares the crap out of Republicans because, either way, they'll lose half their voters.

It's speech and association restriction.

That's the issue.
Easy-peasy....Just buy our votes.....I mean let's face it, there are too many middlemen in the vote buying business.

Hell, I don't want to have to take the time to get a loan, go to college and get a worthless degree, only to wait around to have some old fart forgive it, just buy my vote straight-up.

I'm a reasonable man, how about:


So let the media oligarchs control access?

or the government?

Media oligarchs?


Maybe a good dose of Joeicillin will help you get rid of that MAGAREAH.
I hear the brain drip is quite painful.

Media oligarchs?


Maybe a good dose of Joeicillin will help you get rid of that MAGAREAH.
I hear the brain drip is quite painful.


Man, you don't even understand the consequences of what you are proposing. What a dimwit.
It's speech and association restriction.

That's the issue.
Like I said oh dumbest of asses

Yo0u can call yourself a MAGAT all day long.
You can have a badge printed with your face and MAGAT printed in big letters.

But there's no reason to put that on the ballot EXCEPT to ensure the two party and only two party system is preserved.

So I guess that makes you part of the problem.
Like we didn't know that.
But the partisans have already convinced their drones that RCV is a "trick" by the other side.
It’s unfortunate that people are stupid enough to fall for that.

The solution is obvious. I’m optimistic that we’ll eventually get there. But I don’t expect it any time soon.
It’s unfortunate that people are stupid enough to fall for that.

The solution is obvious. I’m optimistic that we’ll eventually get there. But I don’t expect it any time soon.
Its happening locally, where people are people and actually talk to each other.

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