How Bad Al Goe Is - 20 pages

What BluesLegend said, and in addition, climate moron left wingers genuflect to the 70,000 eco-hypocrites who recently flew to Dubai, many thousands of them in private jets. There they yukked it up, lived life large, and ordered the moron underlings to eat insects and ride bicycles when they're not driving to protests to glue their hands to freeways and interrupt decent people going about their business.
These nuts actually want to persuade us we can control climate. They even allege we control the sea. They get rich off of saying that. Suckers believe them.
These nuts actually want to persuade us we can control climate. They even allege we control the sea. They get rich off of saying that. Suckers believe them.
Not we, you and that fool chem engineer who still thinks the periodic table is misnamed and only he knows it….a little hyperbolic, much like you.
You’re just pissed because the world passed by while you slept your way through science classes……
Really? Tell me how you stopped hurricanes or even Tornadoes. Tell me when you decided to cause the sea level to rise. Did your parents know?
Not we, you and that fool chem engineer who still thinks the periodic table is misnamed and only he knows it….a little hyperbolic, much like you.
You show up promising us you control the world's climate. Step up and prove you do.
Not we, you and that fool chem engineer who still thinks the periodic table is misnamed and only he knows it….a little hyperbolic, much like you.
I bought Chem Engineers fantastic book. When will yours show up promising us you control global climate?
I bought Chem Engineers fantastic book. When will yours show up promising us you control global climate?
You bought his book ? That’s proof positive you’re a fool.
Only you would think it’s fantastic. Did you get a pair of gold sneakers with it ? Did he tell you how stupid he is in not knowing what the word ‘ period’ refers to in the “ periodic table” in claiming he was smarter than every university in the world…
Control? That would imply a Dr Evil kind of button. :)
Influence?...most certainly. Through habits and actions.
I influence the direction my car goes. But what the hell, it is your fault because of habits and actions. At least this is the contention of the alarmists. Funny that they have never proven they do manage to control climate.
You bought his book ? That’s proof positive you’re a fool.
Only you would think it’s fantastic. Did you get a pair of gold sneakers with it ? Did he tell you how stupid he is in not knowing what the word ‘ period’ refers to in the “ periodic table” in claiming he was smarter than every university in the world…
That is you on stupid unable to be honest about climate. So you control climate? Because of your science teacher who taught you nothing?
That is you on stupid unable to be honest about climate. So you control climate? Because of your science teacher who taught you nothing?
I’m stupid and you bought a book by “ChemEngineer”.
The bozo who claims to be smarter than every university in the world ? I have some little doll images of Trump for sale, interested ? My science teachers knew what a periodic table was….and none were frauds enough to call themselves a Chem engineer.
I’m stupid and you bought a book by “ChemEngineer”.
The bozo who claims to be smarter than every university in the world ? I have some little doll images of Trump for sale, interested ? My science teachers knew what a periodic table was….and none were frauds enough to call themselves a Chem engineer.
Chem Engineer does not pretend he controls climate. But you believe you do. I am sure you won't buy his books because you do not want genuine knowledge.
I’m stupid and you bought a book by “ChemEngineer”.
The bozo who claims to be smarter than every university in the world ? I have some little doll images of Trump for sale, interested ? My science teachers knew what a periodic table was….and none were frauds enough to call themselves a Chem engineer.
One of my best friends in High school became a Chem engineer. Chem Engineer is an author. You are a troublemaker who claims to control climate.
Bet your ass….you can’t run away from this a-hole. Hey bubba…he’s your nominee, knight in black armor ready to turn back all of Gore supported legislation.

….. your hypercritical super anti climate AGW bullshitter ? Gore Is mother Teresa.. The same Trump guy who just met with big oil to sell them a promise to turn back oil regulations for a one billion dollar bribe. That criminal pro Russian pollution promoter ? That idiot ?
Goddamn your nuttier than a 5 pound fruitcake. As I said I don't like Trump which makes your rant even more insane. Gore is as much a scam artist as Trump but you morons eat his shit up and can't wait for people like him to take your shit away for your own good.

Goddamn your nuttier than a 5 pound fruitcake. As I said I don't like Trump which makes your rant even more insane. Gore is as much a scam artist as Trump but you morons eat his shit up and can't wait for people like him to take your shit away for your own good.

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That’s bull shit. You’re a denier which makes you science illiterate. Gore based his presentations on the science of the day, which compared to deniers, is spot on. You have nothing but out of context made up snippets. Of what Gore represented. Gore dint make up shit. He used the science of the day…you’re making up shit.
My argument is based on one simple fact. Every climate science research facility in the world, major corporation and govt supports Gore, not you, and not tha fking imbecile Trump or his fellow magotts..

Now you have no answer but pretend all climate science is wrong, and you, laughably, are right…

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