Holder's True Motive

Let's face it the real motive is to have the Bush Administration's policies and tactics out there for the world
to see.This whole business of transparency,to suck up to the French,to appease George Soros and that
whole left wing of this Administration. This is being done to appease those on the left that want Bush tried for war crimes. I lost track of all the liberal callers to WABC radio in NY who said as much when they called in to support this plan.

If Bush/Cheney did nothing wrong, what do they have to fear?

The truth will set you free

Neither Bush or Cheney are on trial. My problem with many on the left is that they appear to be more concerned with putting the previous Administration on trial that they would be happy to let actual terrorists get away with their crimes if that results in getting Bush.

Sometimes, it is necessary to do things that one would prefer not to have to do. It's so very easy to sit in the stands whining about the players on the field.... it's not quite so black and white when you are the one responsible for the security of your fellow Americans.

We assume we know everything - we don't.
Let's look at this logically.

1. Obama hates America
2. Obama hates New York even more
3. Obama wants the United States to be attacked
4. Obama wants KSM to go free and live happily ever after as a guest at the White House
5. Obama hates the Military

Conclusion: Obama is inviting an attack on NYC and in fact the entire country to further his agenda to let Islam take over the USA, behead all white people and live in communist glory for all time.

The irony is that the semi-insane Political Charlatan Obami Salami is literally getting away with murder (on a national not a personal scale) because his psychosis is so BIZARRE.

There are many who are not aware of the ACADEMIA'S ELITE SUPER WORLD VISION taught to the select few at Harvard, Yale, Princeton and some other elitist Universities to their GLOBALIST clones.

They are simply known as "GLOBALISTS".

Dick Morris, whom even the LibNuts would admit is a very sane person (based on the fact that he was Clinton's Numero Uno Advisor), touched on that issue on the O'Reilly show a few days ago. I wrote the names of the authors of the books on "GLOBALISM" Dick Morris mentioned. I wrote the names in a hurry.....the authors of the books are Shehan (sp) and John Bolton.

These Globalist whackjobs consider GLOBAL HARMONY as the ULTIMATE POLITICAL GOAL. i.e. reductio ad absurdum.

Admittedly, altruism is something that is extremely desirable and laudable......but the extreme twisted form of it leads precisiely to Obami Salami's psychosis in that he, and whackjobs like his stooge Holder, and......this is important, Soros the Multi-Billionaire Maestro who is the Grand Financier championing this "World View" concept are part of this truly bizzare fantasy.

In this "World View", America is literally the GREAT SATAN (sans the Religious conotation). America is the BIG BULLY oppressing the World with its CAPITALISTIC ENSLAVEMENT.....full circle to the MARXIST VISION of the EVIL RICH EXPLOITING THE POOR !!!!

For many, the GLOBALIST pool from whence these nutjobs "mature" are, understandably, MARXISTS....or impressionable, bright youngsters full of twisted IDEALISM who inadvertently fall into this trap.

Not surprisingly Obami Salami was the PERFECT CANDIDATE. Who more than Obami Salami to more likely become a GLOBALIST ???? Obami Salami's mother was a domineering MARXIST mommy, super influential in Obami Salami's life. The drunkard Dad, whom Obami worshipped was a stone cold Marxist. Obami's mother's father,Obami's grandfather was a frantic wannabe Communist. According to Obami's book (Dreams of my Father) his grandad introduced Obami to a communist poet "FRANK" at the age of 9. And, who became his acknowledged mentor thru his early college years. This "FRANK" turned out to be Frank Marshall Davis, the notorious Commie Poet. in his day, this Frank Marshall Davis, tried to convert the NAACP into a Communist Front......but failed. And what about Obami's African relatives whom he recently visited ? Answer: ALL of them are MARXISTS or outright COMMUNISTS. Prominent among them is his cousin MARXIST ODINGA.....a RAPIST and a MURDERER, known as the "AFRICAN STALIN"....leader of the OPRESSIVE "Orange Democratic Party" of Kenya. And, Obami Salami is right there photo-oped attending Odinga's rallies. Other photos show Obami arm in arm with this Monster....smiling (at a family gathering in Kenya). Space does not permit to list all the incontrovertible proof that Obami Salami is a MARXIST......but what the hell would it take even a moderately rational person to conclude that especially in the light of his present activities ??????

The Psychotic MARXIST Political Charlatan Obami Salami, like all Globalists wishes to be HISTORY'S FIRST GLOBALIST CHAMPION. The ULTIMATELY coveted title that would secure him everlasting HISTORICAL FAME. Destroying America in the service of the World is the Obami Salami Agenda.

Insane as these GLOBALISTS may sound.......THAT IS THE CONCEPT that Dick Morris mentioned. And, I don't have any reason to dispute those conclusions.

On a lighter note: I don't know about Libtard Ravi's conclusion about "beheading all white people"..... if Obami Salami achieves his goal........ being a pathological liar, to whom will he be able to indulge his favorite pastime of lying to ??????

Too damn long...didn't read it

Did anyone else? He seemed to work so hard typing it
Let's face it the real motive is to have the Bush Administration's policies and tactics out there for the world
to see.This whole business of transparency,to suck up to the French,to appease George Soros and that
whole left wing of this Administration. This is being done to appease those on the left that want Bush tried for war crimes. I lost track of all the liberal callers to WABC radio in NY who said as much when they called in to support this plan.

If Bush/Cheney did nothing wrong, what do they have to fear?

The truth will set you free

Neither Bush or Cheney are on trial. My problem with many on the left is that they appear to be more concerned with putting the previous Administration on trial that they would be happy to let actual terrorists get away with their crimes if that results in getting Bush.

Sometimes, it is necessary to do things that one would prefer not to have to do. It's so very easy to sit in the stands whining about the players on the field.... it's not quite so black and white when you are the one responsible for the security of your fellow Americans.

We assume we know everything - we don't.

Excuse me?

What was the title of this thread? "Holders true Motive". The right are the ones bringing up BOOOOOOOSH

It seems to me that after seven long years of limbo, that it is the left who are finally bringing these monsters to trial. The best the right can come up with is the only reason these Monsters are being tried is so that evidence against Bush/Cheney can be presented.

Bush/Cheney have claimed for years that they were operating within the law.....we shall see
Let me see if I've got this straight????

1.The military tribunals were in progress, approved by the Supreme Court. After 8 years of lawsuits to stop them.

2. The dirtbag terrorists were all going to plead guilty and be executed.

3. OL'BO comes to power and stops the tribunals.

4. Now we are going to have an expensive dog and pony show in NYC. The dirtbags are going to plead not guilty so they can spew their garbage and quite possibly be aquitted.

Gotta wonder if anyone in OL'BO's team has an ounce of common sense?? I guess not. Then of course you have to wonder about the politics of the whole thing. Now that makes sense. The politics. Apparantly the victims of 9-11 don't count for much when you figure in the politics. Oh yeah, the politics
thats what seems to be important to this administration.

I always thought these guys had no right to a civil trial in the United States because they were captured overseas. Apparantly they do according to what Navy posted on another thread. Unlike some on this board if I make a mistake I will own up to it. Having done so, it still doesn't negate the fact that the tribuanls were in progress and Ol'BO stopped them. The tribunals could have been over by now and these dirtbag terrorists executed.

If these guys are aquitted Me thinks the American People will not be happy at all. Hmmmmm. Another nail in OL'BO's coffin perhaps????

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