Here is why the Israeli Ethnic Cleansers are already being beaten


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022

What are terrorist nations The USeLess and Israel to do ?​

Check called and Mate in Five , as Nazi Nutty Yahoo and Cronies gasp for air

Yemen closes down 30% of world shipping!!!

It is fair to say that the Houthis have the Neocon militarists over a barrel with nowhere to go unless WW III is a valid objective. If the US with its feeble-minded Congress and equally anaemic foreign policy apparatus believe they are still to be feared, the Houthis have called their bluff.

From mid-November when the Ansarullah launched their first drone, the world has followed their heroic deeds to protect the Moustazafeen (oppressed ones) of planet Earth. It may be that the Houthis own experience at the hands of the Empire has sensitized and empowered them to the Hegemon-initiated suffering they have endured.

Those Houthis are unique individuals as it appears they get their dander up when they experience raw genocide conducted against a defenseless civilian population which has now suffered 20,000 fatalities, gratis US bombs and missiles.

Drone attacks were conducted through the Bab al-Mandeb strait, a 20-mile wide narrow passageway leading from the Indian Ocean into the Red Sea and up to the Suez Canal which has now, in effect, closed down. It is that Strait which controls 30% of the world’s shipping.

The Houthis Have Biden by the Shorthairs
Houthi boardings on cargo ships have been unexpectedly effective as five of the largest international shipping lines chose to ‘pause’ their operations as the Houthis forced shipping to find an alternative route around Africa.

The Israel goal has shifted from destroying Hamas since it is now recognized that strategy was never realistic. Israel has instead focused on the extermination of Palestinians from their indigenous home, incurring a full range of war crimes.

Disrupting the supply chain of shipments headed for the psychotic Israel is nothing short of genius strategy as it goes to the heart of what the Zionists value most; it took the Houthis to recognize the vulnerability of international trade on its way to Israel to brazenly intercept tankers and oilers exhibiting more chutzpah than seen among many other more well-heeled Islamic nations.

As if Israel and its patron, had not enough to worry about, Malaysia, another small chink in the chain, has joined the fray as it has closed all its ports to Israel traffic.

Meanwhile the USS Eisenhower remains floating idly in the tropical waters of the Red Sea without any sign of retaliation against the Houthis who could be expected to respond with an armed, under water drone to take out one US bazillion dollar floating bathtub.

As the Israel-Gaza conflict becomes more intense along the Lebanon border with Hezbollah adopting a more aggressive response, it is no coincidence that Yemen has been bombed since 2014, sanctioned by the US since 2012 and at war with its Saudi neighbors (with US weapons) in 2015, all of which failed as the Houthi’s refused to succumb to the Hegemon.

With a sitting duck flotilla of US Navy’s Operation Prosperity Guardian, the US has pushed the panic button with creation of an unimpressive ten member maritime coalition (including Bahrain — home to the US Fifth Fleet and member of the limp-noodle Abraham Accords), Canada sent three staff officers and the UK sent one rusted-out tin can to patrol the Red Sea in a futile effort to stop underwater armed drones.

To date, the US/UK have shot down a dozen drones as if to challenge Houthi’s authority in international waters as the US remains in a self delusional world. The Houthis shot down a $30 million American MQ-9 Ripper unmanned aerial vehicle since it “engaged in hostile surveillance and espionage activities in the airspace of Yemeni territorial waters.”

Suddenly, creation of a Palestinian state is now on the table even as the US will remain the largest block of resistance despite the election of Trump who, as a Zionist, will dance to Israel’s tune.

Never one to miss an opportunity to blame Iran for any military aggressive behavior, the US accused Iran of being “deeply involved’ with the Houthis as if US motives are pure as the driven snow.

As if the US’ highest priority is to continue confrontational relations with every country in the world which denies its status as Empire, there is no serious strategy on dealing with a principled opponent except more violence and hatred. The Houthis continue to make fools of the multi-billion dollar US Navy.

Source , Global Research
Copyright © Renee Parsons,
Israel has been buttfucking Gaza for 3 months. Israel is going to continue to buttfuck Gaza for several more months as well. "Israel is being beaten"?

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Israel has been buttfucking Gaza for 3 months. Israel is going to continue to buttfuck Gaza for several more months as well. "Israel is being beaten"?
The IDF conscripts have nowhere to go . Once they bomb buildings, all of their tanks are immobilised .They cannot move through the rubble .
Then and already they have to fight hand to hand with trained men and cannot force a win , whilst Hezbollah meanwhile takes over north Israel
Maybe Syria comes in and takes back the Golan Heights .
If Turkey and Russia enter the fray it is "curtains " for Israel .

As for the US getting arms and/or men over there ---- HOW ?
No open sea routes and Russian and Iranese Hyper Sonic Missiles could take out the whole USeLess Navy in a single day .

It's more complex than you thought .

What are terrorist nations The USeLess and Israel to do ?​

Check called and Mate in Five , as Nazi Nutty Yahoo and Cronies gasp for air

Yemen closes down 30% of world shipping!!!

It is fair to say that the Houthis have the Neocon militarists over a barrel with nowhere to go unless WW III is a valid objective. If the US with its feeble-minded Congress and equally anaemic foreign policy apparatus believe they are still to be feared, the Houthis have called their bluff.

From mid-November when the Ansarullah launched their first drone, the world has followed their heroic deeds to protect the Moustazafeen (oppressed ones) of planet Earth. It may be that the Houthis own experience at the hands of the Empire has sensitized and empowered them to the Hegemon-initiated suffering they have endured.

Those Houthis are unique individuals as it appears they get their dander up when they experience raw genocide conducted against a defenseless civilian population which has now suffered 20,000 fatalities, gratis US bombs and missiles.

Drone attacks were conducted through the Bab al-Mandeb strait, a 20-mile wide narrow passageway leading from the Indian Ocean into the Red Sea and up to the Suez Canal which has now, in effect, closed down. It is that Strait which controls 30% of the world’s shipping.

The Houthis Have Biden by the Shorthairs
Houthi boardings on cargo ships have been unexpectedly effective as five of the largest international shipping lines chose to ‘pause’ their operations as the Houthis forced shipping to find an alternative route around Africa.

The Israel goal has shifted from destroying Hamas since it is now recognized that strategy was never realistic. Israel has instead focused on the extermination of Palestinians from their indigenous home, incurring a full range of war crimes.

Disrupting the supply chain of shipments headed for the psychotic Israel is nothing short of genius strategy as it goes to the heart of what the Zionists value most; it took the Houthis to recognize the vulnerability of international trade on its way to Israel to brazenly intercept tankers and oilers exhibiting more chutzpah than seen among many other more well-heeled Islamic nations.

As if Israel and its patron, had not enough to worry about, Malaysia, another small chink in the chain, has joined the fray as it has closed all its ports to Israel traffic.

Meanwhile the USS Eisenhower remains floating idly in the tropical waters of the Red Sea without any sign of retaliation against the Houthis who could be expected to respond with an armed, under water drone to take out one US bazillion dollar floating bathtub.

As the Israel-Gaza conflict becomes more intense along the Lebanon border with Hezbollah adopting a more aggressive response, it is no coincidence that Yemen has been bombed since 2014, sanctioned by the US since 2012 and at war with its Saudi neighbors (with US weapons) in 2015, all of which failed as the Houthi’s refused to succumb to the Hegemon.

With a sitting duck flotilla of US Navy’s Operation Prosperity Guardian, the US has pushed the panic button with creation of an unimpressive ten member maritime coalition (including Bahrain — home to the US Fifth Fleet and member of the limp-noodle Abraham Accords), Canada sent three staff officers and the UK sent one rusted-out tin can to patrol the Red Sea in a futile effort to stop underwater armed drones.

To date, the US/UK have shot down a dozen drones as if to challenge Houthi’s authority in international waters as the US remains in a self delusional world. The Houthis shot down a $30 million American MQ-9 Ripper unmanned aerial vehicle since it “engaged in hostile surveillance and espionage activities in the airspace of Yemeni territorial waters.”

Suddenly, creation of a Palestinian state is now on the table even as the US will remain the largest block of resistance despite the election of Trump who, as a Zionist, will dance to Israel’s tune.

Never one to miss an opportunity to blame Iran for any military aggressive behavior, the US accused Iran of being “deeply involved’ with the Houthis as if US motives are pure as the driven snow.

As if the US’ highest priority is to continue confrontational relations with every country in the world which denies its status as Empire, there is no serious strategy on dealing with a principled opponent except more violence and hatred. The Houthis continue to make fools of the multi-billion dollar US Navy.

Source , Global Research
Copyright © Renee Parsons,

Doesn't Israel have a naval base on the Red Sea at Eritrea?
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Doesn't Israel have a naval base on the Red Sea at Eritrea?
More targets for drones , rockets and missiles ?
Is that your pro - Hoooty Tooty thinking ?

My guess is that they are waiting to send a USeLess aircraft carrier to the bottom by using Iranese underwater drones .
More targets for drones , rockets and missiles ?
Is that your pro - Hoooty Tooty thinking ?

My guess is that they are waiting to send a USeLess aircraft carrier to the bottom by using Iranese underwater drones .

What? Why on earth would I be pro Houthis?

Israel still wants the US to attack Iran. I just hope we aren't that stupid.
More targets for drones , rockets and missiles ?
Is that your pro - Hoooty Tooty thinking ?

My guess is that they are waiting to send a USeLess aircraft carrier to the bottom by using Iranese underwater drones .
One has to admire your optimism. Are you related to Baghdad Bob?

What are terrorist nations The USeLess and Israel to do ?​

Check called and Mate in Five , as Nazi Nutty Yahoo and Cronies gasp for air

Yemen closes down 30% of world shipping!!!

It is fair to say that the Houthis have the Neocon militarists over a barrel with nowhere to go unless WW III is a valid objective. If the US with its feeble-minded Congress and equally anaemic foreign policy apparatus believe they are still to be feared, the Houthis have called their bluff.

From mid-November when the Ansarullah launched their first drone, the world has followed their heroic deeds to protect the Moustazafeen (oppressed ones) of planet Earth. It may be that the Houthis own experience at the hands of the Empire has sensitized and empowered them to the Hegemon-initiated suffering they have endured.

Those Houthis are unique individuals as it appears they get their dander up when they experience raw genocide conducted against a defenseless civilian population which has now suffered 20,000 fatalities, gratis US bombs and missiles.

Drone attacks were conducted through the Bab al-Mandeb strait, a 20-mile wide narrow passageway leading from the Indian Ocean into the Red Sea and up to the Suez Canal which has now, in effect, closed down. It is that Strait which controls 30% of the world’s shipping.

The Houthis Have Biden by the Shorthairs
Houthi boardings on cargo ships have been unexpectedly effective as five of the largest international shipping lines chose to ‘pause’ their operations as the Houthis forced shipping to find an alternative route around Africa.

The Israel goal has shifted from destroying Hamas since it is now recognized that strategy was never realistic. Israel has instead focused on the extermination of Palestinians from their indigenous home, incurring a full range of war crimes.

Disrupting the supply chain of shipments headed for the psychotic Israel is nothing short of genius strategy as it goes to the heart of what the Zionists value most; it took the Houthis to recognize the vulnerability of international trade on its way to Israel to brazenly intercept tankers and oilers exhibiting more chutzpah than seen among many other more well-heeled Islamic nations.

As if Israel and its patron, had not enough to worry about, Malaysia, another small chink in the chain, has joined the fray as it has closed all its ports to Israel traffic.

Meanwhile the USS Eisenhower remains floating idly in the tropical waters of the Red Sea without any sign of retaliation against the Houthis who could be expected to respond with an armed, under water drone to take out one US bazillion dollar floating bathtub.

As the Israel-Gaza conflict becomes more intense along the Lebanon border with Hezbollah adopting a more aggressive response, it is no coincidence that Yemen has been bombed since 2014, sanctioned by the US since 2012 and at war with its Saudi neighbors (with US weapons) in 2015, all of which failed as the Houthi’s refused to succumb to the Hegemon.

With a sitting duck flotilla of US Navy’s Operation Prosperity Guardian, the US has pushed the panic button with creation of an unimpressive ten member maritime coalition (including Bahrain — home to the US Fifth Fleet and member of the limp-noodle Abraham Accords), Canada sent three staff officers and the UK sent one rusted-out tin can to patrol the Red Sea in a futile effort to stop underwater armed drones.

To date, the US/UK have shot down a dozen drones as if to challenge Houthi’s authority in international waters as the US remains in a self delusional world. The Houthis shot down a $30 million American MQ-9 Ripper unmanned aerial vehicle since it “engaged in hostile surveillance and espionage activities in the airspace of Yemeni territorial waters.”

Suddenly, creation of a Palestinian state is now on the table even as the US will remain the largest block of resistance despite the election of Trump who, as a Zionist, will dance to Israel’s tune.

Never one to miss an opportunity to blame Iran for any military aggressive behavior, the US accused Iran of being “deeply involved’ with the Houthis as if US motives are pure as the driven snow.

As if the US’ highest priority is to continue confrontational relations with every country in the world which denies its status as Empire, there is no serious strategy on dealing with a principled opponent except more violence and hatred. The Houthis continue to make fools of the multi-billion dollar US Navy.

Source , Global Research
Copyright © Renee Parsons,

Global Research is a silly internet tabloid.
What? Why on earth would I be pro Houthis?

Israel still wants the US to attack Iran. I just hope we aren't that stupid.
Good to hear .
There are so many hysterical and out of balance people ---- see the Forum Outcasts -- that it is dfficult to be current.

I have suggested from the start that Deep State has had enough of Israel and hopes their False Flag will encourage both it and USeLess to showcase their most natural talent--- Stupidity .

Remember that both Dear Uncle and The Donald might well represent different factions within Deep State, and the elimination of troublesome Israel could be a key aim --- Nutty and his mad pals are too obviously insane for an increasingly nuanced One World Government aim.

Namely , Softly , softly catchee Monkey . Not involving a bunch of psychotic lunatics who see everything only in black and white terms .
What? Why on earth would I be pro Houthis?

Israel still wants the US to attack Iran. I just hope we aren't that stupid.
Luiza may not know that the Saudis hate the
Houthis. "Israel still wants the US to attack
Iran"-----persons who claim that they KNOW
what other people "WANT" exhibit evidence of
Global Research is an islamo-nazi publication. The article is, very simply, UMMAH DANCING ON THE DEAD BODIES OF INFANTS---again
Have you no brain of your own to use ?
Can you not discriminate between Substance and propaganda ?
How on earth can you run a Deep State without labelling every thing that opposes you as Fake or biased etc ?

How insane are you to suggest that the OP represents an "Islamo Nazi" report?
Which bits ?
How ?
Detail ?

Stop parroting nonsense before thinking .
Have you no brain of your own to use ?
Can you not discriminate between Substance and propaganda ?
How on earth can you run a Deep State without labelling every thing that opposes you as Fake or biased etc ?

How insane are you to suggest that the OP represents an "Islamo Nazi" report?
Which bits ?
How ?
Detail ?

Stop parroting nonsense before thinking .
"parroting" ----has someone published an opinion of "GLOBALRESEARCH" as being islamo nazi? I have read many articles from that idiot publication---I have no need to
PARROT. The article is long and chock full of islamo-nazi BULLSHIT----just reread it
Luiza may not know that the Saudis hate the
Houthis. "Israel still wants the US to attack
Iran"-----persons who claim that they KNOW
what other people "WANT" exhibit evidence of
Luiza judged my statement "fake news" I made only two points---1) the saudis hate the Houthis ---even surada would agree with that one---they have been bombing the houthis for years and
the Houthis bombed them. 2) that mind reading thing is consistent with disordered thinking aka PSYCHOSIS----check any text of psychiatry----the short version of KAPLAN is excellent
It's more complex than you thought .
the players ...yes when economics provide motives ........
Israel still wants the US to attack Iran. I just hope we aren't that stupid.
Israel has had expectations of US intervention from day one, they are outmanned, outnumbered and surrounded and would not have engaged in such bold ventures w/out their 'big stick'....
Are you related to Baghdad Bob?
related would be>

the players ...yes when economics provide motives ........

Israel has had expectations of US intervention from day one, they are outmanned, outnumbered and surrounded and would not have engaged in such bold ventures w/out their 'big stick'....

related would be>
View attachment 880775
what "bold venture"? they did not attack Iran------just Gaza on extreme provocation
The IDF conscripts have nowhere to go . Once they bomb buildings, all of their tanks are immobilised .They cannot move through the rubble .
Then and already they have to fight hand to hand with trained men and cannot force a win , whilst Hezbollah meanwhile takes over north Israel
Maybe Syria comes in and takes back the Golan Heights .
If Turkey and Russia enter the fray it is "curtains " for Israel .

As for the US getting arms and/or men over there ---- HOW ?
No open sea routes and Russian and Iranese Hyper Sonic Missiles could take out the whole USeLess Navy in a single day .

It's more complex than you thought .
Except for those armor plated D-9 Dozers that clear the path for the tanks.
Seems despite what you have written, the U.S. has been supplying both the Ukraine and now Israel.
Your obvious Fifth Column propaganda isn't working too well here.
Except for those armor plated D-9 Dozers that clear the path for the tanks.
Seems despite what you have written, the U.S. has been supplying both the Ukraine and now Israel.
Your obvious Fifth Column propaganda isn't working too well here.
Thus the 'big stick' both have been reliant on Doc.....~S~
Except for those armor plated D-9 Dozers that clear the path for the tanks.
Seems despite what you have written, ( NOWHERE , EVER ) the U.S. has been supplying both the Ukraine and now Israel.
Your obvious Fifth Column propaganda isn't working too well here.
It seems that the obvious is not clear to you .
Of course this is the case .
The Ukraine war is effectrively over . Russia has decimated the enemy and will continue to do so until its terms are accepted .

So, what point had you in mind , apart from trying to put words in my mouth ?

Naturally the Isaraeli False Flag was/ is the follow - on, in terms of Never Ending Wars philosophy .
And naturally it deflects from Washington and Kyiv humiliation

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