Here are RINOs Who Voted for McCarthy for Speaker and May Vote for a Democrat

He's a single minded, self centered, political holy roller animated showman and attention getter with little to no fruit...
And with no ability to pull all sides of the Republican congress critters together, to garner the votes needed, to get anything passed or coordinated on the republican side....

Remember, the Rs need to show they can govern.... They got the majority, to do that.... 2024 will be all losses of any gains if they can't perform, produce for their voters.
So its heads you win and tails we lose?

Vote for McCarthy or else?
He's a single minded, self centered, political holy roller animated showman and attention getter with little to no fruit...
And with no ability to pull all sides of the Republican congress critters together, to garner the votes needed, to get anything passed or coordinated on the republican side....

Remember, the Rs need to show they can govern.... They got the majority, to do that.... 2024 will be all losses of any gains if they can't perform, produce for their voters.
I am watching the FOX shills now spewing what you would do. This is about no more RINO speakers screwing the voters over. If McCarthy agrees to a little more, he will be speaker. TV people are closer to all of this and still sell us out when we need them.
So its heads you win and tails we lose?

Vote for McCarthy or else?
The choices suck wind, no doubt!

Noooo, McCarthy is simply not trustworthy, there has to be someone else, some unknown true conservative, that hasn't been a limelight seeker, that the Rs with different views, trusts???
The choices suck wind, no doubt!

Noooo, McCarthy is simply not trustworthy, there has to be someone else, some unknown true conservative, that hasn't been a limelight seeker, that the Rs with different views, trusts???
Are you a republican?

II dont think you are
He's a single minded, self centered, political holy roller animated showman and attention getter with little to no fruit...
And with no ability to pull all sides of the Republican congress critters together, to garner the votes needed, to get anything passed or coordinated on the republican side....

Remember, the Rs need to show they can govern.... They got the majority, to do that.... 2024 will be all losses of any gains if they can't perform, produce for their voters.
Blah, after it's sorted out nobody will even remember it past the first time the gop House puts the kibosh on something the dems pine for and the MSN goes off.

This will be a mere footnote to be dredged-up every now and again.....Just something for the small/no dick crowd to get all breathless over.
Blah, after it's sorted out nobody will even remember it past the first time the gop House puts the kibosh on something the dems pine for and the MSN goes off.

This will be a mere footnote to be dredged-up every now and again.....Just something for the small/no dick crowd to get all breathless over.
Maybe. :)

But it is still a once in a hundred year event, for the History books!
So its heads you win and tails we lose?

Vote for McCarthy or else?
Now you get it.

The US federal government run by insane radicals in both parties who will vehemently oppose anyone or anything that suggests there should be any kind of spending limits or border security.

Everyone else will be labeled an extremist racist lunatic.
Repubs have every right to vote for McCarthy

But I cant see any of them voting for a democrat out of spite

If McCarty is unelectable why not Jordan instead?
That is what we are going to see play out. It may take awhile.

The Freedom Caucus is fighting for all Americans. Unfortunately many Americans are too stupid to understand it.
That is what we are going to see play out. It may take awhile.

The Freedom Caucus is fighting for all Americans. Unfortunately many Americans are too stupid to understand it.
I’ll believe it when I see it

Even the biggest RINO in the house has nothing to gain by voting for a democrat
I’ll believe it when I see it

Even the biggest RINO in the house has nothing to gain by voting for a democrat
Nobody is voting for a Democrat.

The Freedom Causus is fighting to keep from a RINO from being Speaker of the House. It is as simple as that.

If McCarthy is going to be Speaker then he has to give guarentees to the Freedom Caucus that he won't have a process or Committee Chairmanships where the RINOs can give away the store.
Nobody is voting for a Democrat.

The Freedom Causus is fighting to keep from a RINO from being Speaker of the House. It is as simple as that.

If McCarthy is going to be Speaker then he has to give guarentees to the Freedom Caucus that he won't have a process or Committee Chairmanships where the RINOs can give away the store.
I’m on your side

What the op implies is that the McCarthy wing will cave into the democrat agenda to get him elected with dem support
Isn't the next debt ceiling vote, still at issue....? There will be a gvt shutdown, without an operating House, on top of the pending recession, and inflation still at our feet?
I don't think or know, that Jordan can't get the 218 republican votes.
So, who could capture both radicals or outliers, or strict conservatives, and the mainstream Republicans?
1. IMHO its going to be McCarthy or no one. The Taliban Wing of the GOP (~20) House members are stubborn, and the McCarthy wing (~202) are stubborn. I have no clue how this Speaker vote plays out. Someone has to blink, and I think it won't be McCarthy.

2. As for the raising Debt Ceiling, you are correct. But that vote will happen in late spring.
I’m on your side

What the op implies is that the McCarthy wing will cave into the democrat agenda to get him elected with dem support
We saw how the RINOs caved to the Democrat filth the first couple of years of Trump's administration. Just look at the RINO support for that stupid destructive ominous spending bill the Democrat assholes shoved through before Christmas. The Republicans could have stopped it if they wanted.

The freedom Caucus is trying to prevent the RINOs from giving away the store once again and that is a good thing.

Is it possible some Democrats will support a RINO McCarthy rather than let the Freedom Caucus win? Absolutely. Politics make strange bedfellows.
We saw how the RINOs caved to the Democrat filth the first couple of years of Trump's administration. Just look at the RINO support for that stupid destructive ominous spending bill the Democrat assholes shoved through before Christmas. The Republicans could have stopped it if they wanted.

The freedom Caucus is trying to prevent the RINOs from giving away the store once again and that is a good thing.

Is it possible some Democrats will support a RINO McCarthy rather than let the Freedom Caucus win? Absolutely. Politics make strange bedfellows.

Democrats could elect mccarthy if republicans wont

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