Happy Confederate Memorial Day Texans

Who said anything about scaring you? I said the goal was to eradicate your culture, I don't care if you're frightened or not. But I am happy to see at least one or two of you being honest deplorables.
in a generation of two of teaching hate instead of history you will probably succeed

It seems to be going well for you

Ignorance is your friend
in a generation of two of teaching hate instead of history you will probably succeed

It seems to be going well for you

Ignorance is your friend
I don't have to teach hate. Teaching the fact that your people left the union to protect owning human beings as property generates hate all on its own for the simple fact that decent people tend to hate deplorable slavers and deplorable slaver lovers.
Yes you do

Your whole persona is dripping with hate

And it comes from the fact that you owe whites so much for everything you have

That really bothers you
Your fail and imagined narratives only reveal what bothers you, Clown. In case you didn't know. :laugh:
Yes you do

Your whole persona is dripping with hate

And it comes from the fact that you owe whites so much for everything you have

That really bothers you

Yes. His parents had to flee his black run shithole and come to the U.S. to mooch off Whitey, and like all the other mooches they parrot some bullshit or other about how they deserve it n stuff. lol they're just deadbeat con artists, same as IM2 and the other whiners.
Yes. His parents had to flee his black run shithole and come to the U.S. to mooch off Whitey, and like all the other mooches they parrot some bullshit or other about how they deserve it n stuff. lol they're just deadbeat con artists, same as IM2 and the other whiners.
Apparently you dipshits don't understand the concept of dual citizenship.... :laugh:
Yes you do

Your whole persona is dripping with hate

And it comes from the fact that you owe whites so much for everything you have

That really bothers you
Your ancestors suck traitor shit and hopefully they died in great great pain. You only suck shit if you act like it.
They were loyal to their states. Their was no treason on their part.

Most of the Confederate officers - especially the highest-ranking officers, who had served in the U.S. Army - had taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution.

They were absolutely traitors.
Actually his sentiments were white nationalist sentiments, same as the majority of abolitionists. He was for shipping them all back to Africa. As an Illinois politician he helped strengthen the Black Codes so it was impossible for any black to make a legal living in the state, same as a couple of other states did in the 1850's.

During the war he and his armies herded 'freed slaves' into contraband camps where hundreds of thousands of them died just to keep them from fleeing North. Those that weren't incarcerated were forced to work on seized plantations and not allowed to leave without written permission from the administrators. So much for what he claimed was 'freedom'.
Lincoln knew the 13th was coming before he was assassinated. And his friendship with Douglas was documented. So, imo, it's clear that Lincoln abandoned the hopeless, and morally unacceptable, option of manumission.
They did support and defend the Constitution. It's Lincoln who violated the Constitution.

Got some news for you....

The U.S. Constitution is mainly a charter for creating the U.S. federal government.

You cannot support and defend the Constitution, while fighting to destroy the Federal Union created by the Constitution.

The two are mutually exclusive.
I remember many years ago that the DMV was closed on Robert E. Lee's birthday. My mother had taken my older brother to the DMV to either take the test for his driver's license or driver's permit, but the DMV was closed. Note: Confederate Memorial Day is Robert E. Lee's Birthday.
Lincoln knew the 13th was coming before he was assassinated. And his friendship with Douglas was documented. So, imo, it's clear that Lincoln abandoned the hopeless, and morally unacceptable, option of manumission.

If that were really the case and not just current political convenience he wouldn't have starved so many to death in contraband camps and would just let them go, and he wouldn't have forced some back onto the plantations and made them work. The maps of the contraband camps show them to be along major river routes, and the North was shipping a whole lot of food overseas, so it wasn't an unavoidable tragedy but a deliberate choice on his part. His idea of 'free blacks' doesn't support the Lincoln Myth.

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