Haley positioning herself as ‘alternative candidate’ to embattled Trump or as ‘frontrunner for 2028’

This year is MAGA's last stand. And it will be rejected in November. The numbers do favor Republicans taking back the Senate until at least 2026 when the numbers swing back in Democrats favor.
After this year, you'll see MAGA start to dwindle.

Haley staying in the race will do nothing to damage her chances of running again. In fact, it may help her that she can say she stood up to MAGA in 2024. :)
That may well be. Progs though will destroy themselves. A major party having many groups with different views on the way to live and many of those same views diametrically opposed to others in the same party. So, we see Israel/Islam with multiple reactions between groups, Homeless people living 3rd world, and Illegals causing Prog Sancturary cities to fracture against their own politicians as two agendas that is causing stretch marks in the bastard pregnancy that is known as the Progressive Socialist Party.
Should that matter?

No other state is going to know her better than her home state where she governed.

If they choose Trump over her by 20 points...she can't be considered a better leader than President Trump.
Americans aren't very good at choosing leaders.
In this instance, I would wholeheartedly disagree.
True leaders are routinely rejected by the voters. A true leader would insist that all Americans do their part for the country. This is anathema to the average American.

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