Haley Calls Navalny a ‘Hero,’ Saying Trump Must Answer for His Death

All of you Extreme Biden cult fucks would be dancing in the street if Trump were killed….spare me your crocodile tears for Navalny.
Wow, Putin attacks his political opponents and jails them and kills them?

Amazing. Democrats would never do that.
America at war massacred it's political opponents at Kent State.

There's that!

Then there's the Iraq massacre that was perped on false pretenses and lies?
Looks like Biden and Putin are two peas in a pod. Anyone that is a threat to their regime, either dies or is put through the courts to bankrupt them and ruin their lives.
LOL. According to your orange fuhrer, a President has immunity from both civil and criminal prosecution for actions taken as part of his official White House duties.

So, Biden can do the fuck he wants, right?
Why doesn't xiden or Haley herself have to answer to that. Trump has no more control than they do. That bitch will never get my vote.

They both did, retard. Try to keep up.
How many of you Extreme Biden Cult Fucks even knew who Navalny was before he died?

Now you mourn? :auiqs.jpg: :clap:

But not for any of the Ukrainians who are now dead because of Biden?
I guess we speak different languages, criticizing a situation is not the same as taking responsibility for it. When you answer to/for something you're taking responsibility. Or is that some kind of east coast thing?

Yeah, it is. We on the East coast also know a retard when we see one. Thanks for playing.
You're Vladimir Putin.

You've just given a Global, Billion view interview,
You've destroyed the Propaganda of your detractors,
Your popularity is 80% in the polls at home,
Your enemies in Ukraine are facing internal collapse,
Your proxies funders are losing interest,
Your Army is about to win Victory in Avdeevka,
Your enemies have failed to undermine your Economy,
Your allies are firmly behind you, BRICS is growing,
Your about to be re elected in the upcoming contest.

So what do you do?

Kill a politically irrelevant, marginalised and long forgotten (by the Western Client Media) Western funded stooge ( making sure to use a uniquely traceable Russian poison while doing it) all in an effort to to hand the failing West a reason to activate their vast client propaganda media to deflect for all of the above recent successes?
Anyone in the West who believes this utterly insane fantasy needs to consider how desperate the Western powers, who are set to lose so much in Ukraine, are to inflict any kind of damage, at any price, on Russia, there's a name for this.
At least the RINO bitch is consistent with her Democrat buddies blaming Trump for everything.
The bitch needs to be attacking Mr. Potatohead, not Trump. She will get more Primary votes that way.

If a Republican wanted elect a Never Trumpster they would just vote Democrat.
So, you don't blame Putin but blame the victim of his crimes? How big of you.

Its way more complex than that.
The US and EU has been attacking Russia for a century.
In the 80s we bankrupt the USSR by illegally weaponizing space with SDI.
In the 90s we negotiated the return of East Germany by promising "no eastern expansion of NATO", and we lied, adding about a dozen ex-Warsaw Pact countries.
So we are the "bad guy", not Russia.
Only Trump shits on our soldiers.
No idea what this means "

75% of males do not qualify for the military? Citation required along with explanation. Have standards risen so?

We do police duties as you call it to insure our world dominance for our economic dominance. No other reason.
We can be crushed economically and lose our freedoms in a war with no bullets fired.
Trump does not understand this either and would not listen when this was explained to him.
This is in no small part what made him the most dangerous to us, president we have ever had.

Standards for the military have dropped, not risen.
It is just that these days, everyone is overweight, out of shape, vaping, or flunking out of school.

We "crushed" ourselves economically by running up a $37 trillion dollar national debt that we can not even afford to pay the interest on.
The greatest economy the world has ever produced is failed?
Not interested in international politics? Strategic alliances, trade agreements, defense organizations boar you? Then you need to thank God others pick up your slack.
You cannot build in isolationism.
Whoever feed you these things is a moron.
You need to wake the fuck up.
Your thoughts as expressed is a fantasy.

The US has the largest GPD, but produces very little actually.
That is because we are also the greatest consumer, and we consume MORE than we export, meaning we are a slight net loss every single year.

Alliances and agreements for trade and defense are important, but the US is so obviously cheating, that no one likes or trusts us.
And eventually they will destroy us, economically and militarily.
We are too dangerous to be ignored.
MAGA will not critisize the murderer, Poootin. They are in the pocket of the Poootin asset, trump. And they are more afraid of trump and his cult, than trump is afraid of Poootin. Here is the circle of Power. trump-MAGA-Poootin-Musk
Musk is helping Putin win in Ukraine. MAGA and trump are blocking aid to Ukraine.

How do you know what caused Navalny's death?
There has been no autopsy yet.

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